There is something wrong with Pharah

She needs to upgrade her armour and start using homing missiles. They’d work kinda like Doomfist’s ult, only, you know, better. She could target an area from a specific distance, round corners, behind cover, and launch her homing missiles from there.

She needs some real buffs.

Even on console she’s trash right now, having a lower pickrate and winrate than Sym at Gold, Plat, Diamond, and Masters on xbox.

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At lower ranks, Pharah is an issue.

The skill required for her counters to hit her, is not the same as the skill for her to hit her counters.

If no one in your team can hit her, it is over. She doesn’t even have to be good, but, you will fail anyway.

It is why they don’t buff her. Because it would be ruinous at low ranks. However…

letting her cancel her ult? I think everyone can get behind that.

I see every high level pharah (on stream or OWL cos I’m gold) kind of flutter their mouse while ulting incase she needs to aim away from a charging dva, zarya shield or really anything coming close. No sure why any hero should have to make split second decisions to fire their ult into nowhere just to avoid being killed by self damage while her main weakness (in current pharah) SHOULD be her immobility.

My rat level perspective. (Zen main, easy enough to mouse scroll up to discord and headshot an immobile pharah while shes ulting OR if aimed at me and close enough, trans to force self damage, unbias)

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Lets also remember that they buffed her by shaving a fraction of a second off of the delay between her rockets.
As a Pharah player I had been waiting for that personally ,and it was delivered.

Her ultimate though is one of the trickiest ordeals for sure.

Concussive blast or a cancel mechanism would be ok, as well as the slight hovering movement being available.

The duration could be played with as well as the rockets spread and damage.
If she indeed needs to stay still, she needs some countermeasures like a fighter jet . Perhaps side shields or just a bubble of light armour , or holograms of herself or just smoke that makes her less visible for the headshot or something. …

Junkrat is exposed during his ultimate, but he can hide and still finish if he’s ousted… However others can move like soldier or are safe like Doomfist.

Who knows.
I kinda like how hard it is to get her ultimate off well too. It’s a point of skill via gamesense / and positioning.

The best/ easiest idea would probably be a cancellation option as that requires skill and keen descision making .
However complete overhauls on abilities has happened in the game too.

Feel free to add to my ideas.

I just looked at the ps4 EU top 500 leaderboards a couple of days ago… I think 7 or 8 out of the top 10 have Pharah as their most played hero.

It’s a troll comment, right? Please, tell me so.

Yeah balance the game around low elo, that’s an interesting way to kill a game.

Light her up like a christmas tree so it’s easier to find her.

If the game was balanced around low elo there would be no thirst to improve. The entire fun of it being balanced around high elo is watching the skilled players pull off moves then learning to emulate or adapt those moves to your own situation. You want the game dead.

I am dead serious.

Funny guy. It is already dead. They tried to balance only around pro play recently and goats is still stronger than even. They just ruined the game for 90% of the playerbase with these changes and still failed to balance the pro scene.

Please don’t go this “DeD gAmE” bs, it is not true. And yeah, an eSport game is always balanced around pro play as it should be. Imagine if elementary school kids could dictate the rules of football because they consider things OP which are clearly not, they just simply need to get better.

About goats, it’s the current meta, it will change soon. There will be always a meta and no, 90% of the playerbase is not affected by the meta at all. The lower the rank the more heroes are getting equally viable. In bronze for example, any hero can carry. Literally any. In higher ranks they play meta heroes, simply because it’s the most effective for them and they play to win not for their ego.

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Save for GM ps4 she is complete trash at every tier on every platform.

Also whats the entry SR for top 500 on ps4 EU? 3600?

If you slap a zarya bubble on her you double her HP though

looking at it solely where pharah is being unsupported then yeah it’s a pretty bad ultimate, but she can be supported, and you shouldnt be rewarded for ulting from the expected angle high in the sky.
In those situations, you should be punished.

However since we’ve had so many more hitscan heroes added since launch I do believe she needs something.
Just not anything related to her ult.

Will it? Ok, let say it will. What is going to be the next boring meta for the next year? OW so far has failed to balance on pro play level. All their attempts only hurts the ladder.

Not really. You pick reaper, you get 4 kills potg every match, you pick phaermercy, the enemy team can’t even touch you. No one can kill bastion for some reason. All these heroes who are considered “useless” in pro play are totally broken on ladder and it is only getting worse. was ok on ladder. Why did they nerf her more? Reper was fine in low elo (always picked) why he had to be buffed?

I think this is a rank problem. I havent inspected your profile but even in gold a reaper gets CCd or shot in his massive head most of the time before those potg’s. It’s still mega unhealthy to balance the game for low ranks (this is including my own rank).

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Everything you have listed here can be solved easily by having better gamesense and teamwork. It is the difference between the high elo players and low elo players basically. High elo players always find mistakes in their game and work hard to fix them. Low elo players are blaming the heroes, blaming the teammates, blaming the balance etc, everything but themselves. This type will never climb high, they don’t have the winners’ attitude.

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Right now, #500 has 4088sr
Top 10 is from 4564sr (#10) to 4711sr (#1)
What was your point?

And as long as I can remember checking the leaderboards, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone there with less than 4000. I don’t check them too often, but still.

Well what I am supposed to do if my team gets doesn’t know where to stand and gets team wiped by ulting reaper/pharah?

Go hitscan and deal with it yourself. Reaper is very slow when ulting, any hitscan out of his range can calmy target and headshot him, its easier with the immobile ulting pharah

Yes ofc. Assuming we don’t have 3-4 dps already.