There are no smurfs! Only a flawed MM

Okay so some hyperbole, but I think there is some truth in the statement.

All these smurf complaint posts, there just can’t be that many smurfs everywhere within this omniscient MM system!

All these team potato complaint posts, about how some people can see it is not them but their team mates causing them to lose games. I has all golds!

Did you ever stop to consider that your omniscient MM is creating these ‘smurfs’? de-ranking/handicapping just merely decent players to a low enough rank that they become the unwilling smurf just to get back to where they probably belong?!


Could be true, also player inconsistency.

Like when you have a great game and feel that you did really well, then… In the next game you are full on potato and the enemy lucio has you trapped in spawn:/


Plz stop spying on my games


It is exact opposite. Matchmaker is working well, but people who manipulate their rank are creating chaos.


I know a lot of unwilling smurfs. Half of them get fed up and buy a new account to play at Masters.

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What do you mean by that?

If it is working so well, it wont be so easy to manipulate ones rank.

No I am starting to think more and more. the game skill player at same rank disparity / discrepancy is more to do with the MM than any kind of ‘smurfing’ attempt.

People who are hardstuck in gold despite being way too good for gold. They buy a new account and sit comfortably in masters. But that shouldn’t be the solution. The MM should move people to the right rating better.

People manipulate rank by cheating(playing bad on purpose) + placement system is not accurate. Thats not matchmaker fault tho.


Yeah sure, golds comfortably in masters. Nice story bro.

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You’ve clearly never been in a smurf lobby in gold. There are tons of Diamond/Master players stuck in gold playing against each other.

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Please stop, you are making me laugh so hard. Diamond will never be stuck in gold.

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You can choose not to believe something, but it doesn’t make it untrue. It just makes you willfully ignorant.

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Yes so much playing bad on purpose… so much time throwing playing bad just so that they can ‘smurf’ one or two games…

No, reward effort for your scenario does not compute.

It not about believing. Its about facts. I am high plat player with peak in diamond. I can be stuck in gold for a while and then i climb into my elo in days, max few weeks of like 2 hours per day? If true diamond or even masters cant climb from gold, they lost their skill long before they made alt acc.

I did climb from silver to plat on this acc in days. So how can someone better not climb from gold? Doesnt make sense.

The point is you, a self confessed plat, did not throw your way to silver, the MM put you there. When you were your same skill in silver, other players may have viewed you as a ‘smurf’.

But you weren’t throwing games when your account default started you in gold. The MM gave you team potato to put you there for a while, before you rose to your skill appropriate rank.

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I’m a 3600 peak McCree one trick currently stuck in gold. Also I’ve been back and forth between gold and diamond/low master on tank more than once. Why are you saying its a joke when you admit you can also be stuck in gold for weeks as a diamond player?

there’s a term for someone who peaks masters and cant carry in gold. Its “boosted”

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Depends what your definition of carry is. Being the best dps in most of my games and having good stats is easy, but winning is hard because the game relies on your team too much. Who boosted me to master if I got there playing solo queue? Maybe a little washed but I’m definitely not boosted. This game is heavily team reliant unlike other games where 1 thrower doesn’t make much of a difference. But in ow 1 thrower can hurt your team more than having a GM on your team can boost it.

Considering currently. There are currently four top 500 streamers in the gold plat range that I know of who are playing there intentionally.

At the same time the matchmaker can occasionally drag you down to where you don’t belong where you have to climb back up and are stomping on players as you do it.

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