The Sombra changes that had been tested out

I hope they won’t change a lot. I think Sombra’s at her best state currently - I’m having more fun playing her than ever and I don’t want them to change that.

Well you have another year until OW2 is out to enjoy current Sombra at least

Kills everything, including songs, so no, he can’t heal.

Pharah: Can’t Fly, all she has is basic attack, which is 120 dmg, but you still have an opening to kill her, especially if you dodge slow projectile 120 rockets.
Doom: Nothing. He legit can’t do anything if he’s hacked. He can’t do rollouts, he can’t punch, he can’t slam, ult, list goes on. All he has is a terrible basic attack that is only effective close range, and only has 4 shots, and has to auto reload itself, not manually, like a lot of characters in the game.
Tracer: Practically same position as Doomfist, just with better basic attack, and squishier hp pool.
Genji: Same position as Tracer and Doom, just with the option to attack from further distance, but he’s gonna be close-ish to the Sombra, so why would you Left Click as a hacked Genji against the Sombra who hacked you? Unless she’s walking away, but really, Sombra’s gonna kill you, not run, most of the time, so likely, your Right Clicking, and even then, Sombra bests you. He can’t Dash Sombra if he’s hacked! Resets don’t get rid of the hacked effect.

(Face Palms so Hard, my face bleeds) Yes, you can hack rein, even in grav, if you actually target him with hack. Zen too, hack him first, then other ults can kick in. If you need a longer hack, just ult Zen, then manual hack again, which shuts his ult down for a good 15 seconds, if done right. Hacking person out of position? It’s one guy! Don’t get hit, especially easy for projectiles. If they get hacked, they can’t punch/dash/speed boost. Your suppose to kill squishies, and hack the tanks, cause most tanks are good hack targets, also good to shoot tanks too for ult charge, and potential kills. Another Tracer but worse? Out of your mind at that point.

Sombra will be fine. I’m sure that they won’t do anything that drastic to her. If anything, they could be buffing her, which the only concern should be if they accidentally over buff her, which is out of our power, realistically. But they might fix their mistakes, I mean, they have attempted to fix things people have had issues with for a long time, and are doing things that never got done, like Bastion rework finally kickin in, and other things.

Thanks 4 ur time,
The, Brigitte, Tracer, Orisa, Mercy and Genji main at ur service,

I guess. I was really waiting forward to Ow2 and now I’m mainly saddened by what the state of the game will likely be. I really wanted to play ow for another 4 years and thought it would bring more life to the game. Now I’m not so sure.

I suppose it’s only natural that different people like a hero for different reasons. For me her biggest appeal has always been Hack.

First of all it gives something of a Support aspect to her character, I love hacking enemies that are busy fighting my teammates and tipping the scales in their favor unexpectedly. Hacking medkits is a really nice ability too, especially in non-Role Lock modes where there’ll often just be a single Support.
I also really enjoy hacking enemies that I’m fighting myself, and turning the tables on them. Normally a McCree or a Roadhog or a Bastion will make short work of a Sombra, but once they’ve been hacked and have to fight without their abilities Sombra has a good chance of actually defeating them.
Last but not least, Hack creates so many hilarious situations. Hacking a Pharah above a pit, a Mercy mid-rez, a McCree or Moira or Sigma during their ult, a wallriding Lucio, a Reaper as he jumps into my team to use his ult, causing him to not “die-die-die” but instead die horribly himself. :grin: The list goes on and on. The funniest moments in this game for me are particularly juicy hacks.

This doesn’t mean I don’t like her other abilities, actually I like her whole kit. Translocating out a moment before death, sneaking around and observing enemies while they have no idea I’m there, tracking a low health target through walls and gunning him down just before he gets to the medkit (even better if it’s one I hacked), and of course EMP is a teamfight deciding ult. But ultimately what gives me the most joy while playing Sombra is the Hack.

You say you expect that my opinion is in the minority, and I would actually agree. In past discussions on this forum about possible Sombra reworks I’ve also noticed a lot of enthusiasm from people about shifting her power from Hack to damage. But for me deleting Hack and replacing it with something else would rob her of what makes her fun and unique, and probably ultimately would make the game not worth playing anymore. Well. As I said, different people, different likes.

Yeah, I’m also starting to get a real bad feeling about Overwatch 2 now. It’s not worth losing Sombra to me. At this point I’d prefer it if they scratched the whole 5v5 idea, or maybe make OW2 a separate game after all.

Well, hopefully 5v5 will still be some time off. But I plan to play a truckload of Sombra from now on, and I suggest you do the same. Because we might log in to the game one day and find that Hack suddenly only makes targets visible through walls, or slows them down a bit, or adds two seconds to their cooldowns, or who knows what dumb lame thing they’ll come up with.

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They were looking into reworking Sombra (There were 2 reworks they had tried out) in the second one the hack would basically be extra damage + you are able to see the hacked enemy behind the walls instead. Sombra wouldn’t counter Genji, Doomfist, Lucio, Rein or anymore with her hack like she used to since her hack would simply be extra damage.

I do not believe that u read the start of the forum post at all.

If you had read the post thoroughly, you would have seen that they were testing out these ideas and published what they had tried out – all of which had made her an assassination based character while deleting her hack like it is the current Overwatch.

Also being able to get a hack off isn’t that simple. Players in high elo can actually aim and for example there’s no chance that I’ll be able to dodge the bullets of a soldier in order to get a hack off on any of their team members unless the one shooting at me is reloading.

Of course I should have probably said " I would no longer be able to…" But English is not my native language and I am sorry for this mistake. What is done is done.

Yeah, they shouldn’t go through with the rework. Bad idea in my opinion.

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Hack is in the game to keep crazy **** in check. Doom and Hammond and Mei never were real issues, players just refused to pick the obvious counter.

I do get that the majority does not play Sombra. Sombra is a really hard character to master and requires a lot more work and skill so one can archive the same results as with the other dps. Also she is mainly viable in the high ranks only. But the minority that does play Sombra, really love the way her hack works and that is really the reason most of the current Sombra players end up picking Sombra. After all, one good hack can turn the tide of a fight.

There is nothing better than getting a good, valuable and well timed hack off - which is the reason I play her. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if they added more tactical game play possibilities to her kit, but lessening it drastically is not the way to go imho.

I support this!
Please keep hack how it is! I understand that some adjustments needs to be made for 5v5, so I’d say that you should change EMP instead. Make it so it’s not as powerful as it is now, but still very affective


Possibly. But I also think they consider hers soft cc and not a “if this happens to you, you will surely die”. Even in their demo, she’d hack things and they wouldn’t die lol