The Sombra Nerf is Extreme

This is why my opinion is that they should abandon this rework.

Make Invis and Translocator seperate cooldowns.

Add some risk to Invis by having audible footsteps, as well as some clear audio for when she activates Invis.

Remove Virus.

Buff Machine Pistol spread. Y’know, that thing that Sombra players have been asking for years.

I know, I’ve been here since before she even released. They nerfed her stealth, but buffed her damage significantly while reworking her stealth in a way that makes her more present in fights like I warned would happen before they did her first or second rework in 2. I’d say losing a literal “get out of jail free card” that was almost always placed by a hacked big health pack in exchange for Opportunist and an extra 100 some damage or however much Virus does is a fair trade.

Now look at how she’s received. Everyone complaining about her is hates her because:

They hate her cloak with a passion.
They think she has too much burst damage.
Or they think her identity changed too much and actually WANT the weaker, more selective Sombra back.

No one is going to win. I’d say she’s better now than back then because her escape was really the only thing that set her apart from anyone. Her damage without Hacking a target was pitiful at best, especially when most characters would still be able to turn around and kill her faster or would have their abilities back before she could kill them. I can count on 1 hand the number of times Sombra was an actual threat to me before she got Virus, and every single time it was in FFA while I was playing a character she hard countered, the player every time had Diamond Contender or higher as their title.

Especially after S9 since that forced her, with her 8.4 or so damage per shot in a 60 round mag, to make sure she hits 50% of her shots if we exclude Virus and Opportunist. And when 40% is considered good or at least decent aim in a game like this, who besides maybe Masters or higher is hitting 50% of their shots on a character with an automatic weapon that has spread? The correct answer is no one if sites like Overbuff are to be believed.

How many characters, especially ones with inaccurate or automatic weapons, need to land 50% of their shots per mag to kill the average character? Then ask how many have a damage ability and/ or a way to make hitting easier? How many actually need to aim as opposed to just aiming in their general direction and let the target unconsciously just strafe into them?

With all that in mind, the only way old Sombra would work would be one or more of the following:

  • if she also got her damage increased to around 11-13
  • got her passive damage bonus reverted to 40% or higher
  • a boost to her Hacking speed
  • or turn Hack into a projectile mixed with Virus to some extent since time hacking the target is time she could’ve spent shooting them. Just shoot them with Virus and by the time they get hit, she’s already shot them 8/30 times she would’ve needed otherwise without that 20-40% boost.

Sombra’s invisibility in its originally form was lifted straight out of TF2. It’s native to the hero-shooter genre.

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You mean go back to Sombra 1.0 :rofl:

Nah, with this HP cap, virus has to be there. She literally doesn’t have anything offensive to burst anyone.

That’s a very good achievement from Blizzard.

This is a fair advice and I agree with that 100%.

I wish all Sombra players would have taken this path but unfortunately they are still there which means there is still more work to do.

to all the sombra haters…

a grain of salt … :salt: :salt:

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otp chad Sombra players : People die when I boop, I’m Sombra.

Newbie support : -intense chills- :scream:

Reddit Lucio : Sombra ? She’s cute. Proceed to boop her into the void.

I like the idea of the invis having a solid humming sound, something distinct just for her that would be easy to separate from other sounds but something that stands out primarily when their isn’t a lot going on around you.

They done this quite a few times over the years.

Appeal to tradition.

Personally i don’t have anything against invis sombra and i honestly enjoyed playing against last version of sombra alot. But i still think the invisible assasin is bad for a pvp game like ow. Specfically its longeveity

Why? Because the counter to it her is just to learn every map inside and out, memorize flank routes, her movement speed and audio queues. Done, you now know that she only has like <5 viable positions to strike from at any moment and you can spycheck and position accordingly. This isn’t a problem for old players, they where all there when the games had fewer maps only had to learn new map every now and then. But for new players that has almost 3x the maps to learn its a pretty big hurdle and together with an invisible char that kills them ‘‘out from nowhere with no counter’’ it scares people away.

Ofc if you look at their replay you can see (and hear) that the sombra was going to attack them from a mile away and that they had ample opportunity to do something about it. So you could argue that they should just git gud and l2p. I’m inclinded to agree tbh, about 45/55% agree/disagree.