The stupidity of the Battle pass time

I’m not using it as a defense though, I think the launch went extremely poorly and to top it off they alienated millions of players who had a pre-paid phone plan and could not sign into their account. I haven’t forgotten.

But let’s be honest though, it’s not hard to level the battlepass to level 80 if you do the weekly and daily challenges. There are currently 45 days left and you can do it in 14 days with the 20% buff for playing 2/3 hours daily, let’s be pessimistic and say that it takes 21 days to complete the battlepass if you do not have the 20% bonus … still means that people have ample enough time to reap all the rewards from 1-80.

I’m all for joining the Blizzard hate bandwagon but I’m looking at stuff objectively here.

bro the battlepass is so fast to Level up im already lvl 118. if u just play it comes i mean the season still goes 55 days

Yes, but people with a real life can’t do that

It’s surprising you can reply so much with how busy you must be.

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I have a fulltime job, a 1-year old son and a wife.
I think that’s classified as having a [real life]?

I still make time to play the game but I use my time sparingly and focussed on challenges and having fun with friends.

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By completely ignoring not everyone has the skill/ability (I myself have dyshidrosis - a very painful skin sickness - which prevents me from playing for days at a time or at least causes massive amounts of pain with every movement) to finish challenges easily, also some challenges are heavily team-based (get x team kills).
Also “just 2-3 hours daily” is something very few adults can afford, if you want to “look at stuff objectively here”.

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dailies take like 2-3 games, which generally gets me 1.5 - 2 levels easily.

If you really don’t have time to play OW then why even care about the battlepass?

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If you’d like a game, why do you care about getting stuff for that game?

But you don’t like it enough to play more, but enough to complain. Sounds fun.
The ecstasy you must get, off walking this middle ground, sounds amazing.


I’m sorry, but no company in existence makes a product that includes every single individual and their personal circumstances.

They’re giving multiple double XP weekends and a free skin & weapon charm to try and appease those people who were unable to log in during the turmoil in the first week, we can discuss whether that is tone deaf or whether it’s enough to compensate players but at least it’s better than nothing and just sweeping the issue under the rug which would have been much worse in my opinion.

The majority of people who play the game and are in Blizzard’s demographic for the battlepass are quite a bit younger than I most likely am, and as such have more time to play and grind out the battlepass. I’m no expert but I assume that the people in charge who developed the battle pass and decided the time in which it needs to be completed did their research, I think 45 days is enough time to grind it out for most people.

There will always be circumstances that prevent people from completing it, but you can’t realistically expect a company to cater to every single person.

I know why this mans name is bastion, cause his winrate in this thread is abysmal lmao

No matter how much of a shill you want to be trying as hard as you can to defend it but the system we had in Overwatch 1 was way better and much more consumer friendly.
The argument “they didn’t make enough money though” is ridiculous - they never offered regular content and always pulled out as much money as possible with the absolut minimum of input back into the game. Has it ever crossed your mind that that may be the reason sales on lootboxes were not as high as they could have been?

Want a highlight intro after paying us for a premium pass? That’ll be 4 months of in-game grind for one. An emote? Another 3 months for one emote.
I already quit. This is consumer abuse. Just reading forums to see what happens these next few months.
Overwatch 2 treats premium bp members like they’re still f2p and paywall everything except the things in the pass they think you’re worthy of grinding your time on.
Meanwhile you’re doing weeklys for scraps. Grind 2 weeks for 1 voiceline. Paywalled in the game you pay for.

I don’t know when exactly but I think in spring 2023 that one year wait for Microsoft to take over the company should be over. I guess around that time lots of consumer friendly changes will happen to present Microsoft as “the savior” and pushing sales for them. It’s all marketing tactics in the end of the day and probably even a part of the deal Blizzard has with Microsoft.

That’s rather optimistic but they are still just acquiring Activision. It will still be the same company just different parasites on the board. Until I see change I can’t keep my hopes up. My friend told me it would be mid 2023 so probably June or July.
Interesting theory nonetheless. Would be a dirty deal behind closed doors but if the game gets friendlier and balance changes happen I might play, but until then nah.
I like 5v5 more but they can’t treat their players like this… we need reasonable form of currency for non-skins.
More frequent balance patches would be nice too.

You absolutely do not have to pay more money, even if you start late or play at a laid back pace.

It’s so easy to level up lol. You’ll complete it even without trying.

I played daily with premium pass since it came out for many hours and am still only just hitting level 60 before I stopped playing two days ago.
It’s doable but it is not consumer friendly. Even with a 20% boost it’s a grind.
If you don’t do dailies & weeklies (can’t believe I’m saying that in overwatch) it will be probably 5x as hard.
The worst part is how long it takes to hit level 55.
If you are grinding the pass honestly, or even late, then you can’t play the game the way you want.
You have to do challenges.

Just wait till season 2 kicks in and premium players are even more alienated when they don’t get instant access to the new hero. The grind in this game is sinister.

You’re at level 60 after 3 weeks of a 9 week battle pass and trying to claim that it’s not easy to level up.

You’re literally proving my point lol. Everybody is going to be able to complete it without any worries.

I played basically non-stop while grinding challenges and using a 20% xp boost but okay.
Goodluck to the average gamer that joins a little late through a season and has a life.