The "Sombra was picked in contenders so She must be fine" taken to a whole new level

When a Mercy main says this about pros doing dumb BS or being wrong, they face endless accusations of being the scum of the earth and trash lords. If anyone else says it about pros doing dumb BS or being wrong, I doubt anyone will disagree.

There’s literally someone disputing it consistently in this thread, though…lol.

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Wow, this post got enough flags to be hidden?

Are Sombra mains the new Mercy mains or what?

For your sake I seriously hope not. What Mercys go through I don’t wish on anyone. In the end I hope your favorite hero is allowed to be fun to play with abilities that allow for the player to have a true hero moment and a role to fill that doesn’t net endless toxicity or throwers.

I do sympathize and I do feel for mercy players because of how hard it is to enjoy their character.
Probably should lighten up a little though! There are soooo many other games you can play. There are worse fates in the world than playing mercy.

Just want to emphasize and apologize if it came off as if I was insulting you. You’ve been nothing but cool and reasonable and actually helpful in my interactions with you.

I’m just refuting the argument that “the community realized shes fine” which is a BS claim without any foundation. And bringing up some tweets which dont even say what he thinks they say doesnt help the case either especially when one of them is Fitzy who i know has a different stance on this than the picture he tries to paint because i watch his streams on a consistent basis. You need to look at balance as a whole and look at the bigger picture.

Tunnel visioning on contenders doesnt make the game better, it makes it worse.
Especially of you look at the world cup where tier 1 pros are competeing. She is not played nearly as much there.


Trust me, I have been playing other games. Every day is without the toxicity and hate from fellow teammates for merely existing and wanting to keep said teammates alive and in the fight. It is a refreshing experience after a couple years of OW.

Every day I think about coming back to OW I ask myself why I would want to put myself through that and help others play and enjoy the game who have a burning desire to ruin my time and make it unfun for me purely because of who I pick to play. I love the crap out of the game, but I hate the disproportionately larger than necessary part of the community who thirst for toxicity, and I hate how the game is being balanced ever since OWL started being a thing.

Yeah because contenders players actually use heroes to their max potential? Why would they buff sombra then maker her broken?

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I’m not sure what this thread is about and why OP is seemingly upset?

Here’s what the dude essentially said, “yah, so we wanted to buff Sombra even more but then noticed that professional players were having great success with her. As a result of this, we feel Sombra is fine.”

Sound logic to me.

Why would they buff her even more when players already had her in their teams and figured out how to use her so effectively that she was now META?

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I have no idea why you are shocked. Sombra works at high levels because at higher levels of play, teams communicate more. Sombra works if all six players are communicating with each other. A hero with invisibility and a hack to take away every enemy ability is very hard to balance. And if a video game has a pro scene in any way, shape, or form, you absolutely need to balance the game around that. Sombra seems to work in the pro scene. We will probably not see very drastic changes to her.


if blizzard wants sombra be viable in low elo games where people go solo-q as sombra, leave voice chat, play lone wolf … then they need to rework her.

so i hope sombra players will be fine with a rework then.

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What on Earth are you talking about? If Blizzard balanced the game around 2kSR play, the game would be am absolute nightmare. Blizzard is not concerned about Silver games and how players refuse to communicate, or how the hardest heroes are not totally viable at that level. Not concerned about that at all.

If players at that level are not able to properly able to play a hero, it means they are not good enough to play that hero. It means they should practice and get better, or play an easier hero. It does NOT mean that Blizzard should dumb the game down so you can be happy. People in low elo play Genji and Tracer as well but I highly doubt they can get the most out of them, and I don’t see anyone crying about buffing them.

I’ll say it again, if ANY game has a pro scene you must balance the game around the pro scene. If you don’t, they will find ways to absolutely break and abuse gameplay.

Silver players - “Booo I can’t hit a shot with Widow. Devs, make the bullet hitbox bigger so I can have ‘fun’!!!”

Pro Scene - “Yeah go ahead, see what happens.”

See how that works?

OR they should make minor qol changes and fix bugs that plague her kit with inconsistencies. This suggestion isn’t even that big. If you call out your hacks and people throw and don’t capitalize on it because they can’t tell what’s hacked and what isn’t, that’s an issue.
This one change would fix a whole lot

Yet they reworked Mercy into a must pick OP AF diety much to the chagrin of Mercy players who did not want her to be OP AF, and despite her being neigh extinct at the highest tiers of play before the rework. Following the rework every pro match had her despite pros adamantly saying they don’t want to play her or even want her in the game,and Blizzard saying the rework was a success.

Sounds logical to me.

Yeah but that’s reasonable. QOL fixes are fine, its a shame nobody was talking about QOL fixes. People are talking about drastic changes and reworks.

Sick cherry pick, I thought we were talking about Sombra, not Mercy.

EVERYONE can admit that Mercy was a mess.

Sombra just doesn’t work at low elo due to lack of game knowledge, and skills. That’s it.

You can’t balance a game around low elo’s. That’s it.

Mercy was not the only rework that was a hot mess. Pretty much all of them came out covered in more poo than going in with. It just happens that Mercys rework was the most disasterously bad.

Either way, point stands they rework whomever they feel like reworking however they want, and not necessarily just because they want that hero in the pros and not solely for the enjoyment of the pros.

Honestly, I’m glad they didn’t wreck Sombra as bad as they could have if they only cared about pros and no one else. She still has problems and feels worse than before even if she is better.

Just wow

You can’t either balance a hero bc they got picked a few times in a competition no one hardly even watches. They were specifically saying they were about to buff Sombra because her state didn’t change that much after her changes and fully admitted they backed out SOLELY because she was seen a bit in contenders.
THEY are the ones talking about the balancing triangle with Statistics/community feedbacks/Devs own feedbacks. They chose to ignore all of it.

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