The Sombra competitive experience

That’s the mode I switch to when I see one player in particular that is consistently causing us problems.

Yeah, I’ve even done it (as much as I normally hate having Sombra on my team). Just be careful, it doesn’t always work even if the Sombra is decent (I think that usually indicates their whole team was actually good).

To make it worthwhile, the player you are harassing has to have to ability to be more effective than you would be if you had just gone ahead and played normally. So a Widow that takes out half my team every 15 seconds is well worth harassing, for example.

Sombra is one of the most voice chat reliant dps in the game, most of sombras i get don’t even join voice so don’t blame people for hating sombra players. I hate them too.

edit: my sombra competetive experience was instalock never switch , not join voice chat and proceed to lose the game most of the time, 1 in 10 sombras actually i meet has any idea how sombra works.

That, plus, your team has to be functional without whatever the Sombra player was playing before.

It’s especially tricky with DPS because often only the effective DPS player will be communicative/willing to switch. So you are usually stuck with the bad DPS player now attempting to carry the team damage.

Well in my case I was probably already playing Sombra as I seldom switch to her, though I will switch off of her if it’s just not working.

Sombra is no different to any other hero when it comes to the rest of the team not capitalising on the good work she does. The difference is that a lot of players aren’t used to playing with a Sombra and working with her, or just don’t notice the good stuff she does. They just see a pattern of Sombra = loss when it’s often not the Sombra’s fault.

That said, if your team won’t take advantage of your good work then you’re not being effective on Sombra - even if it’s not your fault. Sometimes you might achieve more as a team if the Sombra changes. But I do hate the way people demand changes like you describe. I don’t play Sombra, but when I see team mates act like that I often think to myself, “Gee, it’s not her fault. You just need to git gud”.

HAHAHAHA :laughing: :clap:

You laugh, but it is. Its way easier to do be a bad Sombra than it is to be a bad Genji. Most people in the lower ranks arent even good enough to hit a Genji who just spams double jump.

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While I agree people in low ranks can’t shoot a jumping Genji, I disagree that any aspect of Sombra has a higher skill floor or ceiling than Genji.

Bronze this week

Sombra 36.99% winrate

(looks like a low skill floor hero to you?)

At the same time

Genji winrate 45.53%

Players who are bad at the game will perform better on heroes which are easy to pick up.

Sombra is arguably the hardest hero in the game.

Maybe my personal experience is not an accurate analysis compared to the rest of the community.

In my experience, Sombra is relatively easy to learn. Simple hitscan with spread and big clip. Infinite invisibility and a teleport to safety. She reminds me of Tracer with training wheels.

Genji’s projectile primary fire alone is high skill floor. It’s an extremely unique staggered-projectile-3round burst. Aiming shurikens while double jumping is very challenging as well. These are basic skill floor mechanics for Genji that most players take time to pick up. His ult is way higher skill floor, too.

By hard stats and data, bronze players have it easier on Genji than on Sombra.

Infinite tp and invis are traps as they encourage hiding and doing nothing for the team.

Learning Sombra means to minimize down time, knowing who and when to hack. What hack interrupts and what doesnt. What is save and what is risky?

When and on whom can you farm EMP the most efficient?
How do you use EMP the most efficient way? Its very easy to just throw it away effectively doing nothing.

Sombra requires alot of game mechanic knowledge, game sense, aim, positioning, communication and coordination.

Genji compared to that isnt all that complicates as many people have trouble hitting a Genji who just spams double jump and feel like its impossible to kill him when he whips out his blade.

As a Genji player, even if youre not good with him, you can bet on others being even worse at dealing with him, which makes him more forgiving.

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I may be wrong, but I still completely disagree. What you’re talking about is mostly skill-ceiling not floor, and I would say Genji is still much harder in both areas. Most of the stuff you mention applies to every hero

Skill floor is how hard is a hero to just pick up and being half decent at them. That means the easier to pick up, the lower the skill floor. Sombra does effectively nothing if you dont know how to play her.
Genji is more self explaining.

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Again, you can say that she is harder to pick up but my experience is the exact opposite. She seems easy to pick up.

According to your profile you have like 3 minutes playtime total on her. How would you know?

This is alt account I’m level 1300+ between my two PC and Xbox acc. I have peaked 3.9k. I understand what Sombra can do and how to play her/play against her

Just came out of a game where another guy kept telling me to switch from Sombra to something useful so that we can kill Pharah. At the end of the match:

Me: You didn’t see me taking her out whenever she came out and canceled 3 of her ults?
Him: Sure didn’t.
RestOfTeam: I saw her hacking Pharah out of barrage.
Him: Well, you should have still switched to a hitscan because of Hammond.
Me: You can’t be serious.

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