This game is _________

This game is a piece of interactive media.


This game is in its most balanced state since launch.

This game is great (excluding matchmaking/smurfs).

This game is awful as a Solo Queue Main Tank.

This game is as enjoyable as it was at Launch.

This game is my ticket to Esports, :stuck_out_tongue:

This game is in need of more frequent changes to simple numbers that would make the worst heroes also reasonably viable in high tier gameplay

ā€¦hopefully going to pull up from the spiralling nosedive in quality itā€™s been in over the course of the last year.

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frustrating to play and thrilling to play at the same time and I just donā€™t have it in me to quit playing the game.

my favourite game, one ive had a ton of fun in and made a lot of memories with friends in :stuck_out_tongue:

Still fun after 3 years.

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This game is a game I get bored of very quickly, but then within a week or two want to play again. And then within three days, I am bored to death of it again.

Rinse and repeat.

The feeling reminds me of how I felt about Black Ops 3 once everyone and their mothers had jumped on the CoD wagon, and all the original CoD players had left due to Ghosts being such a developers-players communication mess.

In shortā€¦ I really like the game, but the seams have been showing for too long now, and the community, whether consciously or not, has been responding to these seams, making it harder each ā€œbig updateā€ to make a logical case for Overwatch, rather than against it. Though in my case, I donā€™t care to make a case against it, but I also canā€™t make a case for it anymore, and I think thatā€™s pretty telling for me, personally. (Again, exactly how I felt about Black Ops 3 a few months after release, when the novelty of it washed away - not comparing the games, comparing how I felt.)

ā€¦enabling a lot of not-safe-for-work cosplay pics on instagram.

The best game Iā€™ve ever played.
Itā€™s up there with Halo 3.

If you donā€™t agree, think about the amount of time youā€™ve spent playing or talking about this game in comparison to all others.

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ā€¦ a pretty good game.


A lot worse than it was in 2017.

great (20 char)ā€¦

Its one of my favourite games and it feels like it had a really bad period but is slowly getting better

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Less than most of the games Iā€™ve played, even with over 4000 posts.

Thatā€™s not how this worksā€¦
Thatā€™s not how ANY of this works.

The peak of rule 34 content.

Why continue playing a game you dont enjoy?

ā€¦ people waching over you

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That is precisely the question I keep asking myself.