Unless I’m playing easy huge-impact tanks, competitive gives me an instant headache and sometimes a migraine. I know for sure when the devs make the mistake of not implementing 1-3-2, they’ll never see me on this game again because competitive is completely awful for DPS and support – the only thing that remotely gets close to improving it is 1-3-2. If 1-3-2 doesn’t come with season 21 or 22, Project A honestly isn’t coming soon enough.
Sick of leaver tanks that cancel 2/5 matches I’ve waited 10 minutes for.
Sick of entitled 1-minute queue tanks who think it’s funny to troll games.
Sick of incredibly unbalanced team compositions that give most of the influence to tanks.
Sick of waiting 10 minutes to play the role this game is advertised for.
Sick of tanks and supports having more influence than DPS in a team-based FIRST PERSON SHOOTER
Maybe you need a break and play something else.
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It’s a team game, TEAM GAME, and we don’t have teams or guilds. I’m not talking 6 stack teams either, I’m talking 100-person guilds that have a wide range of players who interact, teach, and play with each other, in turn turning off a lot of troll players by providing them with something else to occupy their time. We have no real community and everyone can hide anonymously on smurf accounts, until in-game police are added we’re doomed to deal with the chaos.
The only thing that annoyance about the game is not instant putting you back in q when you have a leaver in the first minute. You already waited. Just common sense.
The second thing is double shield. While it isnt completely meta in higher tiers. Orisa rein is still commonly seen in overwatch league. I play hitscans and the second this comp comes out usually when I pop off. Or sigma in this place who still is good. Until you get tanks that press w actually. Players aren’t stupid put the shield were you are getting shot. I then just swap to Mei. Makes me not enjoy the game
I came to the realization that 75%+ of the player base doesn’t take it as seriously as we forum goers.
Now I just try to play and have fun without stressing on whether I win or not. It kinda sucks, but I am way less tilted this way.
Sick of entitled tank mains
proceeds to complain about how his role isn’t the most impactful in this team oriented game.
Dude, I hate to tell you but posting while you’re tilted makes you look bad.
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This. Been saying this for 3 years now. It would have been great.
But, i still think the best thing you can do is just team up with random people here and there. If anything, it mixes up your matches a bit. Otherwise, the system itself really puts you to the test based on your same old same old games.
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If anyone has played Warcraft they would agree with us. Think of it like doing dungeons. The guild has let’s say 450 members, 120 of which are online. Everyone has their preferred roles selected in a guild menu somewhere and bam, you’ve got yourself a little community within Overwatch. Now imagine guild vs guild matches.
Overwatch Discords have always been horrible. It consists of exactly two kinds of players:
1–dorks that want to be the big man by enforcing meta and picking your character for you.
2–smurfs who want to be the big man and boost scrubs to plat or diamond.
And that’s it.
Apex Legends is a nice break. You never get the same feeling you do here. People almost always work together, it’s strange, and I can count the number of toxic experiences in that game on one hand. Really might be a nice break and a gateway game to more peaceful First Person Shooter experiences.
man i’m sick of dps players not being able to focus fire or finish off kills then crying about tanks 
It’s almost as if it’s OW itself that causes toxicity. Players are just trying to play. Blizz needs to look at the entire system and figure out why this is. I won’t get into all the things that i think they should do, because what do i know. But the players have left quite a bit of feedback about how frustrating this game is. I’m sure there are things they can do to fix it, but the attitude seems to be that it’s the players’ fault. It’s not.
Focus fire into what? The still 3000 health of shields in front of us while the tanks are super passive wondering why nothing is dying? As you break the shield they just use the map terrain for cover because they know your tanks won’t budge past the choke? Focus fire only works if your whole team isn’t brain dead. It doesn’t work if you are the only one.
I have this tank player I play with personally. Whenever I say someone’s one he says well you could of killed him. Yes I could have but I had to reload and if anyone even breathed on him instead of being useless when I called it out. He would of been dead.
Fps players playing dps know the concept of focus fire.
Also dps are in an incredibly weak state and completely reliant on tanks and supports now that 222 exists.
I am playing damage role. I am waiting 10 minutes as well. I don’t care about Project A nor I find it appealing. Sometimes I think that if there wasn’t a 10 minute queue I would be much more frequently annoyed.
bro you’re the one who can’t counter a sigma ult…i don’t think you know how to play your role…all you do is blame someone else
you couldn’t finish that person you called out, so you are just as useless as the rest of your team
and if there’s nothing else to shoot YES focus fire the shield, shields melt fast if dps players like you would just stop trying to play victim and actually shot them
132 will only bring more problems.
Whatever you say go be toxic elsewhere.
you’re the one admitting to being toxic by calling your teams trash and brain dead, but go play the victim idc
i’m glad there’s no chance of ever playing with you, you’re a bad teammate
They are what I said. I would never say it to them I’m actually positive to players in chat. Since I have a filter I won’t say what I’m thinking because the brings the morale of the team down.no one deserves to be berated for playing a game.
Yet you’re still using those words now, and worse you want to get defensive when someone calls you out on it. At least stand by your words instead of trying to shield your ego by calling someone toxic for pointing out your faults.