The worst meta is upon us again

The two famous heroes which everyone knows are the most unfun and unskillable heroes: Orisa and Sombra. Can we PLEASE nerf or do something about these heroes. Especially sombra, for what reason does a hero have infinite stealth with ability to cancel and make other heroes’ abilites unusable. If a team goes sombra orisa it’s a wrap. You can’t win. The stuckup horse pushes to your face. After taking a single hitpoint of damage, goes fortify and doesn’t take damage anymore. Trying to counter her? Play zen, ha you get hacked and killed in 1 second by the enemy sombra. Why not try zarya? You get hacked and can’t use bubbles anymore. I literally can’t fathom why these two heroes are allowed to stay even remotely relevant in the meta. It kills the game and makes the game unfun.

Hopefully after a year of people complaining about orisa the dev team might actually do something. I guess not though.


Sombra is the 7th most picked dps and is bottom 5 in winrate. Unless the meaning of meta has changed in the last 5 minutes then I doubt she’s meta.

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I thought it was still tracer, soj, orisa, lucio, moira/kiri


Of all the problems in this game, Sombra wouldn’t be in the top 10.

Moira has been scrubbed from that line up ages ago, her recent nerf “power redistribution” has solidified that. It’s just the same 5 heroes again, lets go!!! /s

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