There's no 'good way' to reveal an LGBT character

But they wrote that part in as a side piece, reminiscing of the past, the whole conversation wasn’t even about it. They weren’t focusing on that being Jack’s only trait. The story was actually focusing on history and background of these 2 vet stereotype characters. It wasn’t even blatant. Ana wants to see her best friends happy, they focused more on their personal struggles. The problem is, everyone is focusing on this minor part of the story. They’re not making gay be his only personality trait. They’re making his personally trait even more of an angsty war vet.


I feel like every character should just be bi just in case there is a relationship that fits. I agree with the post unfortunately.

That’s how Soldier aserts dominance.

I tried that once… didn’t work… My girlfriend told me I looked like an idiot.

It’s actually practical because in the heat the strips of the sandals can hurt your skin but oh well. Guess I’ll just be wearing sneakers every summer then.

I’m not trying to insult you here, but your logic is extremely disturbing and flawed. Gay or LGBTQ is also a life style choice and a life style is something that can be shoved into another persons face. Just like how religion can be forced into a persons choice because it is a life style. It’s disturbing because it’s as if you choose to be ignorant of the struggles as to why people do or don’t accept the life style.

I know I’m walking on thin ice here. I’m sorry if that comment was insulting.

I wrote that it’s a personal choice, that might not be exactly true. But the identity itself, just as other identities are products of our culture.

Because identities are socially constructed. Straight gender roles too. Straight boys and girls also build up a sexual identity through socialization.

I think both the way that they revealed it for Tracer and Soldier:76 are fine, it’s simply the community that I feel is overreacting about all this.

Tracer’s was obviously supposed to be a shocker, with a full panel kiss.
Soldier:76 was a small paragraph describing his past love life.

Both were great IMO :+1:


Annoyed me a bit the number of people on twitter saying that Blizzard took the JK Rowling approach on this kind of thing (revealing something even though there were no clues for it to happen), but the major difference is that Overwatch’s Universe is still in development. “He didn’t act like a gay character.” - What? Who are you to tell what a gay person is like? Just because a person is part of a group doesn’t mean they’re all a bunch of copies with no personality. The truth is that we’re all different.


did you even read the comic? IT was a passing mention out of ana and jack meeting after believing the other was dead all this time. And they plan to take down a lv.100 mafia boss.
And they think about their past.

If the only thing you took out of 18 pages was a small paragraph…


well, the photo was in the 2016 christmas comic, so…

And that tells us he is gay how? For all we know it could have been his son judging by the look of the photo, Soldier looked like he has white hair.

As to what why I think this controversy is a thing its because its SOLIDER 76 of all charcaters that’s gay.

Its the equivelant of making Superman or Batman suddenly gay. His personality and home he grew up in says otherwise that he should be gay.

what? how? What says undeniably that soldier could never be gay?
And are you comparing Soldier to the 80+ years of history of superman and batman?

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Did I not just explained? He’s from Indiana, he’s presented as this pure “American hero” type guy I see in someone like Superman or Captain America.

Something you would never see portrayed as a Gay man.

the story is set in 2077, maybe standards have changed?
Also, just because it doesn’t fit the gay stereotype it means he can’t be gay?


They’ve done research showing that this is actually the worst way to try and convince people not to be bigots, because if the bigots always know who is and isn’t gay, they can just avoid those gay characters and never form emotional attachments to them.

Instead research shows that if you want to help someone overcome their bigoted ideas, you should help them learn the human side of someone and then inform them of their ‘otherness’, whatever it might be; race, religion, sexual orientation etc. That way they’ll have to mentally grapple with the fact that they already know that this person is okay in their books and they had a pleasant time with them drinking coffee or whatever, rather than simply being angry that they’re forced to sit down and have coffee with a ‘gay’ that they’ve already decided to hate in their head because of their views.


Yes, that’s exactly why this is a big controversial thing in the first place. Because he doesn’t fit the Gay stereotype. A stereotype that unfortunately is still rather mainstream in basic culture as far as I know.

so, if he fits the stereotype it’s bad because it’s a stereotype, but if he doesn’t fit the stereotype then it’s forcend and he shouldn’t be gay?


Quite the lose,lose, situation now is it? I am just explaining why I think this controversy is a thing in the first place.

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There is a right way. The Tracer reveal was fine.

There are plenty of wrong ways too.

Sure, there are always people that will complain, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a “right way”. That just means there isn’t a perfect way