The "Sombra was picked in contenders so She must be fine" taken to a whole new level

You’re right, I’m sorry and will not respond any further to him or derail any further.


The devs don’t believe it.
They’re trying to save face and pat themselves “for a job well done”.
Just like the other 40 sombra balance changes that totally fixed the hero.

And the true tragedy of this is that this is what so many people want and are OK with. They want raw DPS point and click with no thinking. Sombra just feels so… passive. At least now that there is no requirement for urgency with Invis or getting into position and having a limited window to make the play. Maybe thats just me, but I think it SUCKS.

And you think everything is a personal attack towards your being. Grow up. I didnt believe you when you said you work in the video game industry. You have showed me no proof, I still don’t buy it. I didn’t believe you when you said Mercy mains started complaining, you showed me proof, I accepted that. Seen how that works? Don’t know where I said ‘youre a Mercy main everything you say is a lie’ well I didn’t. Oops

I never called you, or ever used the specific word ‘liar’. I said I don’t believe you lol. Lying implies that you are not telling the truth. When I say ‘I don’t believe you’ that implies that it could be true* but I am being skeptical. Get a grasp of the English Language. Copy where I said ‘you are a liar’ and I’ll admit it

You assumed that I don’t give any validity to Mercy mains when I never said that. Again. I only ever referred to the vocal minority. Not the majority of cooperative and friendly and skilled mercy mains. Just the vocal minority who spammed forums. I’m not stereotyping the good ones. I’m pointing out the bad ones. Not the same. I dont hate mercy mains, never said that. I don’t like vocal minority and forum cryers who have nothing to add but ‘its not fun anymore’.


You picked out a quote where I ended it pointing out the vocal minority is to blame, not the majority of good players with decent ideas to add. You do need to look inward, I never attacked you or referred to you. Just the minority who spammed the forums.

Not you. Not the good players I like. Not the ones with good ideas. The small number who spammed forums and didn’t add anything of substance.

Like I said my view on the mega thread is that it was made because the vocal minority spammed the forum. The vocal minority acted as if Mercy was above changing and entitled to something more. THE VOCAL MINORITY THOUGHT THAT. NOT THE MAJORITY OF DECENT INDIVIDUALS.

If simply not believing someone over the internet is passive aggressive, then sure, whatever you want. You should apologize, you slandered me only because I pointed out a few poor posts that stuck out to me. You have such thin skin I don’t think you should go outside anymore. I was never referring to you or the good majority, just the negative and pessimistic minority. Is it truly wrong to not have a good opinion of the negative ones who don’t add anything of substance?

But I guess you are a better and more righteous person than I. So ‘holier than thou’ when, if I’m prejudice, you’re a sick and nasty person. YOU CAME AFTER ME WITH AGRESION FIRST. REREAD AND REFLECT. You took everything I said that was not directed at you, and twisted it. I turned hostile after you slandered me and called me prejudice because I pointed out a few negative instances. If my crime is being prejudice against a negative bunch, then so be it, they are negative and don’t add anything like the good ones do. But your crime is being a slanderous and disgustingly thick individual. I only attacked you when you took my three simple negative instances of ‘she isn’t fun’ took it personally and labeled and slandered me.

Well I’m hostile and attacking you now

Go bite through your tongue.

No it’s really not, because Sombra isn’t played in competitive at all. Literally her only usage comes from contenders. You’re not talking about the top 1% of Overwatch players, you’re not even talking about the top 1% of those 1%, you’re talking about an incredibly tiny portion of the player population that can use Sombra usefully. This isn’t Ana or Widow that’s only viable at the top levels of competitive. This is a hero that’s quite literally not playable AT ALL on ladder, at any level.

Stop being deliberately dishonest and pretending this is some bronze/silver players complaining. Look at the stats, Master-level players can’t even get her to work. You’re pretty much saying that because a small percentage of pros can use her usefully that 99.999% of the rest of Overwatch’s players should have essentially a useless version of Sombra.

Quite honestly it’s pretty selfish. It’s like the bronze player whining that Bastion can’t be buffed because he’s a beast in bronze league.

Even if she’s meta in the pro game, so what?


That’s a gross assumption. How dare you? How dare you lump many people together. Found the confirmation bias. Not everyone wants DPS Sombra. Some people want a shot caller recon Sombra. Don’t assume everyone wants a DPS Sombra.

Also pretty disgusting that you are prejudice against people who want her to be a DPS Sombra. So everyone who wants a DPS Sombra automatically doesn’t think and has no brain? I mean that’s what you said right? A DPS Sombra is just a point and click no brain hero. If someone wants a DPS Sombra who are you to tell them it does not require thinking?

What gross prejudice.

I’ve lost all respect for you as a person seeing you don’t afford others basic decency purley based on your prejudice.

Also very into the ‘I can slander you and not read and actually understand the words you wrote all I want but you can’t say anything to me or you are in the wrong. Plus if I stop responding I win!’ mentality.

Guess what, it isn’t my fault every time I don’t follow the Sombra main hivemind some tells me I just haven’t played her.

My biggest issue with the way Sombra is talked about on these forums is that where I play Sombra is considered perfectly viable, a great hero choice. She just isn’t bad in any way, shape or form. Meanwhile every day I see threads asking for things like a 30dmg threshold or a 15% dmg increase on Hacked targets.

It’s just ridiculous.

Way to be selective and. It include everything else he said about the asombra changes

They wanted her to play less “clunky” and easier to use

And they are still looking at ways to make her better but want to avoid doing so in ways pros could be really good with her.


They wanted to lower Sombra’s skill floor. - They succeeded.

They want to raise her skill ceiling but must be careful that any changes don’t raise it too high.

Oops I realize that I didn’t read what he said. Turns he wasn’t referring to me at all. He was only talking about the negative minority who had nothing to add to the conversation but empty complaints with no constuctive criticism, yikes I missed that don’t I look silly… Anyway if I make it seem like I am holier than thou and stop responding, I’ll win the slanderous argument I started when I jumped ugly and nasty out of nowhere when he was just sharing his opinion and discussing a few negative instances. I’m not a bad person, I’m not a bad person, I’m not a bad person

And where a lot of us play, she’s often considered a “im going to throw and get pissed at you before the game even starts” pick. I personally think that reputation isn’t helped, and is partially caused by sombra players continuing to call her horrible and broken but I’ve been salty too, so I sympathize.

Personally, I think sombra is a great pick, but i would like qol stuff(hack visual). General hero buffs like the one on the ptr where you can see allies silhouette through walls(correct me if I’m wrong?) I feel will do wonders for her.

We’re not all as much of a hive mind as you may think. There’s the extremes on both sides. But mostly there’s a bunch of people in the middle who just don’t want to be flames anymore.

Also, 100% agree with you, any dps buff will be ridiculous(her clip is huge) and anyone who thinks a damage threshold above 5 is kidding themselves if they think that wouldn’t break her.

Yeah, we realize that, but fact is that you’re the one living in a bubble on this topic. You’re in a pro environment that only 1 in 100,000 Overwatch players will ever see, and asking that a character be tailored specifically such that she’s only viable in your tiny bubble. I hope you can see the problem with that.

I do agree with them though in that she ISN’T a bad pick. And in their defense, the suggestions they’ve made indicate that they want that team environment to be made more possible at lower ranks. Plus, They’re right in that the buffs being suggested are kind of crazy. Like a dps increase or a damage threshold of 30 dmg is pretty damn crazy. And he said that they aren’t considering bug fixes a buff and obviously wants them.

I think we occasionally forget how often consistency can get in the way

Said it when the changes hit live, still staying it now, having a lot of success with sombra and don’t feel she’s weak/ineffective what so ever.

Where are you getting this information that the “Community” realized “New Sombra” is fine?

Couldn’t be this forum at any rate…


This is a fine mess. He said they had to reevaluate some changes because, shockingly enough, The magical “All” button in Overbuff’s hero stats is vastly different from Contender’s stats.

Only way this topic will get even better is if a GM Sombra main says their piece and the forums respond with “you don’t know what you’re talking about”

And from the looks of the responses, that happened too

Actually, I’m not. If you actually listen to what the developer said, they’re trying to make sure both sides are tailored to.

Well I put my hope in the devs that they make her usable in all ranks not only pro level.

you do know tier 2 play is literally 4500+ on the sr bracket right? and many tier 2 players were once tier 1 players.