Theory for potatoes

Bob is well known for calling people on his team potatoes, entering his matches with a mindset of “I wonder who on my team will cause me to lose”, and spends the whole game looking at what his teammates are doing instead of actually playing the game and concentrating on himself.


Maybe that’s exactly the reason why you can’t progress as a player.


Oooh sick burn! But… it’s not true.

Overbuff has me at top 4% for helix rocket kills.

And any post not relating to the theory is probably trolling and will be flagged as such.

As for seeking potatoes during the game:

This not true!

I cannot say this enough. I usually find the potatoes during replays when trying to better myself.

It’s too much distraction trying to find them during the game. Except for tanks. Usually a potato tank never contests the escort on defense.

The mere fact you guys are trolling makes me think this theory is true.

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uhm, no it hasnt, you are in the 4th percentile (top 96%) aka out of 100 you are 96th


U got me!

My low helix rocket makes me a potato?

Mean while back to omnicmeta, my solider is 60% gold, and my Ashe is 75% gold.

Hero dmg, crits, and deaths are all above 80% gold, but my HELIX ROCKETS! - please avoid me!

Meanwhile not to be sidetracked, can you add to this conversation?

And as the season goes on… if there are any uncertain people still remaining, the more likely a certain person is going to be match with “uncertain” people, and more likely to be more casuals or people who dont play that role often.

Imagine having a 4 at the start of your SR, tell me your secerts.


Omnicmeta as a site looks extremely broken though, none of the stats change when you change the timeframe, echo isnt even added. the last time it had a “meta update” was 2.5 years ago, so all your rankings seem to be based on 2.5 year old data. no wonder your “ratings” are so high, because your stats are being compared to soldier when he was actually bad.

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Solution: only play once or twice a month. Your games will be more consistent :laughing:

So use the site to bash a stat, but DONT use it for overall player well being. Please spare me the troll minutes u made me waste just even going to site.

And this… honestly I have to say, you have to monitor how much one plays. Its like you get punished for playing too much.

Despite my stats, does anyone else feel this way?

Yes those were the bad ones but even the bad ones despite being toxic and bad gamers would still play decent or even badly but still know the basics and focus on winning.

Potatoes on the other hand. Do all of that but also don’t care. Theya re noot here to win and even if they lsoe they don’t care.

There’s a difference

A difference between someone that’s a bad gamer and potatoe. A bad gamer still ahs the right mindset and i can prove to you. league of legends golden age season 4- 7 , this was also the same time cs go was at its prime. Both games were purely skill based and the player thats good carries the potatoes on his team not only because he was good but also because the bad gamers despite feeding and making bad plays would still " NEVER GIVE UP" they would still work as a team to win.

If you play modern simplified busted league of legends 2 . When was the last time someone in ranked actually sacrificed themselves for you knowing. Provided that you’re the " carry and not the potatoe". No one. because 90% of the player base right now are potatoes not bad gamers with long hair and being toxic. There’s a difference.

That escalted quickly. and everyone otehr comment from palpatine and faking became more emotional. so ill bring the discussion back to norm.

  1. I don’t play DPS or play overwatch as much because of the long queues so instead i play support ana disguised as widow doing 2 things at once. Killing the enemy with 3 shots and healing. Pure healing is pointless when you have 5 potatoes. Overwatch 2 makes things easier with 1 less tank. and 4 openly roaming squishies.

  2. @faker i live my account open because its not mine and i use it to bait potatoes like you. Potatoes are hardcore delusional crazy people obsessed with rank. So i’ll give it to you staight. Nobody cares about your rank or my rank and we’re here to talk about potatoes not about me so stop so stop doing what potatoes do which is

" move the topic from objective to feelings by trying to attack someone’s feelings". I know you do that because deep down your weak and insecure i get it but wrong place for that and if did that to you you would get emotional because you’re probably sensitive. Its a common behavior now that weak people try to attack other people by using they’re own weakness.

  1. Palpatine. yea im not 900 or whatever i rank im in. Alt account that my friend gave me to play with him since hes new to the game and even he finds potatoes annoying. Hes top 10 in apex , and high rank in cs but sitting in bronze in overwatch. Whats your point? Here’s what I’m addressing Good game played by bad players. 10% gamers 90% potatoes. i consider long hair nerds that are toxic and drunk as good players because they still try and play well. I would have a toxic person that plays well on my team than a nice guy that plays like a piece of shiit any day and its rare these days.

I’m gonna be honest here. Every competitive game right now is," the game is not decided by the good player but which team has the worst potatoes".

All comp games right now give the worst experience. Growing up playing comp games I’m seeing the drastic change in players. very little good ones, potatoes everywhere. Less competitive males more weak males. Gamers played comp games in the first place because their reality was low energy and draining them. Comp gamers allowed them to unleash their inner warrior spirit. high energy. But now gaming is becoming low energy because weak low energy men are everywhere. potatoes are everywhere. this is a fact. Facts dot care about your feelings.

Right now even at higher elos I’m experiencing this on my main acccounts. There are way too many fake boosted players in higher elos.

So what I’m playing on doing is giving oevrwatch2 a chance and if it fails. I’m gonna keep my word. I’m going to delete every single competitive game except for league of legends. because league is like a place for no potatoes. and even if potatoes manage to play the game. They would die to me and the potatoes on my team will get carried by me and be my hoes and i get honored and get free skins from riot.

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Fatigue is real, man.

I see this all the time in these threads. I honestly don’t know what people expect.

Like, of course your performance is going to drop if you’ve played to much. Of course the games after going to get harder after a win streak. Of course some teammates aren’t going to be playing well or differently than you think is “well”.

Like, these issues are real, but i don’t see any need to blame anything at all for them, let alone a neutral, simple system that’s only job is to find 12 people of similar measured skill.

I like where your post here started, at least it’s an idea to improve rather than a complaint based on fantasy.

But if you expect to be able to play all day and not get fatigued and become worse over time, I honestly don’t know what to tell you.

I just don’t know how to get across to people that humans be doing human things, if they don’t already know.

Humans are fallible in a large number of ways, all of us. I don’t know how a person goes from “people in general have biases and flaws” to taking a personal insult, but that’s what i see happening all the time in these forums.

Like, you’re human dude. Humans are stupid af. Get over it, join the club, and stop trying to be perfect all the time. If someone notes your specific bias, thank them, don’t feel bad.


I think u missed the part where on other accounts stayed the same. So fatigue maybe an issue, but not mine. Matter of factly I touched silver but got it back up to gold.

I mean, there’s a ton of possibilities where someone could have two accounts of two SRs. In fact, I’m sure MOST second accounts have two different SRs. Why you can’t get them to merge, I don’t know. But there’s so much variability in just what a single person can do and how they treat the accounts, that I’d need to see VERY controlled conditions to even begin to suspect the matchmaker as we understand it from peer-reviewed research, informational videos, and standard practice.

Like, are you playing your accounts double-blind? Surely you know which account you’re playing, right?

People have worked for literally millennia to develop ways to remove their own bias from their observations. Are you really all that surprised when people who have not even tried to account for their own bias are dismissed as crackpots? It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen confirmation bias or observer bias.

Yet y’all want us to just believe your obviously flawed observations? And I mean flawed because they are human observations, not because you particularly are more flawed than the rest of us.


Thats why I asked the questions! Honestly, if any system with as much backing as this system up. THOSE ACCOUNTS SHOULD MERGE. That should be the staple of quality, yet not just me, not just 2, but a lot of people have these accounts and wonder why 1 is stuck here, one can climb there… “Some people can always climb”, and I said this before, if the match quality was worth something, there would not be these questions and frustrations. I dont think anyone complains when you lose a close match - but we see these stomps and potatoes and accounts NOT merging.

Do we want a better system? Then dont let Blizz off the hook, I maybe wrong about the theory thats fine, its a theory. But dont attack my character for wanting a more upto date system released in 2016 for a game that is releasing in 2023 (my estimate).

I’m not referencing this post, put I do have to ask, since you neglected to answer me, what was your point in response to what I had said?


But it’s not, though. It’s a system to measure humans in relation to each other, which in a sense it can do that just fine, but you have to understand that it’s measuring the current pot of players, not an absolute value, and I think this is what a lot of “broken matchmaker” people don’t understand.

When you have a SR of 2800, for instance, that in and of itself is a completely meaningless value. You don’t have a “skill” of 2800, you have a skill of better than, say, 60% of players who you played against. If you are playing in a time zone where all the players are relatively bad, your absolute skill will be the same and your relative skill will shoot up. If you play in a different pot, like a different time or on the weekend or on a holiday, you are suddenly misranked because the system doesn’t rig the games, it doesn’t use complex algorithmic handicapping, and it doesn’t deliberately choose players for you.

All it does is find 12 people with the same MMR, without regard with how that MMR got there. THIS EXPLAINS ALL THE COMPLAINTS.

We’ve seen this with that group that only played at midnight Central US time, they were exploiting the system and “gaining” SR because they were in fact better than anyone else that was playing at the time.

This is why I think a simple win-rate system is so much more popular even though for most people it’s absolutely horrible. Your win rate IS your “rank”. So the perceived problem with this system is that “everyone has a 50% rank”, which is obviously not true and not how this system works. Some people don’t understand that their rank under a win-rate system was inflated. Some don’t understand that system only appeals to slightly better than average players. Some people understand it just fine and like winning 70-80% of their games and don’t care about the people who quit because it’s a game that’s not fun for many people.

In order for your accounts to merge, you need to play them equally. If you play one in Oceanic TZ and the other in Greenwich Mean, then you’ll never get them to merge because they’re fundamentally measuring two very different things. You are the same, but your relative rank is absolutely not the same. And that’s just one variable you’ll need to control for. You can’t treat them differently at all. Just, randomly choose to play one or the other…but if you do that then why would you have a second account? It wouldn’t make any sense, people have more than one account so they don’t have to play them the same.

That’s also why none of this “we’re experiencing this WITNESS ME” is convincing to your argument. WE KNOW YOU ARE EXPERIENCING IT. You’re attributing the problem to the wrong cause. This is a player problem. Not just you, but players who are human and suck in general. If you don’t like the variability that comes in a game of 12 players that is caused by players, then there are other options. If you don’t like random players, then do LFG or create a team. No one is making you use the matchmaker, that’s your choice.

It’s that you’re demanding that the matchmaker read your mind to know who you want to play. You’ll never get a system that can wake your competitors up and make them play. You’ll never get a system that eliminates fatigue and tilt and keeps you performing at your best. This isn’t realistic. What you claim to want is absolutely impossible without Orwellian changes to how much the game literally controls your life. You will NEVER get a system that can do that. Like, how are you going to give people only close matches? Do you WANT it to be rigged? That’s what rigged would mean.

Also, you’ll never again see a system that alienates 60% of its player base by letting new players get absolutely stomped as a matter of matchmaker design.

As for your OP idea…it’s actually not that horrible. I doubt it would be as effective as you think (because sigma changes with more than just number of games played, but also luck streaks and time off, so it’s essentially random) and even if I’m wrong on that count, that would introduce another thing to match on besides MMR and time in queue, which would increase time in queue which people hate more than the occasional stomp, apparently.


See I like this. This cuts the bs out of marketing of the “rank system”. (And people on this forum come off as if they’re paid to keep the OW brand perfect).

  1. It’s not perfect. It’s not a defacto “your skill is X”, git gud to raise it. (Git gud helps… which is why I try to git gud).
  2. People can experience different results based on region and time of day which I’ve always said.
  3. It brings in that sr dimensionality I couldn’t explain as well you did.

Heart from me!

I even wanted to ask a question (that will never get answered), per region, is there a concentration of GMs? (And other ranks). I asked this because even if I rank up slightly, maybe the concentration of plats are on the west coast? (Especially if population is declining).

What I do disagree with is the hopelessness of finding a system that can find a solid ranking. I believe it lies in my relative stats model.

Honestly, I’ve only ever heard the conspiracy theorists claim the system is perfect. Those defending the system acknowledge the limitations and also realize that everyone is subject to them equally.

It’s the rigged/handicapped/suspicious pattern people who think that the system is more complicated and more powerful than it really is, but it’s bugged. It’s not bugged. It’s not broken. It’s not faulty. It doesn’t need to be because it’s just a normal system doing the best it can with what it has, which is humans who are bugged, broken, and faulty.

I’m on my phone so I’ll have to link it later, but I have a post from 4 years ago detailing the types of conspiracy theories. They usually, if not always, assume that the matchmaker is perfect.

What the rest of us try to say is that it’s good enough that you shouldn’t worry about it bringing you down. There are far, far, far more important things to worry about and that actually matter.

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