The Tracer buff and the issue it causes

Let me get out MY forum calculator and… Nah, dva got hooked on the way in, monkey died to reaper, and tracer got oneshotted by someone. Your team is respawning, your ana player is begging you to switch off of monkey and tracer, and the enemy team is laughing at you for having a dva player. :laughing:

Well, yeah. That change does almost nothing except encourage harassing tanks. I don’t think I’d agree with people who are overreacting and saying she melts them - but they’re definitely trying to make her better at it. I’ll generally welcome any buff for a hero who’s consistently under-performed for over a year and a half but this one I’ll definitely call… weird.

Something I wrote in a different thread that sums up why every consecutive shield cooldown nerf to her does not and has not mattered:

I actually like that they’re giving buffs to monkey, dva, and tracer that don’t make them situational. I like having heroes viable more as individuals than in whatever image the community puts them in. I just don’t think they’ll be enough.

I imagine Brig has a tough time with Tracer from 13 meters.

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devs are morons what you expect?

She has a tough time with her at anything past like 5 lol

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Five? Brig can demolish at five. :dash::sparkles::dizzy::tornado::comet: :skull_and_crossbones:

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I wouldn’t say that if I were you :flushed:
The devs are like Slenderman:

Always watches
No eyes

Then again, I’m a Tracer main, so I’m not complaining :joy:

Play Nice, Play Neutral


Oh spare me, Idc if they ban me. The truth hurts, they can’t even balance this game right. Someone need to tell them they are useless.

Our Wendy’s fries are made with 100% potato and natural SEA SALT :joy:

Play Nice, Play Neutral


Gotta ask do you regret committing to this signature?

No, not at all.
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.

I came up with this phrase after I reflected on a past post where a user highly upset me. It was legitimate bullying for no reason. I never wanted to end up like them, and I encourage all who read my posts to feel the same way.
We’re supposed to play nice and have fun, but we should also remain neutral on where our emotions and opinions lead us.
You should never leave the forums feeling murderous or disheartened by someone else’s comments. These are real people we’re talking to, and we should never be that last push that leads someone to commit suicide, or even plan something sinister against society.

This is also why Tracer is my favorite character in the game, because she was someone that I admired and can fully relate to. She said the world could always use more heroes, and I apply that to my behavior in life.
This game has too many villains playing it.

So, by all means:

Play Nice, Play Neutral
