This game got worse with brigitte

For me there’s no denying it. Overwatch was a better game without Brigitte.

She’s just so frustrating to play against


Your opinion is duly noted. She isn’t going anywhere, try learning to play around her.


Still not as oppressive and frustrating as Tracer.


Shes the reason I put in very few hours in since she was released. I despise her so much. Shes one of the hardest heroes in the game to kill and that doesnt set well with me since shes a support hero. Sure lucio can be hard to kill too but that’s also the player being good at lucio.

I think this game would be better off without her but the dev’s dont care


I agree. She is very frustrating to play against. She has stun, boop ability and a shield. The worst 3 things in the game are combined to produce an abomination of a character. I can accept getting killed over and over again by tracer because I know it is really hard to play tracer. Not only you need high mechanical skill to master tracer but you need a good awareness of your surrounding and your game sense needs to be good enough to decide when, where and how to flank or initiate your attack.


I know how to play around her, I just think it’s extremely unfun.

Do you always make rude assumptions about strangers?

get polite bro, make your mom proud


She’s damaged the game more than anything else in the game’s history.


Briggs need a mild rework.

I love the concept of her kit, the execution is what caused issues.

I’ll strognly argue that the problem is that Briggs, mechanically, with nearly every aspect of her kit- has relatively few to no windows of failure.

I’ve long stated if they don’t address her mechanically- all they’re going to do is nerf her into an anemic state.

What’s been happening?

They’ve been piling on nerf after nerf- and she’s slowly approaching that anemic state.

Yes she’s still powerful in coordinated environments, especially goats. But she feels bleh pretty much every where else- and sadly due to her peak performance in said scenarios, I won’t be surprised if she’s nerfed further in the future.

It’s a shame.


It VERY much depends on your rank.


Honestly, she made the game much more enjoyable for me. It’s less of a drag trying to get people to play support with her around–it’s amazing how willing folks are to support when they feel active rather than passive. She kinda helped me get into main tanking (I am largely a DPS main)–even though I really didn’t play her that much, it was enough to help get me into Reinhardt, since the playstyle is comparable, and that in turn helped me start on Orisa.


She didnt made the game worse, i think she only highlighted a lot of the issues in the game

Such has armor making a lot of heroes weak, like Soldier

This has existed for a long time, in the form of armor packs that Torb used to give, but due to his state at the time noneone noticed how powerful it really was

Or how flankers were so strong without a proper way to counter them and how weak they became when a hero specially made for them was created with all the tools against them

Or how a lot of the heroes that should dominate Brigitte and the Goats meta are weak, such has Junkrat, Pharah and Doomfist

Or also how problematic the double Aoe healing is

She highlighted a lot of the issues in all the categories, Dps, Tank and Support

I would say that Brigitte was a necessary evil to uncover a lot of the issues the game had for a while, which needs to be fixed for the game to be better


Personally, I believe Brig was over-tuned when she was released. But this last round of nerfs was simply to pander to the whiny community that refused to adapt. And she’s STILL used as a scapegoat for what’s wrong with the meta.


She needs some mild balance changes to make her a solid off healer/tank hybrid. And people need to quit whining and start adapting.


Yeah I know how to play around Genji.

It’s just massively unfun trying to play Mario Paint Flyswatter with how small his hitbox is.


This game got worse with doomfist

For me there’s no denying it. Overwatch was a better game without Doomfist.

He’s just so frustrating to play against


Except for Reaper the meta defining tank buster! Or, Tracer the meta defining back line harasser. Or, Genji the meta defining melee the entire team Ryujin no ken wo kurae! Meta defining is a useless argument.

My god can you just stop?

Everyone already knows that you love Doomfist, you dont need to post about it in every thread you are…


You probably don’t even play at a rank that tracer was oppressive at.

Also tracer never forced a meta that made 1 whole class useless.


If he can post about brig, i can post about doomfist :stuck_out_tongue:
and not in every single thread, just most of them when there is anything about annoying heroes or doomfist in general.

And this is hate that will never die!!!

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She’s just so frustrating to play against

1 year later and people still don’t know how to use Pharah or Junk against her.


In fairness you’d actually be gimping yourself trying to counter her with those two.

Blame Blizz’s schizophrenic balancing.