just a list of annoying things in OW
- Dva - her DM is very spammy and interact very stupidly
- Hazard - like wtf is this hero? Complete fail, every ability does dmg? as Tank?
- Mauga - Mauga. (designed by 5yo kid)
- Rein - his shatter range is broken, like very broken
- Sigma - his range combined with no reload - as tank he has too much
- Ashe - bullet size
- Genji - why can he deflect melee? His kit is bloated too much
- Mei - why can she contest when cryo?
- Pharah - too much value for so less skill - too big splash aoe
- Sojorn - again OP with RG size
- Sombra - dont rly understand why is she in the game like this
- Widow - even with not perfect aim she dominates 80% of the game
- Ana - Nade 100% heal deny still in game??? Why?
- Mercy - dmg boost??? Like why? It makes every hero busted
- Moira - her dmg orb last reeeeeaaaaaallllyyyy long and I dont get why
Whats yours