Tracer, Doomfist, Hammond, and (Dive predictions)

Maybe Hammond, but if its dive they’re definitely running Winston. is kind of a given since there still isnt really a replacement but because of that Dive isnt ready to become meta.

While i agree this might be new staple im honestly thinking winston over DVA just because he, despite what others think, compliment hammond so much better to dive. Also given Winston provides more CC with ult it will be much easier to isolate targerts.

Unless they are spamming a bunch of bunker damage then hammond dva because they are more stationary.

I see lucio or brig as a must pick for this comp and will see either mercy/moira cycled out.

This comp will be called “CC”

I don’t see Doomfist being all that useful in dive. He’s really good against heavy tank and barrier metas, but he’s always been weaker against heavy DPS compositions. Even when dive was actually meta, Doom was still hardly ever used, and this was old Doom where rollout assassin playstyles were super useful with the increased slam distance. He excels against comps with higher TTKs so he can bully tanks and get crucial picks without having to worry about getting oneshot for playing so aggressively. So he’s typically been super weak against comps like dive and double sniper.

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I predict Winston Hammond actually. I don’t see as a viable pick. I so agree that it’s going to be Doom instead of Genji.

I think you are wrong dive will not come back as long as orisa sigma and reaper arent nerfed to the ground

I bet sigma orisa will be still mandatory at every rank and you can easely counter your dive with reaper sombra mei as dps

My perceived weakness with dive now is that double shield, when dove, won’t care that much, they have Doom, Reaper or Mei, they will kill the diving heroes not the other way around…

Winston might be better than Hamster in that regard because of the bubble can hold off a lot of those attacks.

i’m not fully convinced that dive will even be meta after the PTR patch, just slightly more viable.

I half-think it’d be Hammond/Winston tho.

Honestly i’m just expecting orisa/hog to come back. People will try to play dive and eventually start getting shredded by orisa/hog and probably mei/reaper. Orisa’s nerfs can pretty much be offset by hog’s buffs. The monkey/dva changes are minimal, and tracer’s increased damage is useless when playing against many team comps in the first place, including hog/risa. If anything I think the variation with orisa/dva might become a bit more common. It was already picking up at the end right before sigma’s release. Then again… dva’s only purpose was to eat halts, so why not just use sigma? He’s still just a better dva. I dunno.

A friend once said its going to be a genji meta when 222 was locked in and I laughed at him, like i’m laughing at this post.

Replace Doom with Sombra. Sombra can shut down any hero, bar Tracer (impossible to pull off hack).

Tanks, we shall see. I think we will see a lot of experimentation with Hammond, Winston and Each has pros and cons.

For supports, Brig/Lucio. They support each other really well, and give decent enough healing for a Dive comp.

I’d be surprised to see Sombra or Brig in their current states honestly. Brig can’t keep up with the mobile comp and has her own survivability issues and Sombra lacks meaningful value to outweigh her lack of raw damage.

That’s why you have the Lucio. If Brig can get on top of someone, and have the second support by her side, she’s a lot less vulnerable. Kinda like Rein was in GOATS.

Winston, D.Va (Ball), Tracer (Sombra), Doom (Genji), Ana (Mercy, Lucio), Zen (Brig)

Doomfist prob wont be in it but then again, it’s hard to keep a good Doomfist down.

D.Va will not be part of a WB dive comp. Most likely be something along the lines of

Winston/WB/Tracer/Lucio/Mercy with the 6th hero being a flex dps slot.

You could run
Pharah (this would be one of my preferred picks)

Not exactly. With Orisa’s nerf to her barrier and Hog buff to his gun Orisa/Hog wont be very viable. It might be viable against double barrier but not against much else.

Essentially Orisa/Hog will easily counter Orisa/Hog. It’s going to be way to risky to mirror them since Hog can break Orisa’s barrier in less then 5 sec alone. Imagine how that barrier will last with another Orisa shotting it plus 2-4 other hero.

Not viable against much else? What is the competition? Dive which still is as weak as paper? Reinhardt comps which will have their shield destroyed even faster as well? I guess it remains to be seen if sigma/orisa is still good, or for that matter sigma/reinhardt… but looks to me like orisa/hog is still by default going to be the easiest and most valuable tank lineup to have if they aren’t.

Even if orisa/hog is good against orisa/hog, it’s like saying goats is too good against goats, so nobody will run goats. That isn’t how it works because it’s still better and more reliable than the alternatives. I don’t think the shield cooldowns will change much about it, but we’ll see I guess.

Sigma seems like he is weaker against dive.

I think, since he can only deal with one shield tank on one side.

I’m talking about Orisa without Sigma. Orisa without Sigma is prob going to be trash. Orisa’s barrier is important to her survivability. The one sec nerf was felt but can be worked around. A 2 sec nerf is far more significant.

That is basically old Orisa can deploy a max of 5 barrier in 40 seconds while new Orisa will be 4 barrier in 40 seconds. It’s not only a flat nerf to her barrier uptime but it also doubles more downtimes between barriers.

Her barrier is going to be broken more often leaving her exposed for longer durations of times. This means she’s going to be really easy to pressure.

This is my prediction. I don’t think the perception of this meta wont change very much but the power shift will be felt.

I don’t have much trouble running different tanks into double barrier in low Diamond as it is. Nerfs to the top dog and buffs to everyone else will make this even easier for a tank player like me.

Not saying it’s gonna be meta but asking if people think it will be ran as a strat.

I’m talking about orisa without sigma too lol. The only reason I mentioned sigma was to point out that, in the small chance that orisa/sigma doesn’t get weakened enough by their nerfs to justify picking someone else, I don’t think the dive buffs would matter in that context.

I just feel that the difference between breaking 1600hp worth of shields (back to back deploys, usually one deployed before the fight) and breaking 2000hp worth of shields (reinhardts) or 1500hp worth of shields (sigmas) is minimal in the short term. Sure, over the course of 30+ seconds you really notice the downtime becuase of her cooldown increase, but you don’t really feel it until the fight starts to drag on. Orisa/hog is really good at making sure it never has a chance to drag on.

I could maybe see a reinhardt based comp being more viable into an orisa comp now that the shield has less uptime. If you have a reinhardt player who’s smart enough to not let his shield get mowed down it wouldn’t be hard to exploit the cooldown increase. But I’m just not sure how dive comes out on top. The buff to winston’s barrier and the buff to matrix’s recharge just doesn’t seem like it’s enough to keep them alive.

I do welcome the changes though too. I’ve also been having a lot of fun refusing to run orisa/sigma. If you and someone else can play rein/zarya at a really high level and are in sync, it’s a lot of fun to roll over people playing double shield.