The worse thing said

Was Lifeweaver can’t carry.

Okay so Lifeweavers actually part of a set “The 4 horseman of the Apocalypse”
Baptiste, (My main man), Illari, and Brig.

Besides locking out Weaver so no healbots pick him, he specializes in flanking and time banking, as well as “Set up” for the other 3 horseman, there’s very specific paths you have to take to force me off of Lifeweaver, otherwise I can get away with Murder IF you get past Lifeweaver you have to contend with the other 3 depending on the path you took, a good Ashe, or Rammatra or hell even a good Lifeweaver.

You’ll then walk a path where 1 heros ultimate is completely invaludated for the entire game.

Flankers force me on brig which well that usually works itself out.

And illari is when my team gets stuck last point and I need to quickly “Remove yall from the situation”

Keep in mind tho EVERYONE ELSE has to get past my Lifeweaver, “Me”

The way you beat me is you must hold the proper tension on certain heros “Without” forcing me on another hero.

Were in a constant stalemate where I have the advantage because I can play as good as Baptiste orrrrr Ana orrrr kiri or whoever.

HOWEVER if you switch or do something out of line I’ll then switch to one of the other heros specifically talor made for that situation, and I’ve constantly got Weaver like setting up the conditions I want next, weather its me forcing out your ult, me synching my tree and cool downs to yours, hitting the flank, heck even just retaining that 15% ult charge.

Okayyy sooo this should be easy just beat me on Lifeweaver before I pick one of the “Good” supports like Baptiste, orrrrr Illari, oorrrrr Brig?

Who do you plan on doing that with? Rein? Bastion Maybe? Hmmmmm, get some Reaper action going maybe some Torbajorn, some Baptiste, some Zenyatta.

Now me personally where I’m from that’s called throwing…

What did you think this was just some useless hero who dosen’t have certain match ups he actually likes? That he can’t do absolutely anything besides be set up for others, how often do you think I legitimately have to switch LOL…

I guess my definition of “Carry” is different from others since I’m not technically a 1 trick, if you can do your job and do it well enough there’s like a wholllleee list of other heros to help you if and when things ever get tough, if they ever do in the first place…

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That was indeed the plan. It was also the plan even if you were playing someone else. It is also the plan even if the plan is not working.

Where are you from? I keep getting teammates from the same area…

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Gamersville usa, its where all the cool kids are.

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