The ultimate guide Discourage leaving

Obviously not talking about life, you have no control over that. You didn’t actually mention WHY, as in WHY are there rage quits? Dodging maps, etc.?

Could it be bad matching? Try to play MH sometime and tell me that isn’t broken. Today, I have won two of eighteen games. Two. Statistically that shouldn’t be possible.

How about Blizz look in the mirror and ask themselves what responsibilities THEY have for people quitting? If they say zero, they are lying to everyone, including themselves.

Man, just tonight, I had my Zarya ultimate ready and I see Pharah has her ultimate ready and the player is going towards payload with Mercy and I was just expecting to get close to it so that I can ult - the player left.

I am quite sure he/she didn’t leave on purpose but rather that something got them out of the game. Phara came back but no ultimate anymore.

Some day earlier, for absolutely no reason game instantly closed and I was looking at my desktop. No error or anything. Just “boop” - desktop.

I mean, I am all up for discouraging players to leave the game but this is not something that players do intentionally.

Matchmaking simply is comparing the hidden MMR of each player in a queuing pool and forming two teams that are as statistically close to each other as possible. There are other factors like regional matchmaking to connect to the best possible datacenter and how many are in a group but in the end, matchmaking is about numbers. Granted the variance between player’s SR and the two team averages can vary (and do so more in casual modes), but when it comes to the numbers, most matches are more than likely fair. Blizzard could make things “more strict” to how they form teams together, but the drawback to that is dramatically increased queue times.

One other thing, I have had very large loss streaks myself and I can say they are possible not only from the statistics of the matchmaker, but influenced by emotion. I once had a 30+ game losing streak in season 3 of Competitive Play, and I had to earn my SR back across 200 games in season 4, but I did it because I worked to control my emotions and focused on how I played the game.

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None comp suggestions…

15m ban for leaving 3 game+ is excessive as hell for a casual mode.

In an ideal world your idea isn’t bad but the world isn’t ideal.

An example…

Game 1: Paris … it’s a bad map and it’s not in comp… I don’t want to play it.
Game 2: I play cool
Game 3: I’m in a group memeing while the other team is trying hard… a terrible experience. I’ll take 5 min ban overplaying this.
Games 4 and 5: Good games…
Game 6: I have 2 people throwing in my game…

Now I have a choice … stay in a pointless game or leave and get banned. I’m essentially getting punished for people trolling in my game.

Another side of it is you WILL get more trolly players if they have no choice but to play certain maps. If a player can’t rage quit when they get annoyed they, them staying ain’t gonna make the game better it make games worse.

Either way in casual mode on in a team-based shooter where your experience can be ruined by a single player. Forcing someone to play a game isn’t good simple as.

On top of this being able to select certian map/mode in QP should be added before any of what you suggested.

Comp suggestion.

Good except people can use it to mitigate SR losses and boost.

On a mild side note with leavers ruining games. Make a 6 stack then the only leavers you’ll get will be on the enemy team.

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Here’s the problem. I always have a large losing streak in MH. I average 23% win ratio.
Check my profile. I have won three games in a row ONE TIME. EVER.

Golden, thanks Wyoming

On large enough scale, everything is possible. It’s highly improbable, but probability isn’t 0.

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Of course, but not for extended periods of time.

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After playing MMO games, you stop being surprised, when event with 90% chance to succeed can fail up to 10 times in a row.

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Honestly they should just add 5 minutes of queue time for each time you leave until you complete a full match for DPS, 10 minutes for Support and 15 minutes for a Tank. Up to a maximum of 30 minutes.

It’s nothing terrible but it’ll make you think twice because it doesn’t go away until you suffer through the extra time.

And that’s why we have extra accounts.

Or, better yet, fix the REASON why people leave (other than TIMMY SUPPER!)

Mismatching in this game is horrendous and you often are matched with groups far outside your skill level.

You are asking for impossible.

Main reason people leave is low morale. And we mostly removed or weakened abilities, that allowed to recover, which improves morale.

The ABC on how to make even more players quit the game because HLC/Paris/2CP defense and massive amounts of backfills to these maps are a thing in the game. If you’ve read into game development at all, you’d know that most of these suggested ideas would be not effective or meh at best

Here’s how you actually discourage leaving:

  1. Remove HLC/Paris from the mappools of QP/QPC
  2. Give players a chance to queue without DDA so they won’t leave when they see a +2k SR lower player in their team, which they will most likely do
  3. Enforce player behavior harder so that if they get multiple reports for trolling/gameplay sabotagish behavior, they’ll get the losers’ queue and are discouraged from not playing the game properly for a win. Because besides of the 2 former reasons, this is the 3rd biggest reason why players leave matches, but it’s way more problematic because after witnessing someone absolutely troll the heck out of the match they’re forced to leave during the match which is much more damaging for the game than leaving during the assembly phase or even before the map loads in
  4. Give players more avoid slots so they’re not put into games with players who are toxicity for their gameplay, which will most likely make them leave
  5. Make phone verification a necessity for the free2play events, so players don’t hop onto their alts to play the game which then forces other high MMR’d players to hop on their alts to get playable games which then snowballs the issue where not you can’t play a single game without an alt account which automatically means that the matchmaking has a high chance of failing

And that’s about it. The map, the playability (whether there’s a realistic and probable chance of winning the game or not), the toxicity and the trolls are why players actively leave matches. It’s not spite, it’s not character, it’s nothing of the sort that makes them leave. We all queue to play the game and would love to have an even match with positive teammates that play the game properly. As long as this is how the gameplay experience goes, the chances of having a leaver without an IRL reason is almost non-existent

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Or they are encouraged to push on. It’s not like they got much to lose at that point.

No they won’t, but even if they were it’d still fix the issue so it’s a win-win

If loser’s queue is longest queue, players would be determined to ruin game for others. You literally can turn accidental offenders into dedicated trolls.

It’s side effect of most such “punishments” - players that got falsely reported and got punished for it, will start to act to justify punishment.

I seem to recall OW being that way at the very beginning. If you left a game early, it wouldn’t let you into another game until the one you left was complete. Maybe I’m wrong in that memory though, and it’s just wishful thinking on my part.

At present, leavers make the game worse, and break things like Comp, IMHO.

If I had my druthers, if someone left a game, they would be put in a queue with other like-minded leavers. They all understand why they leave games, so they wouldn’t mind when people leave their games. But if they get tired of all the leaving, they need only stay in a couple games to the end, to be put back into the normal queue. In that way the leaver has complete control over his/her game experience (they can leave all they want, or stay all they want), and others who would like to limit the amount of leavers in their game wouldn’t see as many.

In comp I think it’s a whole other issue (even though I don’t play it). Someone should be allowed a certain amount of penalty cards per day or week, and if you exceed that number, then you’re locked out for the rest of the season.
So there would be some flexibility to allow leaving when you simply must, but if someone is a chronic abuser, then they don’t belong in that mode. But the choice to remove themselves for an entire season is completely in their hands.

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Interesting idea. But it has potential for quite entertaining scenario - what if leavers end up majority?

Leaver queue will become then like jail in Monopoly - it supposed to be bad, yet people actively trying to get there…

I hear that Cleo. But if that is the case IMHO, then they would all understand why they all like to leave (hate a map, or character, etc.) so they shouldn’t mind leavers in their own game. So no issue. I mean, I think it would be funny if chronic leavers, hated people leaving the games they were playing.

But again, mine is just a thought. I suspect that the bigger issue is that it would just increase queue times overall. Still, leavers seem to be becoming a bigger and bigger issue as of late.