This "Experiment" .. what a joke

Number tweaks.

Stuns have the power to completely take away the control you have over your character and all you do is tweak the numbers.

That’s laughable, considering the amount of stuns this game has. CC stacking is a huge problem in this game and you only tweak numbers, which has no effect on stacking, and solves exactly 0 issues.

This supposedly “huge” change is just one of the many small steps you need to take. It definitely isn’t something that would magically bring back the old players, not even close.

Just some feedback.

friendly reminder, PvE doesn’t help with keeping the competitive side healthy


Its actualy good they didnt done big changes, because to actualy do those they would need to nerf high mobility, the thing cc supposed to counter.
But they seem to not do 2 sides of the idea at once.
Like with 321, they just changed tanks, when dps needed change as much for it to work.


People didn’t like being stunned, now they are stunned for less time.

Seems to me it’s solving an issue.


They should actually go big with experiments, that’s the whole purpose of them. They might as well push this straight to the live game once they’re done with experimenting with it, because it’s such a minor change.

They really should.

That experiment actually had loads of potential but I guess they were lazy.


i know it has a name…but the “experimental” card is really just “actually useful PTR”…think everyone is getting caught up in the fact that the very first one was a MAJOR game changing “experiment”…its not always going to be that…and its silly to expect them to try out undertakings of that magnitude every time it drops…most of the time its just going to be balance tweaks…because at least now they can actually get somewhat useful data



“People didn’t like being stunned, they’re still getting stunned”


So does it matter how much people are being stunned? Or is it simply any stun is as bad as any other stun?

In that case would increasing their lengths be bad? After all if decreasing it does nothing, neither would that.


The duration of stuns wouldn’t really matter if there weren’t so many. They need to come up with some other effect than stun at this point. I’m sure you also don’t like having all the control you have over your character taken away from you.


They said reducing cc… It’s been reduced.

Maybe in the future they will remove cc wholesale. Or hard cc. Whatever the case…

I don’t see how this relates to “bringing old players back”

No I don’t, but at least I’m acknowledging this helps.


I kinda explained my point before, but

due to the amount of stuns the game has, it doesn’t, really.

Who said that anything would be “huge” in the first place?

They literally said experimental is mostly going to be for numbers tweaks and balance changes, it’ll be rare to try something big and new like 1/3/2.

And personally I’d rather do multiple small steps than taking the one big sledgehammer Blizz has used un the past.

I’m sorry you got your hopes up, but that’s not really Blizz’s fault.


How about actually experimenting, instead?

It’s funny how the king of cc aka Doomfist was untouched completely.


They are.

It’s just not the way you personally would like to see, and that’s not anyone else’s problem.


That part.

They’re doing the same things as they would on the PTR if the experimental mode were never to be talked about.

The Overwatch community has not been stunned by anything for two years.

Moreover, exactly how they said they would.

Jeff literally said experimental would not be major changes and tbh, it’s already more used than expected as he said it would be sporadic.

Idk why you would expect the opposite of what he said…and then be mad at how he isn’t doing what he didn’t say he would :woman_shrugging:t5:


Amd they literally said that’s what they would be doing most of the time.

I’m still confused about what part of this surprises you.


Perhaps I still have way too much hope for this game, you’re right.