⚙ The Third Bastion Megathread

They removed it from the beta because it had 1000 HP and the game was barely balanced since only so many people had played it to even test it… it’s needed again.

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Sentry mode is flawed because it does too much damage for him to be viable.

solution. replace sentry mode with his ultimate. but it does a lot less damage. and in normal mode give him a mini gun like his sentry form.

and for his ultimate let him shoot lasers idk.

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Wouldn’t this mean he was viable?
It deals very little damage in practice.

Otherwise he would be playable.

This is no longer Bastion.

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She has tried 3 others while learning the game and now refuses to play any one else , always calls him babybastion , as she thinks he is adorable. :rofl:
And thanks! It’ll be a while :rofl::slightly_smiling_face:


what I mean is the way maps are designed and other characters are designed is that he cant stand still and do damage. if he was able too. he’d be too strong because anyone that gets near him will get instakilled.

They just said they balance in a way that wouldn’t cause a massive discrepancy in winrate across different skill brackets. Idk, ironclad and a barrier? There’s no way. Brig couldn’t even keep a 500 shield at melee range, there’s no way that lower ranks could handle that.

He can and did used to be nearly balanced, but was changed and then nerfed into the ground.

He’s literally stationary when in Sentry mode.

This should make him stronger, not weaker.

In my original post where i mentioned this change, i also mentioned the removal of Ironcrap.
(It barely does anything btw)

[New year, new Bastion. 🤖]

How about speeding up his transform speed on his ultimate then giving him 50% damage resistance during all of his transforms.

They way the transform can be used as a Parry mechanic.

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Damage resistance as it is now, in the sense of Ironclad, makes him easier to pocket.

Which becomes a problem.

The more intuitive and more easily balanced approach would be a more physical way to mitigate damage.



I did forget to talk about that unintentional synergy. I’ll edit it in later.

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The only way bastion will be allowed power in his kit beyond what he currently has would be to introduce cool downs onto his kit. I’ve suggested several times adding a lengthy CD to sentry and moving tank form to an ability (albeit not one that does 200 per shot) that also has a CD. This way he can burst down barriers and have a more mobile form to deal damage with.

Most bastion mains don’t like the idea of playing with CD though

Kill me now.

With a blunt object.

Any cooldown in Sentry Mode, would act as a timer waiting for your death.

Entering or exiting Sentry would be so predictable, that you would die every single time.

How about self heal during transform

Dont forget the self repair delay bugfix that killed bastions Shoot + heal on tank mode

Pls remove that


If you want power to be added to his kit it has to come at the expense of trade offs. That’s basic balance philosophy. He’s already immobile and for that he gains some of the highest dps in the game.

If you have a sentry form with a 12 second CD and a tank form with a 15 second CD, you can use sentry break a barrier, go to tank form for 8 seconds and have 4 seconds of down time for sentry. It’s not that huge of a nurf. It kills the pirate ship combo and it punishes bad sentry placement

Oh of course. the devs think that was a huge success btw.

A random nerf that killed any skill he had left.

That… you cannot apply and literally isn’t ever actually high damage.


  • Bastion isn’t designed only to break barriers, which fall fast nowadays anyways.


  • If Bastion has a cooldown on Sentry, i leave the game and never come back.

Would you prefer Torbjorn’s Hammer, Brigitte’s Flail or tracer’s pistol?

I do agree with above posts that say Bastion needs a speed up to his transformation to Tank ; either that or an invincible period during the transformation. That ish is powerful, but easily squashed/countered if enemies are near enough to dive/roll on you when you activate it.

That’s only for heroes that are already balanced, but their playstyle is annoying.

For heroes that are genuinely underpowered, it would be an overall buff.
Cause duh.


Make Roady sit on me, from about 50 meters above.