Theory for potatoes

Based on the fact that MMR has uncertainty attached to it.

The more games you play, the less the uncertainty. So if I WIN 150 games, my uncertainty is probably pretty low.

Wouldnt it then make sense to start pairing “uncertain folks” with “certain” folks - to make the “uncertain” → certain.

And as the season goes on… if there are any uncertain people still remaining, the more likely a certain person is going to be match with “uncertain” people, and more likely to be more casuals or people who dont play that role often.

Meaning, the more you play with uncertainty the more “shielded” you are against “uncertainty”. The longer into the season - the more odd balls u get.

Now… its not BAD these people are playing, just frustrating.

Also combine this tid bit I found about mixing role SR for initial seed of “uncertainty”…

Here is the MMR CRoss-role. Combine with uncertainty and lets say u have a support main who is high level, chances are they might make the DPS “high level” - just cause of this tid bit. But those who play tank / support may not have the understanding or gamesense for dps - and vice versa for other roles.

Anyhow, hopefully this made sense, also just shows a “perfect” system can have unforeseen loop holes that may work for retention but not for true competition. True competition would to pair more certain with more certain.


Potatoes, I love that term lol

If the systems goal is to learn, uncertainty-> certainty, this seems more and more plausible.

I also notice no git gud crew coming in telling me it’s not true.

Reminds me of the patent thread.


Because everyone knows that this is how a ranking system works, bob.

  • You should read some of Taleswappers very well written posts. You might actually learn a thing or two like BrightTitan did.

Because conversations with you are about as engaging as communicating with a potato.


So this is old news yet when people complain about potatoes you act like its unholy or something?

I consider this a BIG gap in a real skills for skills matchmaker.

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I look at it this way, sometimes I am the carry (sober) and sometimes I’m the potato (intoxicated, but also sober some days), the inconsistency of players below the Diamond rank (I mention Diamond due to pbsr being removed from there on), can climb to that point through stat padding and huge amounts of luck (myself included in the past), you might believe you are playing at a consistently higher level, but in reality, it’s probably only 1/3 of the time, granted you are better than I am, but I play consistently and stay within 75sr of where I am currently on all 3 roles based on my level of skill.

Why can’t you accept that maybe, you are in the same boat? And before you bring up alt accounts, I still have one that floats around mid plat after hundreds of games played (luck), yet this (my main account, and open profile) remains where it is.


I cant accept it cause I dont stay within 75sr between all my accounts.

Tank I got one stuck in silver another just makes it to plat, a third is mid gold.
Dps, I reach 1 game away from plat, and drop to silver. Other account is stuck in mid gold, and low gold.
Support, I got one stuck just above bronze, another right below plat and another I was able to bring up to silver to gold.

Man I wish I saw consistency, I really do. Ultimately during covid I play alot more than I should, and what happens after a certain point, generally mid to late season, the potatoes take root.

As the season goes on, casuals that haven’t touched a certain role all season or YEARS get placed with me and they do dumb stuff.

U guys teach me not to blame them… fine.
But now I am pointing out the system has this built in. Undeniable now? This is NOT a perfect system. It can be better - it needs to be better.

Also mind you this is 2016 tech. Since then big data and some real deeper understanding of machine learning. Let’s get this to 2022 levels. Honestly now they could even track everyone who played everyone on what map / char. They can also give great feedback and stats to players.

But… nothing


I give up, I just give, you will never come to understand how others see this game, and will remain stuck in your own head and mindset, until ultimately you no longer play, Godspeed Bob, and good luck.

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I do understand how other see, I think they failed to see how I see this game. I work my way up after vods and I still get hit with a massive losing streak over 2 games a day for over a week… ?? Thats not a magical solution.

Mean while…

I’m finding more and more issues with current system stuff. That explains how IIIIIIIIIIII see the game. I bought into gameleap, I buy into vods, aim trainers - what failed you is not ME, but the system u choose to defend.

The more I play, the more I see off the wall bat-sh!t crazy poor playing decisions.

I have a theory. The more you play, the more it will partner you with uncertain gameplay - which could be detrimental to your win chances. However unlike the other equal chances (what happens on my team happens on their team), this is directly tied to your playing hours. Meaning, the other team has settle there MMR (it could all be partially certain), but YOU being certain get more UNcertain, but MMR will still think its within 50/50.

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Do you believe that you are entitled to climb just because you put any semblance of effort? That’s really what it sounds like. Is it possible that you aren’t improving at all? Is it possible that you tilt easily and as a result play worse? If you’ve fixed mistakes from the past and are still losing, then you clearly have a lot more to improve. Send a replay over and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong.


That does not appear to be the case. The matchmaker couldn’t care any less about your volatility status. That is used by a different system to boost smurfs and lower/boost new players into an SR range that befits their skills.

MM and SR correction are two completely different systems. Jeff Kaplan and Scott Mercer spoke about these systems very early on. They have been adjusted independently multiple times and do not appear to have any correlation. If the matchmaker had a hidden stat that it considered other than MMR, ping, and group size (those are the three parameters given by kaplan) then it would have come to light by now. Also it would slow down the matchmaking process if it was added.

What you’re seeing is natural variance in player skill based on the time and day of the week you decide to play on. You may also be confusing your advancement games with something different. What I mean by “advancement game” is that after three consecutive wins or losses the game gives you a game to see if you’re more skilled than your previous lobbies in order to start acceleration based on PBSR.

Try not to confuse it with something nefarious, okay?

Read More:



Its its more effort than I believe the average player is doing, than yes. I should be considered MORE than average.

Can I tell I am being MORE than average? - No.
Do I see countless games of medals? - Yes.
Do I see myself on fire and the rest of my team not, more than often - Yes.
When I look at Vods do I see my dps partner with 0 ults, and me with 2? - Yes.

Now I do see
Do I see myself winning the game with 0 medals? - Yes.

So I see it both ways, I do. I cant be the carry everytime I understand that. But… can THEY see that someone has frustration and it doesnt follow their dogma?.. ??

The system doesnt make sense to me. Yet, IIIII failed folks? Git gud is not a solution for folks who want to understand why they seen un-systematic results.

You have to choose your battles I suppose, some pay more.

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Yeah on paper, sure. But this is a real world scenario, and you are human and very capable of fault. Putting in effort to become better guarantees nothing for you if you don’t actually improve. Skill isn’t based off of how much effort you put. It’s just a trend that those who put in more effort are often better. Not always the case.

Good thing you are below diamond where PBSR exists and you can reap the rewards then.

Getting better at the game is not the solution for climbing on a competitive ladder that rewards being better at the game. Absolutely crazy statement from you. You don’t get to decide that loss streaks mean the matchmaker is unsystematic and therefore flawed. You just made that up to benefit your argument. You don’t get to bring up anecdotes from your games, and then provide no replays, or any actual proof. It shouldn’t be that hard to understand that progressing past the average player is going to be difficult if you aren’t already talented, but alas.

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I did read the rest as a courtesy, but, I am not referencing player inconsistency.

Certainty is a machine learning specific variable. Completely different. This system will inherently place you with “certain” or uncertain based on you certainty.

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The neural net type of certainty is completely different from what you attempted to explain and have no relation to the topic at hand and is not being used. We’ve known for a while that MMR is calculated with a modified version of TrueSkill. I have also explained to you what the MM is looking for in my earlier post and what effects your SR including explanations from developers.

What more do you want to know about the matchmaker? I can explain it to you.

in the example you gave about cross role - they took things like your aim, eliminations, ect and used that data to adjust MMR to a slightly more appropriate level. This function does not appear to have been used since Role Queue Beta, however, as all roles appear to start with NaN = 2350.

If Blizzard developed a system that could accurately match others based on how “certain” they were about how someone would play then I would highly suggest that they actually use it in their game. It would make things much more tolerable.

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sorry, thats on me, my bad fellow git guders…GIT GUD


I honestly don’t get what exactly the problem is. Are you complaining that there are still players with uncertain MMR towards the end of the season? Why is that a bad thing?

That’s just not how it works, bob.

That much is clear.

Ultimately it is. I would say I have a fairly good understanding of the system but that didn’t help me rank up in the slightest. The only thing that matters is personal improvement.

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I didn’t read past intoxicated because. So it’s okay to be intoxicated in a team based competitive environment? So if we were playing football and i had to pick a teammates and you’re intoxicated why would I pick you?

Where this culture of being intoxicated in Real life competitve environment is bad like sports but being intoxicated in Competitive gaming is fine.

Where’s the sense here? So it’s okay to perform badly while being intoxicated and draggin your team down? Its okay to be bad?

That’s tyranical. because the game is now about what you wanna do.

like if it was 5v5 football and i pick you. You would score own goals, pass to the enemy, do everything to help the enemy because you’re intoxicated and the rest of us should be okay with that? I’d honestly think someone on the team would lose his cool and come at you with his fist ready and others have to clam him down and what happens next is in the future nobody will want you on the team.

So its okay to be intoxicated and tyrannical? when did this all start?

I’ll give you the answer for this one. Gamers were once called losers. they played comp games because its a place of high energy and they hate being in places of low energy which is society because for the most part everyone’s intoxicated.

but ever since gaming became popular. all of a sudden we are now winners. Soceity invaded gaming and turned it into soceity which a low energy environment played by intoxicated people. Why? because its okay to be bad and tyranical here. What’s the worst that could happen? IDK a gamer working hard to win and being confused as to why his 5 intoxicated teammates are showing no form of energy in their performance forcing him to play 5 times his normal which is way too much stress and tension on a single individual.

So what’s happening now in gaming is MGTOW is in gaming. Its a cultural movement that’s happening where gamers are trying to find other gamers in the gaming universe to create clans and guides with to avoid bad players who are intoxicated or sober. Its not easy . Finding another gamer is like finding a needle in a heystack.

Women who think they’re dating a gamer and telling their other girlfriends they’re boyfriends a gamer is absurd. It’s like finding a needle in a heystack. gamers a rare breed now.

Gamers are completely avoiding non gamers and they can tell ," oh this guys a gamer imma add him to my guild he will make an excellent member to my crew".

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have you ever read anything with regards to history?

yes, because you are at home, drinking in your PRIVATE residence, not harming anything, not driving, making the smart choice to stay home.


this took a left turn when you should have gone right…


What about history? Sure there’s tyranny but we live a society of good men who created a better world we live in today. Gaming was a place where good men would go to channel their warrior spirit after a days work as part of they’re competitive nature. if was a no loser zone and if you were a loser you would be at the bottom of the leaderboard.

What you mean not harming others. If you’re on my team with gamers who wanna win and you’re the potato passing the ball to the enemy, scoring own goals being bad and for the whole season everyone tells you self improve and you don’t because you’re lazy and don’t care ends up making your teammates do extra work which by itself is exhausting where one of em will reach a tilting point and come straight at you with their fist. the onyl reason you’d still continue to harm others is because " you’re at home in a private place doing harm to others". So you might not get pounched in the face but you’re still doing harm to others. How is that a good thing?

Yes it is extremely difficult for gamers to find other gamers or cross paths with another gamer. That is why clans systems were asked by the gamer community that way to find each other. So a girl might think " oh i have a gamer BF". when in reality that’s just a non gamer bad loser trying to find a gamer gurl to fulfill his anime fetish.

This is a right turn heading towards gamers finding other gamers using clan systems to avoid bad people.

turning left = logging in everyday playing solo queue witrh 5 random portatoes and going ona losing spree.

Note : in the past even if you had 5 potatoes they will still gamers but not the most exceptional. They will at least perform and don’t score own goals and pass the ball to the enemy team as much. So it was easier to solo carry. Today its not because the mindset is not there. bad gamers still had the right mindset. Bad people don’t there’s a difference.

The only exception gamers invite to their clans are femboys and girls for obvious reasons.