They used the Retribution theme for Mirrorwatch Gibraltar

They torment me with nostalgia for something that they will never give back.


Question because I genuinely forgot and wasn’t playing as much last year: Did they bring back old event modes for the anniversary event in 2023? Or has it been that long since we got Archives?

Only the ones that originated in Overwatch 2. Starwatch, Olympus, Prop Hunt, etc. etc. etc.

We haven’t had Archives back since 2021. And we never will again.


Did they say they’re never bringing it back? That really sucks. If they’re really cutting back on PvE content in the future, that’s the least they could do.

I haven’t got Gibraltar yet so i hope i will see it once. A shame they haven’t made Rialto into an OW base.

Retribution was by far the best mission in the game and i miss it greatly…

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The least they could do?

The least they could do?

They’ve been cutting back on PvE more and more ever since it was announced. The “least they could do” has been dropping more and more, until it’s fallen through the bloody floor from the sheer weight of all the nails in its coffin.

The least they could do started out as a full fledged story mode with character progression/trait trees, hundreds of replayable hero missions, details cinematics, and consistent releases delivered on time.

The least they could do turned into no trait trees, no replayability, no consistent releases, nothing delivered on time, and now, no more story missions ever. Just three little ones that barely got the story started, and ended on a cliffhanger never to be resolved.

Their absolute bare minimum now is the occasional short story or comic. The cheapest possible direction. So cheap, they won’t even charge you for it.

They will never bring Archives back because there’s no money to be gained from it. They will never bring Archives back because they don’t give a damn. They will never bring Archives back because they are liars and frauds who have been taught that they can and will get away with everything, by whales and corporate defenders with the attention spans of goldfish. Who act like everything is okay now because you can get credits for free, the monetization is slightly less predatory, and Bobby is gone.

No. Bobby won, and Blizzard has not changed. It’s just a different flavour of the same bitter pill, but because it has sprinkles on top, people are all too eager to swallow. It’s like seeing an abusive relationship in real time.

… Ahem

Lost my temper there for a moment. Sorry.


i miss that part at the end were you gotta get in the dropship, but i would stay behind and see how long id last.

I haven’t managed to get gibraltar in the mode yet. They should have made it a little more likely to get for the brawl.