There is a plague in silver/bronze w/ victory hero switching

It’s an odd phenomenon to witness. A group gets a comp together that really works to bust through the team. When they win and feel good, it feels like they decide to try heroes that they need practice on, expecting the rest of the team to carry them.

In silver/bronze, this often involves a tank going to and one of the DPS switching to Widow.

Am I isolated in this experience?

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Nah happens in gold, plat, diamond.
People decide comp is the perfect place to start using a new hero they aren’t good with.

It’s really fun to throw a game for an entire team. Feels really awesome for everyone.

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it baffles me how willing and able my Silver teams are able to snatch defeat from the iron jaws of victory.


I have the opposite issue. I always get that instalock teammate that’s so hard countered they should be playing for the other team.

At least you were winning for part of the match lol my teammates go hanzo or widow for both rounds and end 2-14

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