The Sym changes are nice, but why nerf it in general?

i like the change. but symm lost the little survivability she had, cz now if ur tp is up u would need like 17 seconds (with deploy time) to escape a situation.

now the 12m beam queen needs 250 hp and her old projected barrier back. plz .

I don’t get why they don’t make it deploy faster. Then it could actually maybe counter grav


Yeah, people did trip about Sombra’s changes, but this isn’t the same case. This is a case of where Symmetra is locked out of her only form of mobility longer. She becomes less of an asset for her team this way by putting such heavy restrictions on her. She can’t tp bomb as effectively, she can’t teleport turrets around on a whim and she can’t use her teleporter to toy with the enemy and poke them.

Also in what circumstance do you find yourself defending a teleporter? Not very often in a fast paced game like Overwatch, and with these changes, there’s a half second longer delay teleporting back and forth so defending high and low ground wont be as effective. You’ll be trapping yourself for half a second longer if you go to high or low ground by mistake.


We need arcadium to tell us what to think

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And to think they were doing good with these recent sym buffs and we get this. This is a lessen for us sym mains to be careful what we ask for :cry:


In a FPS, twitch frenzied DPS game, a 200HP hero has to survive an extra 3 seconds before they can use their ability again.

A DPS hero, Sym has been cast into DPS by Blizzarrrdd, with 200HP, who now has to find a way to survive in the melee space for an extra 3 seconds…oooh wait, there’s more…

You have to wait an extra .5 seconds before you can use it again…oh my, oh my, oh my.

At least they lowered the deployment time of the TP…that was the one thing being requested…oh wait…they didn’t, oops, ……


you must realize that turrets have a 10 second cooldown? So by the time you have them up again you’ll have definitely made the 15 second TP cooldown. She will TP bomb just the same and she will still be able to use it to distract enemies if she wants, since now the enemies HAVE to shoot it at some point or it never goes away.

I mean, would it better to still have a 12 second cooldown? Sure, but let’s see how this plays out. Going from a few seconds to potentially infinite usage of a TP is a big deal and the devs have already tried it from the sounds of it. Let’s do our part and try it too.

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Why do people talk as if the enemy team just lets syms tp sit there in their face when we do a turret bomb and never destroy it. Ugh so frustrating and btw doing a


Let’s be honest, TP bombing wouldn’t even be viable if people didn’t do just that soooo…

EXACTLY…I’m lucky if the TP lasts 3 seconds. What, do people walk by the porter and say “Oh, that’s harmless I’l just leave that alone”…because when I play this game I have yet to meet ANYONE with that attitude towards TPs.


I mean this came from the right place but uhm

At best the buffs and nerfs equal out

So like nothing changes in her power

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I’m quite liking the new changes to make her build actual constructs that demand attention, and lifting construct positioning to a higher priority.

But why not make it similar to Torb’s self destruct on his turret, such that when Symmetra destroys her own TP, its set on a much lower cooldown (2-3 seconds maybe?)? Meanwhile if her TP comes under fire, having it destroyed will set it on the regular cooldown?

To balance spamming TP to reset cooldowns and abuse it in rapid successions, there can simply be a minimum uptime (5-6 seconds?) for the TP before Symmetra can self destruct her TP.

Wouldn’t this solve… everything? :confused:


Oh no no no no no. A turret bomb can secure a kill, but if you think the enemy team just leaves the tp alone after we do it or never tries to shoot at it then you are wrong and don’t know what you are talking about

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That’s not correct and you know it. TP bombing means both the TP and turrets appear simultaneously. Plus, the TP provided some cover for the turrets from projectiles in case the enemy missed their shot.

I do see an upside to destroying the TP, because, when it is deployed its a HUGE SPOTLIGHT saying SHOOT HERE … SHOOT HERE…

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you must realize that turrets have a 10 second cooldown? So by the time you have them up again you’ll have definitely made the 15 second TP cooldown. She will TP bomb just the same and she will still be able to use it to distract enemies if she wants, since now the enemies HAVE to shoot it at some point or it never goes away.

Wrong. Say Symmetra has a Teleporter set up, well hidden and placed just for her team. Then she decides to tp bomb the enemy. Destroys it, and has to wait an entire fifteen seconds to re-deploy, fifteen seconds that the enemy team can push in, dive and kill Symmetra before she can set up again.

Say Symmetra is in a sticky situation and needs to escape. Destroys her Teleporter, and is locked out of it for fifteen seconds. She has no escape, and has to live with her decision instead of being able to go in and out freely with and without her team.

Say Symmetra wants to help her team flank the enemy team. She destroys her teleporter, and the enemy team has fifteen seconds to push the payload or capture the point or get the advantage on her and her team instead.

These are overall nerfs to Symmetra. She already requires too much time in her kit (ramping up her LMB, charging and sending her RMB, setting up her turrets, setting up her teleporter). Now she’s also locked out of it for fifteen whole seconds. Symmetra is gaining more and more drawbacks and weaknesses, and less strengths and trade offs.

These changes will just make Symmetra a hated hero once more. These changes are huge steps backward. You’re only looking at the upside of these changes, not the whole picture. Infinite duration is nice, but everythiing else coming with these changes are gutting her potential.


I don’t think anyone ever said that the enemy wouldn’t shoot it at some point lol.

I understand how TP bombing works, I’m not sure what you think I’m trying to say here.



Can you watch a high level GM / Top 500 Sym playe like Raihan or Stevo - - -
Learn how Sym is played…and then make your tweaks off of that instead of relying on the primitive perception that people have on the character?

You essentially just destroyed her biggest weapon - The Tp Bomb.
You’ve now made her a TELEPORTING TAXI BOT…a character that must stay attached to her team by all means and be a baby sitter. Stop making characters that MUST rely on their team to function. Sym was fine…

If you wanted to fool around with her - You should just do QOL buffs…not fool around with the integrity of the character.


you made her even slower than she was, what is your point?
oh, of course you are not gonna reply.
you guys have too much of a big ego to even admit your testing matches are not even close to real, comp matches.


Big agree on that one

So basically she’s slower now, which was her problem pre rework.