The point of this post is how to buff Symmetra correctly.
That’s what I have done. Have you read the thread?
Other than the Photon Barrier manipulation, those ideas are not particularly mine, they are shared by other Symmetra mains and have been shared by Top 500, Top 10 Symmetra mains as well.
I shared them because I think these are the correct ways to buff Symmetra.
And that doesn’t mean I don’t like other ideas, I like the idea of a destructible Ult, which is a new addition to this thread and did not previously exist in my 11 Changes to Symmetra - thread.
Someone above you suggested that Ult should be flexible in terms of placement, so it should be placeable on inclines and such. That would be a good QOL buff to the Ult.
Others have suggested Ramps and such, which I think can work in her kit but NOT at the expense of her current abilities.
Of course, in a braintstorm, you must come with all kinds of ideas, but we must also test each idea vs our experience of the hero and the nature of the hero.
The more experience we have of the hero the better.
Those who have put hundreds of hours into Symmetra, will have a different idea of buffing Symmetra, compared to people who barely play Symmetra.
And I am biased towards the former.
No, I think she is viable. She can use QoL changes and Effectiveness Buffs to Turrets and Barriers, and some QoL changes to the Ult.
Teleporter is very powerful.
It is most useful the further you are from the point. So on first point Defense and second point of Attack, Control point and all Payload points.
It can also be effective on First point Hybrid maps, depending on the map. King’s Row I would say is the only map where First Point Attack doesn’t need Tele since spawn is so close. I haven’t played Blizz world yet so no comments there.
It can also be effective on Second Point of Defense in those cases where you need an alternative, unpredictable spawn path to the point. Like in Horizon Lunar Colony, Defender spawn is very close and normally you’ll have Shield Gen but sometimes, it is beneficial to place the Tele on the high ground and give the Defenders a better chance to Defend the point.
Giving 75 HP to all members of your team, that is 450 HP is very powerful.
It is not comparable to a healer actively healing your team.
The Shield Generator
- buffs your total amount of HP, so you can fall out of lethal headshot range of some heroes, and others need to hit more to kill you, as you say.
- It also spans a large area of the map, so it reaches your Flankers whom Healers cannot reach. For Tracer it is a 50% HP increase, and her Genji and Sombra can all make very good use of it without having LoS with the healers.
- it is a passive, so once Set-up, its utility is on-going and it allows you to do other things, and stack the amount you are contributing to your team.
- it is an on-going Ult, so it is ALWAYS contributing, in all team fights in which it is up.
So Both Teleporter and Shield Generator are powerful Ults.
This is why I say they do not need a single buff.
Being able to perform self-initiated refund of Ults and other QoL changes like flexible placement, being able to ping the location of Ult to team - these are good changes.
But other than that Ults are in a good place, and it is her Turrets and Barrier that should be the primary targets to buff, if there are going to be buffs.
As for fun, the Ults create Secondary Points of Contention, which create a lot of fun gameplay around them.
Symmetra is like a RTS hero translated to an FPS. She is quite unique to Overwatch.
Her idea of fun is strategy and building things in certain places to make certain things happen.
Her idea of fun is to direct the follow of battle through Secondary Fire, Turrets and Teleporter.
No. Her impact in a fight ramps up when the enemy invades your position.
Which is the opposite of someone like Tracer, who brings the fight to the enemy.
Symmetra Lv3 Beam is like her Third Ultimate. It increases her direct imapct on the fight.
But you don’t need Lv3 Beam in order to have an impact.
Your Lv1, Lv2, Orbs, Turrets, and Barrier give you a decent fight and support for your team.
Then once you have Ult, you are constantly reinforcing the backbone of your team in addition to the above.
What do you think about the suggestions I listed?
Symmetra already has this as part of her identity. She puts up turrets that slow enemies and creates multiple targets for enemies to shoot down or else they are slowed and take damage.
Her Turrets are already a Spider web and should be buffed accordingly. ie should be faster to cast and be available much more frequently.
Mei slows but she doesn’t weave Turret webs for the enemy to tear down.
She already has enough shield and hardlight in her kit. Her buffs should aim to improve what is already there.
Good analysis Shinypants.
Funny you say that because in the OW the more Flankers you have the less Tankiness you need on your team.
I think the movespeed on the Orb is fine.
If it was faster it would be broken, as you point out how Rein would not be able to dodge it while shielding.
If Rein could never dodge your orbs then he would be pulling his hair out. it is not easy to kill a Symmetra in the backline so he would be driven to madness with your fast moving 125 damage dealing, shield piercing orbs.
It would be a broken ability if it was faster.
You would have to nerf its damage to balance it with the speed, and I personally don’t think it’s worth the trade.
And I also want to add that it is totally possible to spam that at Widow and hit her and maker her retreat. Widow has a very narrow site line and you can stand at off-angles and discourage her from sniping your team with your secondary orb.
With your photon barrier you can block her Line of sight and discourage her that way.
Symmetra-Widow matchup used to be heavily in Widow’s favour. But with the Photon barrier that has changed and Symmetra now has tools to defend herself from Widow’s onslaught.
Her Photon Barrier is awesome.
See my other thread where I discuss its awesomeness-