So if I don’t believe that the game is out to get me, I’m not good at it?

That last statement is my biggest problem with MM. Why the heck should people have to continually carry worse opponents when this is a team based game? I’m tired of being on a win streak only to have to pull my hair out to carry two off tanks (Zarya/Hog/Ball who doesn’t dive backline) vs Widow/Rein/Zar. If people on are a loss streak then don’t stick them with win streakers to try and carry.

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They won’t. The way it works is best to describe it as having a 2/12 chance of being the best player on one of the teams. If you have the top 2 mmr in the lobby, then you will have teammates the game inherently thinks are worse then you.

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It is a series of lines of code. It does not “think” anything.

“Thinks” as in have lower mmr than them. Not that hard to understand.

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So if I don’t believe that the game is out to get me, I’m not good at it?

You got it - although I think the devs would put it differently.

Their primary focus is to balance the teams against each other for a 50/50 chance to win for each team. They achieve this by matching up players who can be far and wide apart even to the point of sometimes having players from three brackets in the same team. So obviously balancing players within the team is secondary. You will experience getting carried or having to carry.

That would be fine if the experience of getting carried or having to carry was random - unfortunately win and losing streaks shows that it is not. If it was me it would design the algorithm to throw in some artificial randomness to make the players think it is balanced and fair within the team - if I couldnt actually create that effect for real.

I think we can all appreciate that creating an algorithm that balances the game team vs team is hard enough.


I’ve been saying this for five years. Their matchmaking system is utterly broken and they’ve never prioritized a fix. Sad.

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This is exactly what a lot of us have been saying for years, and it matches perfectly with what i see over and over in this game.

Blizzard probably thinks it was smart to make every single match as even as possible by handicapping the teams. I mean, this is how kids make fair teams in elementary school playground sports.

BUT… over time, the OW players become frustrated due to a system that is essentially rigged. No wonder it’s a toxic mess.


Well i don’t belive that there is " forced win / lose " in this game… I agree if you win 4-5 easy games then you will get bit harder games and it’s not to “force” you lose, it is for your own good to check your skills. Also even with 50/50 if you are in your right rank you will steady glimb up by winning more Sr from wins than losing Sr from losts. Also how do you explain that i have 70% win rate as Reinhardt ( 30 wins / 13 lost ) and 80% win rate as Zarya ( 18 wins / 5 lost ) which are my most played heros at this season, yeah i play tank role, if there is " forced 50/50 "? I agree that some of games have been “unwinable” but do you really think thay matchmaker knows how players will act in this game? I hope best of luck to you and also calm down.

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The matchmaker does this because his stats don’t look good in the eyes if the MMR gods.

Have you never wondered why bronze to GM streams always give the GM streamer such easy AF games the majority if the time? The matchmaker is pushing them upwards because their stats are so high.


Maybe the games are easy because they know how to play the game well?

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I agree that the matchmaking system ruins a lot of the fun and with no way to vote to end a game, the player has no power when placed in a bad match. They need to do something to make the experience feel better. Regardless of whether the matchmaker is working as intended or not, it can ruins players’ experiences and sour them to the game.

Clearly you have never smurfed.


you’re not the only one. it’s why OWL has failed, why streamers have quit, while MOST players have quit, and why the devs are seen as the dumbest and biggest fail in any modern “shooting” game today!!! Blizzard has a lot of eff ups in their history, but this is on top of them. Yet you have Kaplain and his “infinite” wisdom lolz that tries to sell this broken pos game every day


Dunno. A few seasons back I was doing really well with Lucio: great kd, etc. Was on circa 80% win rate.

Then I passed my prior SR. Surely I’d reached my limits? Nope, win streak of 10 utterly easy games where my team was consistently better than the opposition and I hit plat.

That said, played some gold games with a GM smurf and we got wood tier idiot team mates to make us lose, so not compatible with previous theory.

IMO they need to do away with this MMR matchmaker crap and just use SR for matchmaking. It just causes toxicity as nobody trusts that any of their team mates are actually any good.

Had a gold game today. Both our dps were utterly useless. One was a level 25 noob that was clearly going to end up bronze, and the other was a tank main playing an off role.

Matchmaker ain’t great, that’s for sure.

All that said, gold games definitely faster paced and shorter ttk than bronze games, so system does work on a macro level.

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No he doesn’t, that’s absurd. Obviously he’s voicing his negative feedback at Blizzard hoping that they’ll listen or care about why people are leaving.

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I agree the matchmaking has been terrible. Really unbalanced and it’s not just because of smurfs, although that is adding a lot of insult to injury here.

I have a ton of friends who play Overwatch and the reports I’ve seen of insane things like Gold with Diamond/Masters are frustrating. I have a bunch of accounts and like others have said, they get placed and then they never ever ever move rank solo queue. It is utterly impossible. You can carry games insanely hard and still lose because your team is just a mess. Bronze is unbearable to play and impossible to climb out of because of the smurfs, newbs and trolls. Almost everyone I have talked to playing Bronze just simply quits the game after a while out of frustration with really salty feelings about it – and this is what they are communicating to anyone asking them if they should play.

Every rank is reporting insane matchups and almost no one is saying positive things about matchmaking.
How anyone can refute it at this point is beyond me.
How this is not a concern of the Overwatch team is beyond me.


No it doesnt, matchmaker is using your mmr to pick you for games, not your winrate.

that’s why there has always been two questions…

  1. why he’s here in gold?
  2. why he’s here in gold?

For me it was “Hey dude, you won 500 games, lets lose 450 now”. Then I brought back rating and I saw absolutely no point in any of it.