There are only 6 hitscan DPS

Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Sojourn, Soldier, and Widowmaker are the only true hitscan DPS heroes.

To put that perspective, 1/3 of the DPS cast play like a real hitscan.

Reaper, Sombra, and Tracer though their weapons respond like hitscan, these heroes play more like flex DPS. Not like your hard hitscan like the one’s stated above.


I hate that projectile dps heroes are called “flex” dps, because that implies they’re flexible which they’re clearly not.


… ok? Whats the point?


Sojourn is projectile though… she’s only half hitscan with her ult and secondary fire.


They are trying to tell us to stop picking Reaper, Tracer, and Sombra into double flier compositions.

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“Hitscan” is just describing a weapon’s properties. Mainly that as soon as they fire, their bullet (or pellet or whatever else) instantly hits the target point while a projectile will take a certain amount of time to arrive. If you want a snappier term for Ashe, Soldier etc. than something like “ranged hitscan” that’s fine, go ahead and come up with one, but Tracer’s and Sombra’s weapons are hitscan.


They are hitscan. You’re trying to disagree with a literal definition because YOU want hitscan to mean something else. World doesn’t work that way buddy.


He is explaining to us that there are 6 hitscan dps atm in case we don’t know. He did all the calculation. We should praise him.


The problem with Pharah being strong put into perspective. That’s how few dps heroes can meaningfully interact with her.


I think they’re called flex because of their unique playstyles where as hitscans are more or less the same.

I just wanted to make a clear distinction.

Her power is in her railgun hence why she currently feels awful after the devs nerfed her.

Yeah I know. I probably should have referred to them as “precision” hitscan instead.

Their weapons are hitscan, their playstyle is flex DPS.



Lol, the irony. Nothing against you, but I think the world does work that way unfortunately.

Think as you want. You can’t change the definition of the word because of how you feel. Now sure if a large enough group did to a point it invalidates the old definition sure you could but in this context a Dev making a fps won’t be saying “Oh shotguns aren’t hitscan because someone said it on a OW forum.”

This is more of the case that you could call a playstyle hitscan and some hitscan heroes don’t fit into that playstyle but that doesn’t mean they aren’t hitscan. It would be akin to saying a Panzer tank isn’t a tank because it’s not a hero in OW. This is how language works.

Now definitions of word do and can change but this isn’t how that happens lol.

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Great. Now we just need a meta without these heroes.


Sure. Luckily Mau/Bap/Granny will be around to keep the meta as hitscan no matter what the dps are! Hooray! :rofl: /s


:clown_face: :clown_face: “Just play Kiriko against them” :clown_face: :clown_face:

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But they are damage heroes and their bullets are hitscan. They are hitscan DPS regardless of how you think they play.

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Am I the only one who thinks the Devs think along the exact same lines?

“This game is totally balanced and fair. Just play Kiri.”


Which is funny because Tracer is actually a very soft counter to Pharah rn

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Also shows how had balance actually is as past Plat, if you don’t count one/two tricks, 5 of these heros are basically the only DPS you’ll ever see.

Unless the enemy runs dive, which is when you might see Tracer.


You are very observant, OP.

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