Things going straight through Brig's shield

She’s had this bug since she went live and Blizzard never fixed it :disappointed:

The worst feeling is when Zarya right clicks you straight through your shield and obliterates you

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Meh. I’m still more mad when I’m looking dead at dvas bomb with ample time but still get murdered :woman_shrugging:t5: symm toss a shield was more consistent lol

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Shatter is broken, so is charge btw
Reinhardt has been broken with bugs and hitbox issues since release.

I got shattered on a highground (4 meters above the shatter) less than a month ago, I don’t know why fixing Reinhardt is such a problem but I guess it just is.

This has been happening to me a lot lately, I put up my shield and the Hanzo still kills me.

Kinda stupid.

It was a bug…just not a voice line bug.

Hold on. Does this mean that the “paper shield” Brig claims are right???

I blame latency on a few of these and never hop an explosion ever is all ill say. If you do that youll be fine.

None of these are with holding a shield like a full second ahead of being hit and all bringing shield up last second. Kill cams are always different than what happened on your screen.

Acceptable if I didn’t run into this issue specifically on brig more frequently than on rein, or even old symm toss a shield.

me too!!! WTF!!!

I suppose I should have saved the replays, but I have several videos of this kind of stuff happening to Brig and now I’m having these issues with Rein.

I had my barrier up for several seconds, just shielding against a Roadhog, and he did a right click at my barrier that went through the barrier and hit me for full damage. Luckily I didn’t die from it so we kept control of the point. Had another game where a Hog hook went straight through my barrier, caught our Ana, and then she died. We lost that point.

I’ll start saving my replay codes to add here when I get more instances of these things happening.

I’d argue people do not notice as much on Reinhardt because he’s doing far less shield pumping and he rarely just instantly dies to things due to having higher health.

With Brigitte you are constantly trying to offset shield health with your own health to keep the shield up in order to maintain shield bash in addition to trying to avoid a massive penalty upon break. You also have to constantly drop shield to proc repair pack and whip shot which are more spammable from the backline than in the front.

Yep I had the same problem with brig shield. Damage that should be blocked goes right through the shield. Sometime when I have my shield up and and a dps is shooting me off center from where the shield is facing the damage goes through. Even the kill cam shows I have my shield up.

They need to change the shape of the shield,especially the bottom part so it can actually defend brig from splash damage. Also please fix the bug where damage goes through the shield.

I guess they were right, Brig really IS broken.

That would be acceptable explanation if not for the workshop mode evidence, check it out. Same exact scenarios and sometimes the tire is blocked, sometimes it is not, easily reproducible too.

Love this post I hope this gets more attention. I’ve stated her shield is wonky for a long time. Love for them to critically look at it and even add more curve.

If you aren’t looking a rein dead in the face shield up with hammer down for example. More curve would help with a lot of things.

If she is going to stay 150 base health with 50 armor can we at least put more strength back into her shield.

Revert the shield regen nerf you guys did a while back too blizzard please.

ok jury’s out revert all her nerfs now! its only fair…

im kidding :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So here I am again. I had a lazy morning so I decided to do some test runs on this Brig shield thingy with the workshop code ZM47H, using 0.12 delay (as defined by the workshop code itself).

tl;dr: 28 tests and 4 of them failed. Sometimes, regardless if it is high or low likelihood, the shield will just not work.

Now of course a workshop code isn’t akin to real gameplay, but at the very least it shows there’s a potential for an issue with the shield. Combined with the examples of its inconsistency in real gameplay, I’d say it’s knackered.

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Im pretty sure i’ve blocked earth shatter before.

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It´s weird. And what bothers me most - doomfist´s punch goes through and kills you and that is not bug. It should at least prevent you from dying.