The thing I like about Open Queue is…

…when I pick Zen, people are just happy you’ve gone Support. Just got back to Plat (I know not great but it’s good for me :slightly_smiling_face:)


The thing I like about open queue is, that I don’t play it. 3 tanks sometimes 4 tanks is the worst gameplay experience you can have. Win or lose, whether you or the opponent are playing all tanks, it’s just a soulless vacuum of fun sucking boredom.

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I do better at Open Q than Role - probably because I’m always willing to fill what’s needed.

Interesting take, its the most fun mode imo. Way way way less CC and annoying team comps. Players are generally more chill and willing to swap around to help the team. They also dont care about one tricking.

Its a Doom mains playground really. If they go counterwatch like 122 they lose. Having an extra tank to make plays with is great.


Its the real mode of Ow.

Its funny how people OTP way more in RQ.

Before forced role select, 222 was a meta that spawned naturally from the community.

When 222 became forced, they started tweaking tanks to synergize, somewhat as pairs.

Now with 5v5, both modes are a bastarfized wonky version of 222.

Except in OQ people generally stopped demanding for certain comps. It devolved into “play whatever hero you want” mode. Most treat it as “warmup for Rq.”

Thus, if you actually understand original OQ and the ACTUAL VALUE of switching roles (before role lock was forced), the skillset of swapping heroes and entire roles to shift composition at the Perfect Timing, is absolutely a critical game changer. Timing the swap is critical. Baiting the enemy swap is critical. Starting on a “low gear” and shifting to high gear later…sleeper picks…the list goes on.

Newer players simply dont have access to that historical game knowledge and experience. A lot treat it in 2 dimensions…like rock paper scissors… or Cod with Dps, Fat Dps, and Support. The well goes deeper than that.


try it by selecting a dps hero :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:
and watch how you get 5 of them.

i play open q whenever i feel like playing tank.

“soulless vacuum of fun” very well put “toxicsombra” :3

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Truly is. If a bunch of nerds wanna sit there on 4 tanks v 4 tanks let them. So many stale draw/close to draw games it’s unreal. Unless you’re in plat Open queue which most of you probably are.

Can you not see this is where you have the power of the flex?

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Nah, you don’t. You play 3+ tanks or you lose. Literally how I climbed to GM as a 3 stack. Haven’t touched it since.

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It is amazing how much less variety there is in open queue. Certainly as you climb anyways