Things I love about the game, a "Thank You" to the devs

i am not happy where overwatch is right now, but if i didnt love the universe or the game i wouldnt be here, i wouldnt be looking it up but they have created something special here imo


So again, you’re saying they should just let the thread that they created be ran by trolls (For over a MONTH now) and do nothing about it?

Seems unprofessional, but k.

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I’ve corrected your opening paragrah for you. You can paste it in at your leisure.

Hi everyone! The Overwatch Team works insanely hard to keep Overwatch League going for us, while admitting that they diverted developer resources towards OWL, and neglected actual game development. They occasionally do bug fixes for bugs that have existed since the game’s launch, and they take far too long to notice any of the extensive evidence that forum posters compile to prove the existence of these bugs. Very often, they claim to have fixed all the bugs but in fact fail to do so. For instance, the recent Reinhardt Earthshatter ‘fixes’ left dead spots when used up certain inclines. They also occasionally listen to the playerbase, but less-so nowadays than in the past. They were pretty active on the forums from around March-to-May this year, but they’ve fallen silent on the forums since then. When they do reply to a post to acknowledge that they’ve seen it, it’s often a nonsensical post about something as arbitrary as what skins we’re going to be getting next, instead of a legitimate balance post.

Your current opening paragraph is pandering with lies, and spreads misinformation.


They listen but they do not want to join the conversation. It’s not about this thread being better (it is btw), it’s about trying not to flame more and more on threads that are full of immature ppl talking trash and calling it criticism (not all of them of course).

You see, if they post in this thread which is not about core aspects of the game, you should be SURE they read all the others posts about important matters.
The fact that ppl get no chance to take their argumets against an answering Dev is not something we should care for.

Complaining threads are not ignored. The devs just know that their words would only bring more fuss unless they come up with a definitive solution.


Only if you criticise them Kappa


Things I hate in this game:

Unjustified toxicity against certain groups of mains,

Abuse of the report system against this groups,

Homophobic and sexist behavior,

OWL player’s that are allowed to spread hate and toxicity in streams,

Poor balancing decisions that destroy the identity of Heroes and increase the hate against there mains,

Toxicity at the forums
. oh my my

What a lovely community we have 
. :confused:


Bastions :heart:,Torbjörns :heart:, Symmetras :heart:, Sombras :heart:, Roadhogs :heart:, Mercys :heart:, and the LGBT community :heart:. <–(edit) and ofc all people who play nice and fair

Stand strong !
Stand together !

And don’t become a part of the toxicity in this game.

Toxic people’s behaviour is so irrational, it truly goes against reason.


Why are people being negative this a thank you post to everyone at Blizzard and I think they deserve it. Don’t make this about another thread where you haven’t got any answers yet. someone is trying to be nice let them be nice don’t use it as a backdoor to make more complaints about things you’ve already moaned about

I to say thank you Blizzard great game I can’t get off of it even thought it makes me tilt sometimes


Yeah. Why would you ever want to face criticism? Who does that these days? Why - when it’s much easier to just stay silent, ignore all the noise and only listen to what you want to hear. Why participate in discussions on your own forums? Why talk to your community? Why defend your position, why argue, why try out new things (like community suggestions)?

Right. Yeesh. People these days ask so much of developers who themselves decided to (one) have a forum for their game where fans can write down feedback and (two) constantly talk about how much they care about the community (“we made this game for you” or the Bioware bla bla: “we made this game together with our fans, this is your story 
”) and how grateful they are for having us as fans of their work - except when you say something slightly negative then we don’t care about you anymore and we will decide to stay silent and ignore you, deal with it.

Yeesh. So demanding. So 

But hey, guys. This game is for you. Without you it wouldn’t be possible. We love you. You are the best.

I don’t know about you but somehow I am still receiving some very mixed messages and signals here 
 Can someone help me? I am a bit lost here. Do we care - for real this time - or are we still pretending?
What? It’s hard to trust someone who’s already lied to you once? Really? But we already told you: we are reading your feedback daily and we care about your experience! What do you want?
You want us to actually do it? Just 
 do it? What does that even mean? Isn’t it enough that we say it at least once a week? Once a month? Twice 
 a year?
What? You want more than words? C’mon. What about OWL? That’s what you all wanted, right? And we delivered! Don’t say that we are out of touch with our community! That’s just mean.



Because the community manager who is never active now has the nerve to acknowledge this post (no offense, it’s just not as important as some of the megathreads) without ever acknowledging any of the Bastion, Sombra or Mercy threads that are well established and effectively supply ideas that could potentially balance characters that are clearly struggling with.

Because after months of silence we still have nothing to go off, no direction in which the game is going, no idea if they actually read the more gameplay/balances threads.

Edit: Do we even know if Visor is allowed or not yet?


Oh, is this a new lore? :joy: :ok_hand:

If maybe they could stay within the bounds of sanity just once in a while, that would be great.

I get that but they are going to be listening aren’t they it’s just common sense to listen to your players I trust that they are. Just because they’re not giving you regular updates doesn’t mean they’re ignoring you they’re just busy making changes etc.

like u where on a good roll until this.

Why does this need a special mention? what does LGBT have to do with this game ?

Me reading this thread


wholesome rating
Mr Rogers

I friggin love Tom Powers.

Just goes to show even an appreciation post for the game as a whole can bring out the haters and complainers. There are issues but the fact we’re all here discussing it means we all have some good feelings towards this game and want to see it improve and be around for a while.


It’s a good joke, I just come here for the Drama and PR responses it’s great.

I remember someone posted a long time ago if “Mr. Balance” (Can’t say his name.) left the OW team the game would be in a better position. Heroes of the Storm became a better game after he left.


Instant answer to this thread, while ignoring every other megathread with actual issues that are forgotten for years.



They’ve been doing hit and run on threads for a while.

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