This game is _________


This game is
Capable of being better if the forums were closed and turned into a developer’s blog instead. Bug reports would go to blizzard and get fixed, as long as the reports aren’t a cry for help to nerf or buff a character.
Only the important stuff would be on the developer’s blog. PTR updates, announcements and general game information would be available to view and to comment on, but that’s it.

Comments that even hint about 90% of the threads we see in general discussion will be discarded and discouraged.
No more forums. Just a community blog that refreshes itself every 24 hours.

Play Nice, Play Neutral



about Hero Switching!


…Still fun for me ;D

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This game is like the Schrodinger’s cat of gaming. It is simultaneously dead and alive at the same time.


Mechanically satisfying, aesthetically pleasing, competitively frustrating but ultimately fun for me.

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This game is badly managed.

They focus on the wrong things and ignore the most important things that matter.

We are told they care about every hero but until recently they have favourited heroes and gone as far as ignoring bug reports for heroes which have many posts and likes while responding to bug reports for favourited heroes on the first post.

The people playing the game aren’t who matter, Only the perception that they are doing well matters for their stock holders so things like OWL will always be focused on as it gives the perception that the game is doing well and in a good place even if it isn’t.
There were many things that were unchanged since release until Goats and Diablo immortal, Things that gave the game negative PR. So instead of fixing genuine problems it is to fix negative perceptions.

The game has been managed badly for years, It seems to be getting better now but it would have been nice if the right things were focused on from the very start as so many basic principles were ignored in favour of making the game into a spectator sport even though people bought it to actually play.

They have some talented people working at Blizzard but the way they have handled this game and prioritized all the wrong things has been so shocking I will think very very carefully before I buy blizzard products in the future.

Blizzard are no longer the company I fell in love with many years ago, They do so many things terribly and a lot of the talent who made the good decisions have left.


This game is … designed for eSports and not the main playerbase.


Thank you very much for this!

That is a good one. I might need to steal it.

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Fill in the blank


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…going back on the shelf when archives is done.

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Struggling to keep up with itself or raise the bar.

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Policed by the nofun police. :stuck_out_tongue:


a waste of potential but sadly still unrivaled


…made up almost entirely of casual game mechanics but marketed as a competitive game because money is more important than common sense.


This game can’t be played every day like it used to be, but with frequent breaks it remains fun.

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