What are you even talking about? The game was literally made for 6 stacks, with solo queue being an after thought. Overwatch has had esports in mind since day one when they decided they wanted the team coordination your typical moba requires.
The game was relevant long before OWL. Blizzard had a masterpiece of a hype campaign for the game and it paid off big. The game was a huge success and no one was thinking about esports. Plenty relevant as the best game of its kind, with an absolute master class in character appeal and creating a fun, engaging world rife with some fun storytelling potential.
Here we are, years later, with the playerbase at an all-time low, the balance and gameplay state in the absolute worst it’s ever been, and nothing to actually capitalize on the promising lore or hype they built around it. So, yeah. OWL isn’t keeping Overwatch relevant; if anything, chasing OWL is driving this game into the ground and killing its success, being directly responsible for the terrible mismanagement of Overwatch.
Yeah. Kill it.
OWL was a big mistake from both Blizzards and Activisions side. Like other games, they should have waited until the game becomes a success and then launch an Esport, not planning it since literally the games launch day.
Its not helping if the Esport both wants to cater towards the false safe space of Twitch and those who want to feel every second of the said Esport.
Blame Bobby Kotick and Activision. That’s all I really need to say.
So what you are saying is that you are upset that there isn’t that much lore. You are just funneling your frustrations at the lack of lore into OWL and using it as a scapegoat.
I can see being frustrated, but blaming it on OWL is wrong and makes you look dumb lol.
That…isn’t even close to what I’m saying, and actually ignores the meat of the post. Clearly you either can’t or don’t want to discuss anything in good faith, so see ya. Hard to have a conversation when your side literally can’t understand the topic.
So you want me to discuss all the non existent evidence for the claims you make about all the bad things OWL is doing to the game LUL.
OWL is making the game bleed
It’s clear that the game has been consistently ushered towards being a spectacle more than a game. That’s why they leave cheesy one-shot gimmicks in the game, to make people go “oooo”. Not many people want to watch a chess match. Just about being flashy, which is sad because Overwatch could have been truly amazing.
The evidence is there. You are dismissed, though, since clearly you can’t understand the actual conversation.
I will believe it when I see it.
I miss the times when new genres havent needed to become Esport or meme to remain relevant.
OWL itself isn’t but the balance decisions made because of it is. OWL players have mentioned several times that the devs actually listen to their feedback/opinions on what the they want.
Do they always do this? No
Do the devs listen to everything pros think is right? Of course not
But the fact that it’s happened in the past and can happen again is the problem because it’s balancing around the top 1% of players
Nice proving of your point where you say that “it’s exists” then don’t respond. Nice troll LUL.
After this video, the next PTR update was Tracers Pulse Bomb nerf (with Mercys constant nerfing but that doesnt really count)
It doesn’t just feels like. It is a forced esport. For the last 2 years OW exists just to be an esport.
There are clearly no intentions of moving the game forward. I wold understand if it has reached the point of perfection but it is not even close. The game hasn’t left the beta.
OWL is not forced on anyone
Ah yes, it’s not like they forced 2-2-2 to kill GOATs for sure, a comp only pros played. Not like they nerfed Sombra because of it, or were balancing around that “pros’ only meta” for a year straight.
It isn’t forced on anyone, but the changes to the game because of OWL are. That way, it is forced on everyone.
You’re a bit late on this, but always welcomed to the Realization Club.
I think they made this game with the intention that it be made for eSports, but didn’t quite get the resources they needed for it to be “eSports ready” before it was released. So we ended up with a sort of “post-beta” version of the game that they weren’t really ready to release yet, but they had a deadline to meet.
Now if you want a game that’s absolutely a “forced” eSports game, look at Fortnite. The fact they have multi-million dollar tournaments is an absolute joke. They haven’t even figured out how to stop you from randomly falling through your own builds, no-reg is rampant and the audio is absolute trash. Weapon balance is non-existent and there are a billion crutches available to let no-skills win over high-skills. Now that game has no business calling itself competitive.
I love when people sit there and refuse to listen to Devs.
It’s like the “fake news” crowd all over again.
Here they are, the developers and managers of this community, giving you a direct answer- and it’s entirely ignored.