They're putting a shop skin on twitch drops?

Don’t get me wrong I’m glad they’re finally putting something new on twitch drops instead of garbage like charms and trinkets, but man it seems kind of scummy. Let’s give something away but before we do see if we can get any suckers to spend $20 on it. I’d be livid


Yeah, I was considering buying the skin when it was in the shop because it reminds me of Beast from DOS2, but I didn’t because I don’t play Torb much. I’m glad to have the opportunity to get the skin for free, but I think I’d have been a little miffed if I had bought it.

I’m not against the idea of putting a shop skin in a drops campaign on principle, but I feel like the players who bought it should have gotten a longer period of exclusivity. I don’t remember exactly when this skin was in the shop, but it was less than 6 months, which seems awfully short. The Demon Hunter Sombra was a blizzcon exclusive for twice as long (11 months) before it became available as a weekly earnable skin in the Halloween event, and people who had paid for it were mad.

Edit: Also, it’s kinda strange that they put a free Torb skin on Twitch when the only free skin in the BP is also for Torb, at level 10.

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