🤔 What is Symmetra's Core Identity and How to Buff her Accordingly

Symmetra or any character in the game are defined by what they give to the team, and symmetra provides the following: damage ( situational) , reduce enemy speed, give extra shield health, and teleportation (ult)

Then after the rework they changed it so shield giving is now only ult , but add a blocking ability

My suggestion is to give her back her value of shield giving to her normal abilities even at the cost of her barrier

One suggestion is the ability to build a different type of turret the provide 25 shield to nearby allies for each turret and is counted towards her 6 turrets limit ( obviously the range should be less than shield gen but still not too short)

That way you can choose to to mix between the slowing turrets or the shield ones with a Max of 150 shield if all are shield turrets ( will be hard to make the overlapping ranges of these turrets to focus on one area to get that maximum 150 shield )

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Deflect might as well be a Tanking ability due to how large its hitbox is. :joy:

Near Melee Damage from Primary Fire

  • she can participate in brawls with your tanks in the front line and can repel flankers and other annoyances away from your Healers in the bacline

Zoning and Area Control from Secondary Fire

  • it’s a slow-moving, high-damage projectile that zones in linear paths
  • it can penetrate barriers, so the more Barriers you see in a game the stronger Symmetra is against them.

Area Control and Attracting Enemy Attention and Fire with Turrets

  • Symmetra’s Turrets are like a spider-web that she is constantly weaving around her allies
  • when enemies step into them they are slowed and take damage
  • they must then tear down these webs so that they are not continuously slowed and taking damage

Burst Damage and CC Prevention

  • Symmetra’s Photon Barrier prevents her and her allies from taking Burst damage
  • Photon Barrier also acts as a pre-emptive Cleanse that allowes Symmetra prevent her allies from being CCed

Enhanced Mobility

  • Symmetra’s Teleporter enhances the mobility of your team and allows them to get to the point extremely fast
  • Works really well the the point is far from your spawn

Enhanced Health

  • Symmetra’s Shield Gen enhances the health points of your team so that they fall out of lethal headshot range, and can take more hits before they die
  • Symmetra’s Shield Gen is like a 450 HP tank on your team

Other notes -

  • Shield gen and Turrets together, make things very annoying for enemies as they have to shoot at additional targets and have to damage additional health in order to kill your team.

  • Barrier adds to this by blocking burst damage and CC and prevents your Team from Dieing.

  • Teleporter reinforces the backbone of your team and reinforces it constantly.

Symmetra brings a lot of Utility with her and does not need additional skills to provide even more utility. That is just over-doing and loading up a hero for now reason.

  • She just simply needs to be tweaked in numbers so that she can output a greater power level.

Yup! :laughing:

Her character identity is control.

Her abilities don’t represent that

Make her turrets heal and kill

Melee was spelled correctly in the OP and this new forum has spellcheck and you somehow bypassed it still?

Symmetra is a melee range hero.

What if her Primary and Secondary Fire provided a decaying overheal effect with shields (just allow 20% of actual health, yep kind of sucks for Zenyatta and Zarya, rocks for Roadhog) and she can heal shield health (Oh, now she can effectively heal 160 for Zenyatta and 240 for Zarya, but I wouldn’t overextend to barriers).

Off-healer without healing HP.

I posted a very emotional thread about this a couple of days ago that (fortunately) received no reply. Here’s my TL;DR for what I believe should be done to sym, and it seems we have some overlap:

  • 22% faster reload
  • balls charge up faster
  • no spawn delay on sentry turrets, faster placement
  • reduced cooldown on sentries greatly
  • move projected barrier to be another “mode” of sentry that consumes 2 sentry charges
  • put her ults on the previous bind for projected barrier, same properties, but tele has 2 charges and shield gen contributes 50 points to shields
  • create a new ultimate that causes all her creations to become crazy OP

I have never seen someone suggest faster reload as a Sym buff but it certainly would be a simple buff.

Well currently they are balanced between uncharged and charged balls. If you made them charge faster, I think it would disrupt this balance between the two.

I don’t know certainly it would up her overall DPS while not buffing her burst potential so it can be a good change.

Yes and Yes.

Simply lowering the cooldown on her Turrets will up her Power Level a lot since she’ll be outputting more DPS and more Support via her Turrets.

It’s not a good idea to have a Protective skill consume charges of a Attacking Skill.
When you will need Photon Barrier, you might have no charges since you have Turrets up.
Very bad idea.

It’s better to reduce cooldown on Photon Barrier in other ways. Or simply give her 3 charges of Photon Barrier on a 20 second cooldown, which is what your change accomplishes.

No. Her Teleporter is a powerful Ult.

Let’s not tear down ults and make them into braindead imbalanced abilities. Looking at you Mercy.

No. Her identity is not “control”.

No. She is not a healer.

Thank you.

She is not an off-healer.

What if instead of teleporter she was able to make holes in the wall to walk through lol it would be buggy as fudge and probably not really fit into her light bending.

So maybe let her build structures i dunno Symmetra has limitless possibility because of who she is they should have some fun.

This is true, and the recent dev comments seem to suggest that they’re toying with her as a Defense hero, which is a categorization that I like, since we all know that support should probably be redefined to be “Healer” anyway.

Something else that could be interesting would be allowing simultaneous use of the ults, but I don’t know if that’s enough of a buff, too much of a buff, or a buff in the wrong ways.

I doubt they will ever buff her if they don’t change her gun

Yea they could move Sym to Defense or they could also move Torbjorn to Support and pre-rework Sombra as well. She was definitely a Support (not sure about post-rework Sombra though).

By doing that they are indicating that Support means much more than Healer. It also refers to heroes that buffer (Armours, Shield Gen) and debuffer (Turrets, Hacks).

They don’t need to change her gun since it’s already in a good spot.

Teleporter is pretty powerful as an Ult so I am not sure why we would want to get rid of it (or even make it into an ability like the tease indicated).

Because it’s more versatile as an ability - adds more, more frequently, than an ult does. At least now you can have both tele and shield gen up at the same time :slight_smile: