These patch notes

Either you need to explain what is going on with these numbers and make me believe.

Or don’t come up with these Vodoo Numbers at all.

Not everybody has 8000 posts like you and knows everything…

I don’t know, it not usually hack cooldown that deters me from hacking a health pack, it’s deciding whether or not it’s worth coming out of stealth just to hack a health pack. It’s not just that you lose stealth, but you also lose your speed boost.

Im glad they seem to be fousing on us but one thing mystifies me. Why has Reaper not had his lifesteal nerfed or outright reverted?

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“oh sht symmetra was used twice in OWL”

“better nerf her damage”


i think the community just have to learn to play against him. He is garbage in the wrong hands. And garbage against players who know how to shut him down

for zarya it’s fine, after the charge decay buff and how she’s a good dps in goats.
For symmetra… no. She needs the damage, she is supposed to be good vs tanks. Can we at least get some compensation buffs?


Yah they are strong becours of their kit. It’s the combo of mobility and protection what causes them to be picked often. To that we can add that they are favorits of the community. You can see that in mercy still at 5%, 3% more then Brig, a supposed goats hero while mercy is called off meta and trash.
Either only 2% off all games are goats with rein then being picked in standard 2 2 2 comps or goats is run in ladder without brig.
But that sounds unbliveble.
So yah rein is getting picked even in 2 2 2 comps dou to his mobility.
Zar is picked dou to her good synergy with rein, who is picked dou to no other tank having a kit as good as he has.

This is an invalid argument. The same is true for every hero in the game. If a huge portion of the community says he’s OP, maybe he’s OP. Perhaps you should try asking a bunch of players around my skill level. My highest SR was achieved this season at 2089. Ask US what we think of Reaper


The previous working of how armour worked is detailed in last months patch notes. But, basically D.Va’s cannons, which do 2 damage per pellet have damage halved against Armour. Her micro missiles which do 7 damage, have their damage reduced by 3 to 4. By contrast, Widowmaker’s rifle does 120 damage, reduced to 117.

It’s not a fixed percentage against these weapons.

With the changes to beam weapons, the ramp up from 79 to 174 DPS for Zarya’s beam is now decreased by 20% across the board, whereas previously instead of just losing 3 damage a tick at high charge, and 2 damage a tick at low charge, it’s now losing 1 damage a tick at low charge, and 9 damage at tick at high charge.

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He locks the skull icon on tanks faster than before.

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Oh okay, that’s what I figured. But what does the 2.5 seconds have to do with that?

So it’s still a nerf as I said in the beginning from just looking at percentages.

This might hurt Goats, I love it.

Thx for explaining!?

I’m a high master/GM Junkrat main (not a complete 1 trick tho) and the only thing i want at this point for him, is reverting projectile size nerf, at least before the 1st bounce. It’s ridiculous how grenades sometimes phase thru enemies in front of you.

Like, ffs, ultimate is the only relatively strong part of his kit and it gets an indirect nerf via Soldier’s visor?! Also that QoL buffs for Hanzo (!! hes not even a bad pick right now), Pharah and Doom yet only indirect nerfs for JR.

I’m OK with the Mei changes. She gains more damage from her freeze ray, which makes her lethality more reliable against certain heroes who often needed a swift fist to the face to finish them off at the end.

Even though Ice Wall is the core of her entire kit, 400 health per pillar down from 500 isn’t THAT big of a game changer. There’s not too many characters who can do 400 HP fast enough to break down a barrier. Even Bastion still required a couple seconds to focus on each pillar before.

Most of Zarya’s GOATS damage is from her secondary fire, that is unaffected.

McCree ult is a bit complex to explain. Basically, it “charges up damage” on any enemy within sight while Deadeye is active. The skull symbol only indicates when the accumulated damage is enough to kill the target, but it keeps charging up after that. So, if Orisa is protecting 3 people behind her shield, charging the damage a bit longer means she can’t block all three shots because her shield will break from the accumulated damage.

What the buff did was making the charge go exponentially faster after 2.5s, so that there isn’t a time differential as huge from locking into a squishy and a tank. Tank still takes longer, but not 5+ second like currently on live.


Wait, who’s considered the bottom 5 then?

I for one, am sick of being like this:

Brief thoughts:

I think he does way too much, but seems like a fun hero. I don’t have an in-depth critique since there’s too much to analyze.

This is fair, and a very minor nerf to tanks.

Much as I hate Doomfist, I can see why this was done. He is a sitting duck without abilities, and with his escapes nerfed previously, this is likely the best course of action. I’m a fan of minimal changes like this.

With more heroes, old ones seem lacking in utility…so this change seems like a good adjustment to balance things.

I wonder if this will affect MMR/SR. I’m uncertain how stats correlate, but if they matter at all this should alter things.

I’m a huge fan of this, but unfortunately I think it will only be effective in lower ranks where people think that the shield is full-on cover; most people I play against transition from shield to real cover in these situations.

I’m saying all that with the mind that McCree is being protected by his own shield, of course. One exception would be combining high noon with Speed Boost, so I’m interested in seeing that.

As for Fan the Hammer, it’s exactly what I felt should happen. Every bit of damage counts, and being Orisa vs FtH felt really bad.

I’m kinda sad that the wall got nerfed, but am glad it was only by 100. This adds more reliable counter-play to it; my problem is that Mei wasn’t really out of control with it in the first place.

The primary fire change makes me happy for some reason. I’ve always liked playing Mei, but her lack of reliable damage has made her difficult to use. This might actually help, even if only at close range.

Ah, I love this. I’m one of those Moira’s who make full use of the HoT to conserve resources, and this just makes it better.

I’m shocked at how many good notes there are here. Orisa and Moira are my two best heroes, and both changes are super nice.

50% was always too much imo, so I’m glad it’s being changed.

I think this is fair. The previous changes made missing direct shots feel really bad, and while this change is small, every but counts.

Giving S76 his 1 damage back is the bare minimum of what he needed, so well done.

The sprint change will take some getting used to, but is nice.

Tac visor new targeting seems more like an investment in future heroes and tech, and is a great addition. Makes me wonder…can Deadeye target the Immortality field? Haven’t seen.

100% fair. Previously it just kept Sombra out of the fight too long, and that’s a complaint I see the most about her.

While I’ll miss being able to dive with Torb as effectively, the change is overall small and also fair. Gaining 150 armour was definitely too much, but outside of Overload he was way too squishy.

Would be nice to see that 50 extra health on him be armour, maybe… (EDIT: It is armour and I can’t read. lol.)

Your developer comments echo’d my thoughts as I read it. I do fear it will only make Widow v Widow the only meta-game, though…because it’s pretty bad now, and could be made a lot worse.

Don’t get me wrong, the losing Widow’s team should have it harder, but it might be too much.

Good change on paper, but potentially a really bad double sniper meta…which I never liked personally. : \

Oh gosh…
Oh no…

I already hated good Hammonds, so my initial reaction to this was dread.

One bit of silver lining, is that good Hammonds never really had issue with using adaptive shields…but the fact that this furthers the stall-game is a huge yikes to me.

Hate to say it, but this is probably by far the worst part of the notes to me.

Disclaimer: I don’t play anymore; I’m only commenting since it’s a huge patch and I’m keeping track of the game in-case I want to return one day.


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No, for real. The changes are quite good and the beams are adjusted for consistency. Wait to see what the reduction is before raging …