They’re gonna nerf Mercy again

Zen is more situational. He has to keep adjusting the orb to different enemies and his teammates have to actually focus the targets. Its less of a fluid process than Mercy just damage boosting a teammate continuously.
Bap and Orissa , Ana is an ultimate. Not the same.

You mean fixed her bugs and broken gun (broken as in a bad way) because you would miss shots you 100% should have hit because the target was right in the middle of your crosshairs. I mean i get that players want handicap Ashe to not kill them by to wanting her to go back to missing her shots that are 100% on target which is ridiculous.
Also nothing was forced, its just people want to handicap players just because they can aim. People want players with mechanical skill to jump through hoops and deal with bugged guns in order to make it fair to the complainers.

Its not. Im just saying the same people that want Mercy to be viable and not nerfed are the same whiners and complainers that are in the forums wanting all hitscans to be nerfed. Yet there they are boosting them whenever possible.

Anyhow im not against Mercy at all. I dont want her nerfed. I just want the whining to stop and people to not be hypocrites.

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When I say “Forced Ashe into the meta” I dont mean fixing her bugs.
I mean buffing her gun 7 times in a row. :woman_shrugging:
And I totally get when you’re coming from.
More often than not, its Support mains screaming about Hitscans and Dps being “Too Strong” when they’re the ones enabling them to do so.

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Ya this was to be expected but it will probably just be her healing back down to 50/hps

Since Mercy is approaching 30% on ladder insta nerf, even though Ana is almost 50% for GM anyways.

They need to bring the other main supports closer to Ana in non healing ways.

It doesn’t matter how much damage she boosts overall, it matters how many one shots she enables. That’s what makes damage boost powerful.


I’m highly against at any Mercy nerfs, but damage boost doesn’t work the way you implied it. Mercy boost 30% of her target’s power, and that varies from heroes to heroes. It can be as low as 20 dps or as high as 90 dps.

Now, imagine that Mercy boosts a Mccree all match and got 1k damage boost. If hypothetically all those boosted damage were body shots, then Mercy would deal 22.5 dps for every shots. Multiplied it with the number she got, then it means that Mercy dealt around 20k damage in that match (it’s not concrete, but damage boosts stats is pretty whacky in and of itself.) Not to mention that it enables Mercy’s target to receive 30% more ult charge from the damage they did.

Like I said, I don’t want for it to be nerfed as it’s the only thing in her kit that is consistently powerful besides her survivability. But, except Zen, every other supports damage is a laugh compared to what Mercy can do with damage boost.

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Oh yes they are. They’re gonna put her down to 50hps and not touch her damage boost at all is what I’m guessing :slight_smile:

well to be fair, its not like widow isnt just going to take over ashes role as the damage boosted dps if ashe gets nerfed.
they would need to either nerf mercy, or both ashe and widow (or all 3 of them).

Haha that is funny, but seriously Mercy needs nerfs, she’s cancelling sombra heavily.

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We may get a damage boost nerf
but that opens the door for a healing buff to push her away from being a secondary healer

We may see Main Healer Mercy return to us

D.Va/Hog have been run in OWL as well. I would not be surprised if they nerf D.VA as well even tho she has not being doing well on ladder.

Truth be told Blizzard’s way of balancing is nerfing the enabler rather than the one who is actually a problem, so in this case Mercy might get a nerf before Ashe ever does, and even if they do nerf Ashe it will be a slap on the wrist nerf rather than a needed one, since Blizzard has already announced that they are trying to steer the game into more of an FPS type of play so nerfing the DPS heroes is contradicting their own statement.

I am expecting more nerfs to supports and Tanks rather than DPS.

If she gets more healing she will outclass all other healers again due to being the most consistent one. She doesn’t need and wont get healing buffs, which is good.

If they nerf her damage boost they might buff her healing for compensation.

It’s ashe. It’s literally nobody besides ashe

An Ashe one tapping doesn’t need to spam into a pocketed target inflating the number

A damage boosted DPS is very scary at GM/T500 more scary than any DPS from any support

Wonder how they would even compensate her when they nerf her damage boost. It wont be healing since they are on an anti healing crusade. Maybe a faster rez!

And the hog nerfs if they happen would need to go into the game in the next two weeks to make it to the grand finals of OWL? soo their meta might change if we get an experiment next week too

It’s frickle.
You can’t just buff her HPS, but I suggested in the past to add a %heal to have more heal the bigger the health pool is, this prevents running into a immortal squishie

Absolutely false. Ana bap and zen mains are feared in masters and gm by every non flanker. They can 3 or two tap people, confirming kills all on their own and god help you if there’s a skilled reddit lucio. What you describe is more feared by lower ranked players who don’t realise that giving up a valuable support slot just to enhance one of 5 teammates is a terrible strat that can easily be used against them

And it wasn’t before she was meta? i feel like people who think Mercy needs nerfs aren’t looking and just want to scapegoat supports to be honest, her Damage Boost has been like that for years, and nerfing Mercy won’t make Widow and Ashe go away, it will just make either Baptiste and Zen more used.

I think changing the way Damage Boost is calculated would be a better solution, like GreyFalcon suggested, because Damage Boost actually boosts both the critical and base damage, i would be in favor of just boosting the base.

What are you even talking about?

Damageboost numbers are the extra 30% damage dealt amount that mercy helped to boost in the match. The exact amount of damage, not multiplicative by anything.

She doesn’t “hypothetically” get a random number of damage dealt or dps. That is the exact amount of damage she can get out of damageboost.

Something like 3000 damage per 10 minute, which is an excellent damage number but a realistic one for GM mercy mains, is literally worth just 5 dps.