This game is a legit joke

Yes comp is a joke. Its been a joke for a long time now. Its the butt of jokes on many other game forums as well.


Well yeah, Overwatch has had the exact same team composition since season one. It’s still mostly the same jank. Rein, Zarya, Mercy, Zen, and 2 random DPS. Same junk. It is truly a stagnant metagame. There just aremt enough heroes to keep it exciting

Well what can I say, play something else, if doing something by your own free will at the expense of your free time and it brings you frustration why even do it? I started playing rocket league, fortnite, spintires. Loads to choose from.

No it’s not. Brig, rein, zen and mercy

Yeah, screw it.

My Dad was having back problems again, for like the 5th time. We should just bury him in the back yard. We’re having a poor experience and we should just move on.

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Pharah/Junkrat/Mercy/Zen/Rein/Zarya and that opposing team will have to flex pretty quick. The reason it’s not is because folks are taking meta vs. meta as how they want to play. That will likely come down to the better Hanzo.

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And people still do drugs even though they are no good for them.

What games do you like? If you are a Everquest fan like myself why don’t you try; Project: Gorgon, or if you want to relax maybe play some Stardew Valley?

And yes that Hanzo ult is a complete joke. It seems faster than Tracers ult and it has a higher reward value.


Its has been like this forever.

This is exactly it in a nutshell. The spam increase has been embarrassing. Been playing since a couple months after release and its a shame to see the direction the game has gone. I’d say the cosmetics are the best improvements they’ve made or offered up.

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Why did you feel the need to make a snarky reply? :thinking:

Yep explains why I’ve seen more diverse comps this season than I did in what? 6 seasons? Of Dive meta

Unless you play in gm, dive never wored to its full potential. I’ve played since season 1 and I can say say this season is as limited in its hero pool as other seasons. Only difference is now that game requires Zarya and hanzo to press q and everyone waits to die

Try Quake or CS. Quake (QL or the new, QC): very small palyerbase, but very high skill and actual mature humans, not toxic screaming anorexic rats + hardly any cheating. CS huge playerbase, high skill, but plenty of toxicity and quite a few cheaters.

I’ve played Since season 1 amd have been through every rank by GM
While this season is not as diverse as some earlier metas it’s much mote diverse than the barley changing Dive Meta

It’s always the ones who threaten to quit, that never quit.

This is a very cool game. Period. Go play another game if not happy. No one is stopping you.

Took a week off from playing. Came back today thinking I’d have a great time after some time off. Let me tell you, not a single fun game was had in 2 hours. Hanzos with 3 ults in 1 fight and Bridgette huge heal/shield and stun 3 shot combo is super balanced.

This game somehow gets worse every time I play it, I don’t understand how that’s possible.

I have to say, it sure feels like the matchmaker pulls out all the stops in order to prevent some people from climbing. I’ve had at least 5 games where I’ve had a leaver on my team. Guess how many wins I got due to a leaver? NONE. Bad luck? Or by design? Hmm…

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