There is only one OW character no one complains about

Its Mitzi, Brigitte’s cat, and everyone love cats:


My point is, we need more cats.

If you don’t love cats then you and I are going to have a very long talk


Mitzi has too much health and needs to be nerfed.


You can’t stop me from complaining about how Mitzi should be a playable character. JETPACK CAT 2021


Right? 9 lives??? Complete crap balance!


Mitzi costs too much damn coins and needs to be nerfed

says me, who can buy her 15 times over

I approve this message.


And I approve of your approvel :cat:

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Heck yeah, I love Mitzi! Best fluffy chonker.

I can’t believe this implies some people hate Orisa’s adorable puppy. :slightly_frowning_face:

thats a BIG FLUFFY white cat, wonder if there are cats like that for real. should google it if i new what type of cat it was

Moira’s rabbit instead and it can fade, and it’s ultimate eats hammond for lunch

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me still waiting for the giant russian bear wielding dual ak-47s any day now.

wrong, orisas puppy is least complained, so much so it seems you haven forgotten they exist

I’m allergic :pensive:

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I don’t love cats.

I’m allergic to them, and they tend to feel my ‘get away from me’ vibe. Cats either leave me alone or try to scratch me. And no, I don’t try to boil them or hurt them. Buggers just like using me as a scratching post.

That’s no cat. It’s a racoon painted white.