This game is spyware

There’s a spy among us

which is why ow went from 25 gigs to 50?
spyware devs: “how can we get access to more systems?”
“what if we take over the gaming industry?”

Spyware doesn’t need to be gigabytes in size.

yeah overwatch is mild compared to Volarant. With Valorant though, they better be careful because someone can use Packet injection to take down their servers and knock them out fully. Thats the joy of spyware, reverse engineering it and using its return lines against the owners. Its a security exploit to their systems. Its one thing to enforce cheatware, its another to be scummy like Valorant. Im surprised someone hasn’t built a return payload with a WORM built into the return delivery…

When it “calls home” and receives packet crafted return information files… :smiling_imp:

eitherway, IQ5000 idea on their part. its not a matter of “if” its a matter of “when”. smh. some people’s kids…

I assume you have a smartphone op …

That thing constantly records you and you carry it with you everywhere you go.

yet it is. you speak as if all spyware is equal. an empty point. invalid point. doesn’t refute my point. doesn’t explain the sudden double size. whatsoever. i get it. you didn’t know what to say.

So is your phone, your TV & literally any other device with an internet connection.

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Everthing is spyware.
All food is microplastics.
The world is dying.

This isnt new buddy