Third Person Mode is a Must

Can’t really judge a player if you’re only average yourself.

Third-person mode being always available would destroy one of the most competitive aspects of this first-person shooter. It would remove the risk required to gain information by putting your camera and therefore yourself into the line of fire. Third-person cameras also present problems with aiming since the path of your shots would not match the path between your eye and the target.

That said, some elements in the game already have a third person view mode, like Rein and Brigitte’s shields or Wrecking Ball’s ball form. This kind of temporary third-person view is great for certain mechanics that do not require aiming, especially on characters where the ability to corner-peek with a 3rd-person camera doesn’t give them a huge advantage. The game has a few other mechanics that could use a 3rd person camera.

One great example of an ability that could almost use a 3rd-person camera is Genji’s Dragonblade. It would certainly be easier for most people to keep track of their own location while using a melee-only mode like that, but even that change would interfere with Genji’s ability to aim Swift Strike during Dragonblade unless the camera were centered directly behind the middle of his body with him blocking the view.

Dude. Lower your mouse sensitivity.

How did you come to this conclusion?

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No. This would ruin Overwatch’s gameplay. Seeing around corners defeats the objective of abilities such as Hanzo’s sonic arrow, Widowmaker’s infra-sight, and Zenyatta’s discord orb allowing you track enemies through walls.

Yes, we have 3rd person viewing for heroes such as Reinhardt and Brigitte, but that’s only because it’s necessary, as they are holding up shields.

Yes, the bronze reaper one trick knows what’s up

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Then third person will become meta with the ability to look around walls and corners without physically showing yourself. It’ll quickly ruin the game for people who prefer first person.

I can see this as a fun arcade mode.

Fast Paced and FPS are hand-in-hand. Third-Person shooters are always narrative, survival, or cover based games.

Overwatch would be pointless as a Third-Person. Want an option? Sure. I certainly would not argue that it’s not an FPS, because it’s too fast-paced. Otherwise, what the **** was Halo, CoD, BF, and all of those other FPS games doing?

You’re gold, you’re not much better.
Pipe down.

No please never.

Brigitte already abuses the hell out of her third-person shield and is the most unfair thing.

I’m pretty sure gold is better then 500 sr bronze

Definitely for Lucioball and custom games. I think Lucioball is rather hindered by not having a third-person view and a ball-tracking camera setting like in Rocket League (and custom comms… and better hit registration).

Even though I would personally like a third-person option for other modes, I will fully admit that it probably isn’t a good idea because the game is balanced around a first-person view.

It’s not a must. I freaking hate third person cameras it’s a first person shooter. Also at the most it might be an arcade thing but never in other modes.

Didn’t Satani say he’s less than 500 SR?

I wouldn’t mind a third-person mode just to enjoy my skins more. :smiling_imp:

“Liked” because i support a 3rd person POV mode but maybe as a story mode and necessarily as the game itself.

3rd person would be awesome! Hope they introduce it sometime.

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