There's no way to make sombra balanced?

like how can we balance sombra so it doesn’t ruin the whole gameplay and guarenteed loss without her?


removing virus and not having her invis as a passive


No hack from stealth.

Make hack a skill shot- but remove the “can be canceled with 1 point of damage” downside.

Have hack do something different to tanks than it does to supports / other dps. I think this should be a general thing however, with non tank CC doing a “reduced” effect of sorts to tanks in general.


She already goes out of stealth when using Hack


rework virus to have the hack effect and remove hack as an ability entirely

That way it can be blocked and eaten by defense matrix skills

Basically the way she is now in mirror watch. She needs a complete rework but toning her down works too.

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Sombra is the worlds best hacker. You think they should make the worlds best hacker, make her hacks worse and harder to hack?

They already nerfed her hack. Virus is weak. EMP is horrible. She takes way more skill to play now than most DPS.

If you’re getting solo’d by Sombra, that is because you have bad teammates.

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Sure but we’re talking about making her more balanced. Take power out of hack and put it into other areas of her kit. If she’s less consistent with hack, she can more consistent in other areas. Sombra doesn’t need to be a hack bot if she’s going to be D-tier and still frustrating to play against.

Seems a lot of folks confuse balance with annoying to play into. I love Sombra but I totally get why a lot of folks, especially in low ranks hate fighting her. I’m curious if just removing or adjusting how her invis works would go a long way into making her less annoying for folks.

Could also make EMP be the only skill that locks out skills and normal hack work similar to a discord orb or something?

I dunno. I’m a silver. I have no right to say how balance should work. I love Sombra, I don’t mind fighting against her, she’s not an issue for me. So shrug. But it seems most people hate her because she can catch solo folks and blow em up or they hate her because she is always interrupting.


She is balance play the right hero, or stay closer to your party, sombra is the anti solo hero, if you have flankers on enemy team, sombra deters flanking.

Like, moira, sojourn, i think venture can work, there is also pharah seeing how she can stay in air after hack now…

Remove stealth completely buf her is whatever way you want then see every sombra main quit the creepy stalker hero.

I don’t know what blizzard Dev’s are thinking promoting such a creepy playstyle were these sombra stalk watch mercy relentlessly from invisibility and kill her repeatedly like some sort of crime series.

Sombra currently in qp is a stalker crime series simulator.

No other game promotes these kinda of creepy playstyle.

Sure games like crysis ghost in a shell titanfall all had invisiblity in mp but that was among cyborg soldiers of similar builds with plenty of detection tools and felt like predator vs Predator.

Not like in overwatch were it looks downright creepy were it’s used on passive medics to commit crimes.

Mirrorwatch Sombra is far healthier for the game, she just needs some tuning.


Yes but she can hack from stealth.

For some added context and elaboration here: prior to her current rework sombra had to fully leave stealth in order to hack. There was a fulll exiting stealth animation she had to do, then she could hack.

Now she can run around with her hand up primed to hack someone while invisible. If she tethers and begins to hack someone she will decloak and hack them.

Thus “Hack from stealth”.

Support Sombra :+1:

Less balance, more rework, but still.

Crazy that she’s already perfectly fine. Keep crying.

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Hack should uninstall Overwatch when used on a player that has complained about Sombra on the forum. If the player never complained, just regular hack. If they praised Sombra, the target gets plus 1-5 gold currency and hack lastes 20-30% longer.

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How much more power can you take away. It only last 1s.

Sorry but the silence from hack needs to go. Make it do something else.

Revert the rework back to what it was before?

It’s not about the 1 second silence, it’s the ability cancel. Sombra can be anywhere at any time and she can be perfectly positioned behind you, waiting to immediately cancel high value abilities with no warning.