The Sym changes are nice, but why nerf it in general?

Trade off makes sense but the heavy-handed over nerfing doesn’t.

12->15 doesn’t make sense, nor the 1->1.5 use. The tp has a lot more downtime now.

Are there plans to improve her reliable damage / dueling capability to compensate, especially given the max 2 dps per team now?

Also just wanted to say the 5 extra range was sorely needed and a welcome change.


Also you can’t tp juggle anymore, so once you tp there is a delay or mini cooldown before you can tp back. This just sucks :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:


it isn’t.
I hate these changes.


I feel like this is an unfair look at it though. this makes her have a strong ability for defense again and that’s cool and all, but now she suffers on offense again. this goes against the reworks purpose and now there’s gonna be more toxicity surrounding her again


My biggest concern is if I put a TP in a wrong location or it bugs. Which still happens plenty.


also there’s more time from when she can interact with it again, so that peaking is even worse.

I think you we t too far with the tradeoffs


Honestly. Just give us 30mps orbs, 95/145/195dps beam and we good. And a golden glove. Or victory pose or highlight intro with her gun. Anh Dang is on the case for us.


thing is i feel like they end up being more a nerf than a buff.
Kinda like when you made sombra invisibility infinite and you added so many trade offs it was an effective neef

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It is a huge nerf and makes her a teleport taxi bot essentially. You won’t ever have a tp available at your disposal when you need it because the cooldown is not automatic. You gotta break it to incur 4+ second cooldown since you used tp for something and then have to press a button to break it.

Winston can leap at you for like 3 and half times before your TP is ready to be used again. That’s unacceptable.

Repositioning is so massively important.

Not having TP available at every cooldown breaks your repositioning, because it forces you to play around your 2 point TP constantly then, making you 100% predictable.

And 100% vulnerable, because every single time they see your tp is up? They know you’re gonna have a 15 second cd. Wow. Amazing.

“Break symm tp, then jump symm, she has 15 second cd now and can’t run”.


I actually dont like this change at all feels more like a nerf to me, this isnt what she needed at all i feel like this ultimately detroyed tp turret bombs tho i hope not


You guys really think this won’t be a huge buff? If done right a team can work around being able to hold high ground and low ground at the same time with clever TP placement and protection. I think you guys aren’t seeing the possibilities and simply seeing numbers and cooldowns instead of applying them to actual strategies.

This reminds me of when Sombra got permanent invis and people were calling it a nerf simply because of a 25% reduced movement speed, when now she can have perfect positioning all the time.

Congrats, you’ve some how made her an even slower character in a game with an ever increasing pace…


It was already fine as is currently, don’t understand why it was changed.
Her real issue was the fact that she doesn’t have the durability to fight in her effective range.


I’m curious about the team’s feelings concerning the “turret bomb” she was capable of. With the changes, if she turret bombs she’ll be even more heavily punished due to the increased CD time. Are you concerned or possibly keeping an eye out on her in case this negatively impacts her too much?

Thanks for the posting at any rate, cheers.


Because symm tp cooldown only incurs when you break the tp…

That means you must never allow enemies to see your tp. Because then they know it will be on 15 second cooldown as soon as it breaks and symm is free to be dived.

Old TP, even if you saw it, symm’s cooldown was always still ticking down and available soon. People could not always capitalize on symm turret bombs even if they saw it being used and called it out, because using TP was more flexible.

This current TP basically paints a mile wide target on her head.


Girl… this is such a big fat nerf. I got excited for infinite TP but like the massive downtime and the extra .5 seconds before u can use it again quite honestly makes me consider quitting. Her TP is like the main part of her kit and to change it in such a way that makes it less viable for actual combat is the wrong move IMO


they wont answer.
they dont like this character.
its clear with all the nerfs shes getting, when shes already the most hated hero in the roster.
so dissapointed rn. they are afraid of an indian woman not being completely useless


But think about it. Use tp then instantly destroy it and start cooldown

Also, curious about the slow changes. Currently, slows can stack which includes syms turrets which are a major strength that they bring when placed close together.

New change on the PTR changes slows so only the slowest slow effects you, no more slow stacking.

Does this mean sym turrets also don’t slow stack any more?


Then if you’re caught (which sym is a lot, it’s a slow animation and she needs direct LoS) you’re stranded if they manage to reposition well with no escape. Meaning tp is going to be even riskier (a lot of teams dislike already bc if one person does not coordinate, or it’s destroyed before everyone moves through, you just intentionally have a yourself a numbers disadvantage).