The state of Tanks - Devs! stop

While that sounds fun in theory, I am fully expecting streamers and the rest of the non-tank community to full-on baby rage (and do so as loudly and obnoxiously as humanly possible) if tanks in 5v5 are anything more than mere hindrances and/or are annoying in the slightest. DPS players want their own agency to not have to play around the tanks any more than bare necessary. If the enemy tank absorbs too many shots or stops too many ults, the forums will be flooded with demands for nerfs. If they feel powerless trying to dissuade an advancing tank player in 1v1 and small skirmishes and always feel like they have to run away, then we will hear about it.

I predict tanks will be only good enough to be the point man spearheading the attackā€”and surviving only if their full team is with them assisting (like now) and for dissuading divers and flankers attacking their back line. Anything more will naturally be deemed too oppressive. Same can be said about needing to play around a friendly tank for shielding and protection. With the power of an entire role resting on the shoulders of a single player on each side, no one is going to put up with bad tanks and trolls throwing their games. So I expect the non-tanks to demand sufficient buffs to their own heroes to break any ā€œexcessiveā€ reliance on playing around their own teamā€™s tanks. With CC appearing to shift into being a tank niche, and for the way everyone hates CC in general, I see tanks being closely watched and tightly controlled.

I think the best we can hope for are tanks that feel fun to play, but in actuality only contribute minimally. On the other end of the spectrum, having too strong of tanks (even ā€œbarelyā€ so) will, in 5v5, result in the game becoming even further defined by ā€œtank diff.ā€ The more overpowered tanks are, then we will see across more and more skill levels that victory will rest entirely on the shoulders of the two tanks. Tank players will be locked into a hard rock-paper-scissor switching game where the victory condition is determined solely by the skills of those two players playing the meta tanks. In summary:

  • For tanks that are "UP" to a "balanced" (perhaps "slightly OP") state, the choice of the tank is entirely dictated by the nine other players in each match.
  • For more OP tanks, the tank players themselves will be able to dictate to their own team what characters they must choose to play around them, which won't go over well with the other eight players who want agency in the choice of the heroes they play.
  • Finally, for extremely OP tanks ("raid bosses"), tanks are so grossly overpowered that it doesn't matter what any of the other players pick or even do during the match. They just need to stay out of the way of the tanks. The outcome of the match rests solely on the skills and actions (or inaction) of the tank players. Non-tank players definitely will not sit back and be spectators if the game were to end up in such a state. They will riot.
  • Then there is the opposite case, and my biggest fear: for tanks to be underrepresented in the general feedback to the devs, causing the game to end up in a state where tanks become the "chubby VIP" in "protect the president" type of team games, where tanks are so powerless and ineffectual that they need to cower behind their teammates for the duration of an entire match. That would be awful.

With all that I said, this is how I understand the nerf to ball, because most players across the SR spectrum canā€™t adequately deal with him swinging around like a tetherball and contesting an objective all by himself (no other tank is so effective at solo contesting). Expect more such nerfs as needed to keep tanks in line.

:wave: Hi-5 if you really are in the 1000-hour D.Va club.


Once I did subject about my concerns of tanks future and how it feels to play them.

I have good experience of ow from 2019 after brig rework.
whole game was good it was fun but on forum dps was whining that cant kill x hero coze its op and x dps need buf.
I was playin dps at the time and I have no problem with killing tank if he was close to dill dmg but far from hes range.

Most of answering from that topic was that dps need bufs coze they unplayable of low dmg.
Tanks players are not supoust to be a shiled for your team and no one want to be punchbag.

Thats how tanks works right? Use shield to protect and do body block and get dmg to save teammates. Like man in mmo games tanks do low dmg but still can kill. In ESO tanks do low dmg or none. Paladins tanks do medium-low dmg but still they can kill, but theres no hero that can do 1trick shot like hog to get insta kill, I know there is Makoa in paladins that works like hog but he do not insta kill you. Most tanks canā€™t headshot you and still whole game works. Rocus works like dva and both can do headshots and itā€™s ok.

Funny that most of Paladins solutions will work with OW and paladins did 5v5 in 2016 and it works perfectly for the game but theres a different community and player base.
They even didnt need the role queue coze when someone pick tank then theres always 1-2 players that will pick support. Whole hero is better balanced like high dmg heroes got week ult and low dmg heroes got strong ult. Now we have genji n treacer with high dmg and deadly ultsā€¦ whos idea was this??

Anyway, OW should take an example from Paladins



One thing i like in Paladins is that you can ā€œcustomizeā€ most of the Champions widely so you can run a DPS even as a tank or some even as a support. That sometimes solves the ā€œWhat role this Champ belongs to?ā€ debate


True, true, I played mal damba and I playing him like a support but every few sec I just reload for hes stun XD hes my main but I found playin Ying fun to play just like pip and that new hero Rei fun I acually love that she can heal (random close champions) and also give them 0,5-1% ult. and her beem is usefull when someone runing away and you just clip and dill 50dmg XD And Ash? you can make her a boop-boop girl with shield.


What they should do is split the tank role into main tank and bruiser (or juggernaut). That way, the main tanks can be buffed back to their original state, you lose double shield, and there would be no need for a 5v5.

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The problem with this is that it still doesnā€™t address the main problem: Tanks in general suffer from a very small pool of willing players (barring those who just play the role for passes).

This change would just lead to more Bruisers, with Main Tank being very little for the main community (it would work in professional play, but wouldnā€™t do well for the casual or competitive community).


I hope it takes forever honestly. I donā€™t want what we have now to be replaced by this trash (from what we have heard, it will mostly be trash).


I used to play tank, but no more.

Now I main dps (cass), and would never look back.


This guy knows what heā€™s talking about. Take some advice from him


FtH should rapid fire the remaining bullets as Flashbangs imo

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I like when orisa released and she was terribly under powered, was easily walked over by almost everyone and had the worst primary fire of any hero.


I like when orisa released and she was terribly under powered, was easily walked over by almost everyone and had the worst primary fire of any hero

Every tank should be nerfed to that state and STAY NERFED

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Cool troll account. Having fun yet?


Not trolling. Iā€™ve just picked a better team now.

Peace of mind knowing the devs have my back


Glad you are having a good time. Enjoy the game when there is 2 hour plus queue times and 5 other people to play with.

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Thanks you too <3

/20 chars

Hammond too was in the same tiny shoes. He was close to balanced at launch

Ah hammond at launch. He used to have big boops, double boops, 100 x N adaptive shield hp, infinite grapple, spawn grapple etc and was considered such a bad/throwing pick even in GM.

Until the massive tank nerfs across the board 2018-2019 that made him eventually surface up as the most versatile tank


I thought he was fine at the beginning. Though lots of people were up in arms over spin to win. It was easy to prevent since a good chunk of the roster had counters. People are just lazy.


I use to be Tank Main like youā€¦ than I take a look in the updates