The strongest counter to Ashe?

Who do you think it is? Apart from snipers i mean

a shieldā€¦she canā€™t do much when she canā€™t hit her targets and for the most partā€¦dynamite isnā€™t that effective against tanks


Flankers eat her alive. Tracer, Genji, and even to some extent Sombra if sheā€™s got tunnel vision. She canā€™t do much against people attacking her at close range.


Widow dive.

reindhart. believe it or not it is easy to nullify every part of her kit with a shield. also Winston. I seen a Winston practically solo a team of shes because shields make her dynamite useless.

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She doesnā€™t really have any. She can go toe to toe with anyone, like s76.

Iā€™m not too sure if Sombra will work too well, sheā€™s got a tiny hit box and iā€™m using more ammo to kill her than Widowmaker. Itā€™s really noticeable because sheā€™s about as mobile as McCree is if you engage her while her shotgun is on cooldown, but she takes much less damage.

Usually when you engage an enemy thatā€™s low health, itā€™s a sure kill, but Ashe has a good chance of surviving a full clip from Sombra. Tracer probably will run into the same issue even tho she engages closer.

Does anybody know exactly what her hitbox looks like?

Iā€™ve not found it too hard to kill her. Iā€™ve been able to do so pretty consistently by sneaking up on her while sheā€™s iron sighted in

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Genji, Tracer, Doomfist, Sombra, Widow, Hanzo, Roadhog.

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Sheā€™s effectively eliminated 3, possibly 4 heroes off the roster. 76, McCree, Tracer, Pharah, so, yeah, pick from the rest and best of luck

I mean the dynamite is pretty much a death sentence for a Tracer without recall availableā€¦and a damage boosted dynamite is a death sentence period for 200hp heroā€™s.

Random side note: Can tracer learn some throwing skills from Ashe for pulse bomb? Iā€™ve seen that stick of dynamite Yeet across the mapā€¦itā€™s mad!

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Any hero that operates in close range.


Pretty much the same counters, snipers has

This is true from my experience. I donā€™t know how long it will be of course but I donā€™t see enough of the shot gun being used as an escape. And when I do itā€™s usually straight up or into a wall. Into a wall is like ā€œWelp. That didnā€™t get you anywhere.ā€ and straight up is usually like ā€œI can wait for you to get back down here.ā€

Jesus these forums are so smart sometimes. Oh so if a tracer has NO RECALL and is bad enough to be caught by a SLOW FLYING PROJECTILE that has to be DETONATED, then, THEN tracer is pretty much dead?


:smiley: No offence but lol cā€™mon.


rolls eyes

Itā€™s got a pretty lengthy range when thrown and itā€™s hard to see and even hear during a mess of Shields and other abilities. So the chances of just trying to pass through your team and not seeing it to avoid it is quite high.

I also made my point to express the fact if itā€™s damage boosted less mobile 200hp heroā€™s are caught and canā€™t survive it.

But sure take what I said out of context because I dared to mention Tracer. shrugs

Genji is the absolute GOAT against Ashe, everything she has he can throw back at her, and she slows down so much to aim itā€™s easy pickings for genji

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Dude youā€™re just adding more conditions to your already highly unlikely scenario. Tracer will have no problem with dynamite, she will destroy ashe.

What hero isnā€™t genji OP against 1vs1. He can even kill his counters if given time.

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I like shooting Deflect with the Coach Gun.

Double the knockback, double the fun.

Itā€™s so funny to see how far they go, I knocked an Ashe over the connector from mini to mega on volskaya point A with genji