There is something wrong with Pharah

Even if you do, you’d be dealing with the team wiping threat, which should net you the win. If they are actually team wiping you :slight_smile:

Yeah pretty much this, but I’d also recommend a golden rule for competitive: don’t play it solo. Like never. It’s a team game for a reason. Gather a team for yourself through the numerous options in social media and play with them, practice with them. By playing solo you literally agree to have any kind of player in your team. Only a 2-3 stack can do wonders.


Nerf to what? Looool
Is blizzard supposed to balance it around golds and plats, people that dont know how to play the game?

Considering those are 90% of their playerbase, yes.
Also the pros will always be running whatever is meta so why even bother wasting so much resources to balance only around them?

Let’s just remember the ‘game’ technically is balanced.
Each side can play any hero, at any time and in comp both teams get the same chance at completing the same objectives at the end of the day.

The pros just know how to play better and end up settling in the Meta overall.
There are less silly gameplay mistakes in the pros play, they are the place to look to see where the ‘Hero balance’ is at , and needs to be shifted.
As the game is on going they need to balance the characters as they release new ones. The pros will max the skill on that new character and show the devs a better picture. Of course they’re gonna balance around high Elo, they made this game a professional sports.

The game is centered around PVP play at it’s core not casual/ co-op/ PvE, And it is balanced as mentioned.

In the end it comes down to the teams skillsets etc.

Then get some coordination. Zarya bubble/Defense Matrix. Your problem is solved.

i think i agree on this right here. i dont mind her ult, i think its actually one of the best in terms of fairness. it is pretty strong, but has its obvious downsides. so both pharahs skill and her enemys skill are involved, which makes for fair and interactive gameplay.

i think her problem, like many, is that others simply outclass her so much, and have ults/kits with much more reward for much less risk. not even talking about skill here, just risk/reward.

What if we change barrage so:
It has longer duration
Pharah can slowly fly while ulting (like Valkyrie but slow)
It can be cancelled
But lower firerate
Maybe lower rocket spread

Is that good?

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I have dedicated nearly 3700 of my posts about this sir

…And in all that time,all that sweat and blood I made rallying to change Barrage so it’s not a suicide press q to respawn meme button…I’ve never gotten a single blue dev reply.

They’re aware, they have to be at this point. They just are

A. Too scared to touch her for fear of backlash

B. No idea how to fix it so they ignore it

C. Have a fix being developed, or new ult, but it’s just taken over 3 years so far to make :unamused:

On this point, if you watch her up close, all of the jet thrusters on her back are firing off while she ults to counteract the force of rockets coming out the front of her which would push her backwards, the jet thrusters facing backwards push her forwards and hold her in place.

Cool idea but a total crap idea to freeze someone in place for multiple seconds in open air with no way to cancel or move in a fast paced FPS…

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I think that Pharah’s kit is so bland and weak right now that ppl with a minimum of awarness just need to take minimum care for themselves and just check fast for when she ults to completely nullify her.

A more solid kit is needed, I’m tired of she being a subclass Junkrat who needs to be exposed to do anything.

all the while hard countering junkrat, making both of them terrible…