"ThIs GaMe Is DyInG BlIzZaRd DoEsn'T aDd EnOuGh CoNtEnT"

While In just these past few months we’ve gotten Workshop, replays, Role queues, Baptiste lore and a challenge for his skin, all stars skins, jjonak zenyatta mvp skin, big balance changes, and the usual events. But yeah let’s keep saying blizzard doesn’t add enough even though they’ve added highly requested features this year


You sound like you are way too invested in this.


none of what you listed is content lol


Holy crap you guys are the most entitled brats I’ve ever seen, I really hope your being sarcastic.


Workship is something that very few players can actually use because of how complex it is. Granted its fun to mess around with the heroes stats and what not, but it wont have its true potential until a map editor is made with it.

Replays is something I’ll give, thats for sure.

Role que is a mixed bag. Some want it, some dont. All things considered, its just LFG but forced into match making with roles.

Baptiste Lore and skin really didn’t do much aside from giving you a skin and making you win 9 games. Can that really be considered content? I’m happy we got lore though. They have at least a paragraph of lore now for the game at this point.

All Star/JJonak skin is all OWL related. For those who care less about OWL, it doesn’t really matter because you need to pay real money for the skins. Plus, skins aren’t content.

Big Balance changes that are mostly negative and ruined a few heroes (D.VA). I mean, for crying out loud they nerfed Torbjorn. TORB. JORN. Seriously?

And the “usual” events which is really less than usual this time around with the same event with nothing new.

Aside from a single hero and some new maps, Blizzard hasn’t done a good job keeping its playerbase invested.


New content: Role queue, workshop mode, replay system
Which of these benefitted your actual gameplay in any way to be considered “new content”: role queue (best feature)
New content for a niche group of casual players: workshop mode
New content for a niche group of players in pro scene: replay system

Lore = not new content. Sorry.


dont forget we got lucio ball as well


None of that is content???
Lol wut?
Then what is it then?


No, everyone can use it. You can click right open the “custom game browser” and click on the hundreds of fun workshop gamemodes that exist, you don’t have to be a good coder to do this, Use it, please.
I’m so sick of you people acting like you’ve got no new gamemodes this year because of your refusal to use a mode which gives you hundreds of gamemodes.
And anyways, I went from knowing nothing about coding to learning it all, you could too if you wanted to, a few tutorials is all it takes.

Oh so replays is up to your standards? Very good!

A lot more want it actually, just look at the dev update like ratio. The devs spent a whole year on it, it IS content.

It was much more than a paragraph thank you very much.

Are you purposely IGNORING 2 of the biggest balance changes in history of overwatch which have happened in the last 6 months? You just found the smallest patch and slapped it on your post. If updated balance as fast as these forums suggest the game would be completely destroyed.

Fair enough, but events are supposed to be about doing something a bit different, unlocking some new skins and such, Challenges have been nice as well. It’s not about huge new gamemodes, it’s 3 weeks of the year. Jeff stated himself that focus will not be on the events.

You’re acting like that’s nothing.
EDIT: Just went over my post, Sorry if I turned out a little rude, just getting sick of this sort of stuff on these forums.


There needs to be substantial content. Summer games was a let down as far as stuff to do, and those 9 win punch cards are an easy way out. An event called Summer Games and couldn’t even add something as simple as shooting targets since archery is a sport.

They lack creativity, and if they want their game to succeed, doing the same boring stuff over and over is going to bore people. Yeah skins are fine, but it doesn’t add anything to the game besides aesthetics.

Halloween Terror has been left barely touch from previous years. Hyped up Sombra during halloween only to find out that she wasn’t even added to the event. Not a single new mob to change it up, not a second part of a map to play on. Just pretty much similar stuff.

Winter Event had Mei’s Snowball Offensive where the entire event was just singled around Mei. Nothing inclusive to other characters. Then we have the Yeti Hunter which was different but still uses multiple Mei’s and a single Winston. Not inclusive to other characters. Why couldn’t they tweak the game or make a Christmas
Mode where both teams have to collect presents scattered in maps and bring them to a Christmas Tree going back and forth to get the most present under the tree by the end of match. Even something like that can be inclusive to all characters.

Yes, they do things like balance, add characters and maps Etc., but then who even cares if the monotony isn’t broke up. Not asking for everything to be super new and innovative but like, c’mon, recycled events with little creativity and hardly no tweaks is boring for veteran players.

Feel free to have your opinion but white knighting isn’t going to fix the lack of content and the recycled events. Veteran players are tired of just going through the motions.


It’s really not that complex and even if you’re for some reason unable to piece together how to use it you’re also able to benefit from those that do and enjoy the game modes they create it’s a fantastic tool

The majority have been asking for it for years only a few minority (mostly here on the forums) don’t like it or rather don’t like the idea of it because they haven’t touched it yet and even then blizzard gave them options to play the same as we have been.

It’s lore and it is content small or not.

They’re not going to just ignore the part of their audience that actually enjoys the pro scene, complaining about this is like people that enjoy OWL complaining about event skins because it’s not OWL.

subject to opinion also some balance changes are to control unintended strengths or play styles being rewarded due to changes which torb pressing e and obliterating tanks was not intended and torb is still fine really didn’t affect him much.

It’s content

Blizzard have added some awesome stuff lately but you know what they’ve focused on, actual permanent content for the game or content that has been asked for for quite some time like they said they were going to. What you’re complaining about is events haven’t been spectacular or limited content which sure you have a right to feel that way but to say blizzard haven’t been providing us content or ignoring us is a flat out lie.


Just ignore them, haters are always going to exist it’s nothing new, and will try to project their negativity on to whatever they can, they are wrong anyway as they’ve always have been. Both the game and the franchise is doing great and it’s going to get better and better!


The new gamemodes are made entirely by the community, and its limited by the factor of current maps. What Blizzard has that we dont is an actual map creator which they can create events for Junkensteins Castle, or Lucioball. We’re limited here.

If they ever do add a map editor, I’ll give it high praise because its exactly what this game could use at this point. Its why TF2 is so popular because of the fact you can go and play Mario Kart on some maps, or go through death dungeons or something. Like that would be AMAZING! Can you imagine Hammond Mario Kart?

If they added a map editor, then it would give so much to this game. I imagine once the dust settles that this will be the next “big” thing they’ll work on.

On a recent poll that floated somewhere around, it was roughly a 58% yes and 42% no on 2/2/2, which is pretty split. Idk, my opinion on it might change once it comes in, but I still feel like they could have balanced the game rather than locking the roles because of one composition :confused:

I know, I’m just being a sarcastic a hole. But the game has been out for three years and I wish the lore moved a bit faster than its going right now. We dont know anything regarding Zen yet :sob:

Err, I might need a reminder. I tend to see updates through a little lens. Balance is a bit subjective as well, but I just dont like seeing heroes getting needless nerfs when the solution is so simple. It can be like reverting Junks nade size back to its .3 size, giving Lucios speed back since GOATs wont be a thing anymore, the armor nerf…etc.

Some might agree with it, some might not. Idk.

But they should do something to keep players invested during that downtime then if events will stay the same. Repetitiveness with this kind of thing is really bad. Like, they could add a powerup shop in Junkensteins castle, make new progression levels so you go into the actual castle itself. Something to spice it up. I know they’re just events, but its painful having something that was extremely hyped in the first two years of the game to only have it fall flat on its face in year 3 and 4.

A single hero in 7 months of the game is a slog to wait for. The map was also just rehashed from the event, so I dont know.

Yes, the Blizzard polish is amazing and a reason why I stick to this game, but oh my goodness they take forever releasing them. I understand coding and modeling takes time, but they’re a triple A studio with unlimited resources to work with. It feels like they’re working at the pace of a indie developer.

Compare that to most other companies with far less resources and you’ll see they released almost double the amount Overwatch has had.

I just want this game to be at its full potential because there wont be anything like it for a very long time.

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Yeah, but so what if they’re made by the community?
There’s still so many gamemodes out there that you can use, it’s actually really fun. I get really sick of people saying “we dont have anything fun or new gamemodes!” when workshop has so many amazing gamemodes that people have spent hundreds of hours into (Trust me when I say that).

The devs said they are adding a map editor not long ago (Keith and Dan confirmed) but be patient please! We’ve already gotten these huge features.

I think you’re talking about my large survey I made not long ago.
The overall results were 75.9% people wanted it. (It had 272 responses).
And this was from the forums where people complain about this sort of stuff, also it was slightly biased I believe as over half the responses wanted mercy buffs when she’s doing perfectly fine… it’s fine I guess it just kinda makes sense since a lot of people here are mercy mains.

Role Q isn’t primarily about balancing, but about fun. Already a few of my old OW friends are coming back to ONLY play PTR. I also personally love role q. Anyways, IMO the game will be easier balanced with role Q. Look what GOATs did to the tank class, completely destroyed it to the point where only orisa hog was viable.

I agree here, poor old zenny :sob:
They did say they were interested in giving him lore.

The problem wit balance is you can’t just race through it like there’s no tomorrow. Balance takes time, and a lot of the time, balance is better than people say it is. If balance was raced through as fast as people say it should the game would be destroyed! In fact, I personally think they’re doing it pretty fast right now.
Just a reminder:
In march they changed over half the roster and released bap (there was 2 patches that were combined into one)
Recent role lock change which changed a huge change as well that changed a whole lot.

Bap was released on PTR in early march with the giant PTR patch.

What about Paris? And maps still take a lot of effort, just because it came from on event doesn’t not make it content. I believe there might have been 1 more map early this year which I forgot (correct me if I’m wrong).

I understand that, but you need to realize that acting like what they’ve done is not content at all? makes me pretty (censored) off.
They’ve done a ton for this game this year and everything takes a LOT of time, especially if they want to make it good. I know this upcoming argument is frowned upon, but it’s still free content, EVERYTHING we’ve gotten.


Gotta love the white knights. Always entertaining to see them try and scrounge up things to defend their “do no wrong” deities.


irelevant to the game

first major changes in 3 years :clap:

after waiting 2 years for a comic which still ins’t a thing yet

who even asked for that?

once when a blue moon occurs

yes, all of them recycled from 3 years ago.


Can I ask how?
I’m just going to copy and paste my arguments above since I went over this argument.
No, everyone can use it. You can click right open the “custom game browser” and click on the hundreds of fun workshop gamemodes that exist, you don’t have to be a good coder to do this, Use it, please.
I’m so sick of you people acting like you’ve got no new gamemodes this year because of your refusal to use a mode which gives you hundreds of gamemodes.
And anyways, I went from knowing nothing about coding to learning it all, you could too if you wanted to, a few tutorials is all it takes.

I don’t know how replays is irrelevant though, tons of people have been asking for this and it’s a huge feature for people who want to improve especially.

yeah go ahead just ignore every change that’s happened to the game in the last 3 years. :roll_eyes:

Probably the only thing where I somewhat agree with you. Although there’s been quite a few cinematics and stuff, lore department need to get their heads together.

There have been 2 of the largest balance changes in the last 6 months…
Can’t move as these forums say or you’ll destroy the game, guarantee it.

Events aren’t about new gamemodes, they’re 3 weeks of the year. Events are meant for a bit of fun, maybe get some new skins and some challenges, Cool.

Still new heroes new maps as well. But people here seem to think that’s easy to add, takes no time and doesn’t count as content at all :man_shrugging:

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Workshop, replays, and role queue is all new content.

Lore / skins is not new content.

Skins are not new content.

Balance changes are not new content.

And lastly, the same boring recycled events for 4 years now is NOT new content.


At this point, anything related to the lore it’s meh. People wanted a good lore update after the first year. Not a tiny piece every two months.

The first good thing that we got, was the Custom Games update. That after a month was forgotten.
Replays. I didn’t knew about them. Let’s say that they are a good thing.

We now have the workshop, which, although it’s extremely hard to use, can create good things.
The problem? It looks like Blizzard was saying “Here you have. You create the fun now”. And not asked for. People asked for balances.

Events? Beyond Archives, they are all the same since the first year. A QoL changes over here, but the same core experience.

Skins? Those are bait for people that spend money on lootboxes. That’s just manipulation (and even with the amount of money that they got, the still fired all those employees).

Forced 2-2-2 even on QP (something that Blizzard said they were not going to do). Oh, boi…

So, in three year we got a nice update to custom games that was forgotten after a month.
A replay system (so you can study your games, yay!).
And a powertool (that’s how Blizzard describes the Workshop) that nobody asked for.

And I always like to remember about that time when Doomfist was completely broken and Blizzard did nothing during months, until a user made a post showing the 20+ bugs (lots of wich you could see by playing against bots for just 5 mins).

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