This game is a dumpsterfire

They killed Overwatch, one of the most successful and beloved games of all time to release this thing. The game on it’s own is ok no clear improvements over 1, but the fact they stopped development on Overwatch for 3 years to release it!!! 3 years and this is the best they can do? None of the new heroes have any charm or fun playing them, Push is a boring mode with boring maps, the removal of one tank has made it so off tanks are now horrible (Roadhog) or overpowered beyond belief (WreckingBall), balancing is so wishy washy that they make changes that don’t address a hero’s issues and by the next season they revert them and the issue still isn’t fixed, they removed all forms of progression so you’ll buy the low tier battlepass, and removed so many other quality of life features because… reasons?? Not to mention the matchmaking is so broken I’m being put in matches with people who have most likely installed the game that day. But if I try to 5 stack to prevent this, I’m in 10 minute long queues. And the icing on the cake is that the PvE content has been delayed and has no release date (and don’t say there’s going to be an announcement “soon”, they’ve been saying that forever). I guarantee if Overwatch had ANY form of competition it would be dead and buried


I’m so bored of these daily posts


yeah but they are the truth


Another hyperbolic thread of how “OW2 sucks”. I am sure you will do well here, accomplish nothing and will be forgotten like all the other threads.

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You feel better now?

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then don’t play it. there’s no use making posts like these if you’re clearly not enjoying yourself. install a new game and play that instead


You stop talking like that right now.


A expected reply from a blizzard fan boy who rather be toxic then accept the truth for what it is.


You know, I stopped being frustrated about this. Instead, I make fun of the situation. For instance, today, I had a teammate that asked us to kill “that little girl” lmao. That girl was Tracer. They didn’t even knew her name. But hey, they were in comp. So I made fun of it even if we lost. At one point, the enemy Ana said something like: “So toxic! How to kill an old woman?” And I was like: “Please ask your little girl Tracer to leave us alone”. Everybody laughed, the lose felt was more sweet, win-win.

I know the game is trash. But we somehow end up playing it daily. So, why so mad? Just let it be. Find something that brings u pleasure in this game. Or, as others suggested, uninstall it. You’re not an investor at Blizzard. U are a free person who can play whenever game they like.

May the GG and POTG be with you.


If these posts are daily, that must be a red flag.

The game is in a horrible state. Sorry, but people are upset. It shouldnt be this bad.


This is a terrible take there isn’t another game “like Overwatch” and a lot of us have invested the past 7 years into this game, people make these posts because they want to see the game they love and have loved for the past 7 years improve.

Take your bad takes somewhere else.


suggesting you stop playing a game you don’t enjoy makes me a toxic fanboy?


it’s not a bad take to suggest you play a different game. taking a break from overwatch isn’t going to make the sun explode.

if you’re really that sick of the game you have absolutely no reason to keep playing and if you keep playing despite your lack of interest then you’re just doing it to yourself.

if this forum does one thing well, it’s a melodramatic doompost


forbthe love of god please space out your paragraphs to make it readable

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Yes Jeeves, the daily baseless Overwatch doompost please.

Meanwhile in reality:

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Still a better post than “nerf this hero” or “nerf snipers” posts :man_shrugging:

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Unrelated to this conversation but…what does…fizzy milk…taste like? Is it just like carbonated milk or foamy like cream?

Also, on topic, these posts are getting a bit tiring but if enough people are “complaining”, hopefully something happens.

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It may be a dumpster fire but its our dumpster fire.


Walking/flying dumpster fire D.Va mech skin when? (Bonus: micromissiles are custom edited models of flaming balls of trash!)

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I’m bored of them having no ability to format their third grade essays.

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Eh, everything said here is correct. Sorry devs, all true.
Except the dead part. f2p game, successful on easy mode