The Sombra Nerf is Extreme

She’s not playable any more. The whole idea behind Sombra is that she’s supposed to be stealthy and able to get out of difficult situation fast. Not any more. She’s dead weight. Maps I used to default to Sombra no longer works because her tactics no longer apply. Her LSHIFT should allow a quick escape or evasion not this stupid virus attack, its worthless. Just delete her from the roster.


Don’t threaten us with a good time


OP woke up from their cryogenic capsule and booted up OW lol.


sombra nerf? what?!

i own with sombra in this game and i do feel guilty about it…

yea its quickplay and with the “SMALL” amount of time i played in gold rank i owned.

in other words i think she is fine for most of the casual playerbase or mid/low rank… as for the higher ranks i dont have a clue. that is the top 5 percent of players tho…

do you really matter ??? :wink:

hehe yea of course it should be balanced for top ranks but the tricky part for a lot of heroes that if you do that they would be broken or a non factor for lower… sorry maybe you dont matter since the minority?

She is both stealthy and able to get out of situations fast still

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Sombra did not deserve her fate; however, Blizzard’s response to everything that gets too many complaints is to just nerf it. Never fix it.



You are wrong buddha, She very much deserved it.


Her skill ceiling is higher, therefore people who are used to being carried by perm invis feel shes bad, while people who know how to play the game feel shes strong.



probably better than before since a bit more burst. yea stealth is limited but that is a position issue.

sombra will always be a love personally to me no matter the hate. unless of course a rework totally changers her… like that loki type rework that was leaked in china? of course its probably faked? … lol… uhh

anyways my most favorite old sombra montages

Absolutely not.
The killing and set up potential is lower.

They just made her clunky and unable to engage or disengage at will. Tying her invis to the TP was one of the worst decisions Blizzard made in 2024.

Top 3 to be honest with you.


Number 1 worst decision of all time was adding Sombra to the game in the first place so it cancels out


That doesn’t really matter because Sombra hasn’t been what she’s supposed to be for quite some time now. Blizzard’s attempt to make Sombra more “appealing” is destroying her! Sombra is a hero with high freedom, designed to disrupt the enemy. It’s simply impossible to let Sombra continue to exist if you remove these traits, as they are fundamental to her identity.

Even the best players say she’s trash!

Here’s a link that describes it quite well. While I don’t agree with everything, it ultimately explains why this could be the case:

Aside from the fact that this is nonsense, even the best Sombra players currently find her terrible. Sombra opponents wanted her to require more interaction, but the rework actually makes her interact less because you have to wait 5 seconds every time before you can attack.

On top of that, people played Sombra for her freedom and her focus on sabotage, but both have been completely removed. If you want to sabotage someone now, it’s more about luck than skill!

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I have no idea what nerf you’re talking about aside from losing permanent invisibility a while ago. Her damage has only gone up as much as her presence in the fight.

she is still a stupid hardcounter.

It is actually insane that they added a character with a 6s silence to a hero shooter. Like they had a concept meeting, some guy introduced mexican hacker lady with a translocator (bs get out of jail ability), invis (belongs in pve games imo) and 1/10min long silence.

And everyone was like “cool hero bro, lets do it”
A SIX SECOND LONG SILENCE? In game with <1s ttk? Are you ok? You know this isnt WoW meeting?
Launch brig and sigma (2k shield with 0cd lol) was also dumb but ow1 sombra takes the win imo.

Don’t mind ow2 sombra though.

There are unironically people here who think stealth heroes don’t belong in pvp games. Like bruh they gotta go back to singleplayer games. They deserve to get hit with a rocket hammer irl for such a terrible take lmfao with a post-it note on the blunt end that says “stupid-be-gone”. Maybe that’d knock some sense into them.

“B-but this game should be competitive-”

  1. People who take this game seriously as a competitive game are completely vestigial organisms and are inferior to the rest of us in every single way. I am mot saying we make this game a hypercasual mess. But dumbing down the game for “competitive balance” is legit the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

  2. There is not a single hero in this game who deserves what Sombra got. Not one.

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What happened to Sombra, has happened to a lot of the unprotected lower class of heroes who aren’t meant to challenge the devs favourites. She was dumpstered. In doing this continually, the devs have dumpstered their own game by scaring everyone off.


whoever did that…WAS A GENIUS. the most troll hero in a video game. i would shake his hand


Plenty of matches with good sombras giving our team a difficult time. Maybe its you not her?