Criticisms and Compliments for 5v5

I have some good news for you, they just spent 2+ hours in a livestream telling you there will be changes.

If you think from a company point of view, no. OW was responsible for a big chunk of Blizzard’s MAU loss, while COD was responsible for the largest chunk of profit.

They want to move the game away from being niche like TF2 and Paladins to something that attracts players from all over the place, like Valorant did. They know most people who stick to OW1 so far will remain and the ones who didnt stick or never played may want something new. OW is no longer the only hero based game sustained by a major company like 5 years ago, they are thinking about competition more than ever.

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SFs shock fires Super, if rein is meta who plays Rein?
Maybe they fire Smurf, but if monkey is meta who plays it.
Fire Choi, then who plays, Zarya and Sigma.

Even if for some reason all off-tanks suck in OW2 and never ever get balanced, they will still need someone to play them for league hero pools.

Maybe LAV will cut a player, since they have a benched diamond, but not many teams are in the league to be in the bottom forever.

Maybe because there’s been no new content for over a year now? You get maybe 7 new skins every few months which don’t take long or many resources. The events themselves are all 5 years old with little to nothing new added. Valorent is also F2P and isn’t a good game just free.

A lot was because of this, but the game was going down since the end of dive and start of goats. OW was always this not very accessible game that is a fps but plays like a moba, its different and I enjoy it, but it is niche.

Games that work like OW1 have a small margin to attract players from classic fps titles, that hold the majority of fps players. Just look at the pro scene and you will see most the OG ones were from TF2 and titles of the like. Valorant and Apex in the other hand are attracting CS, COD and OW players. In my opnion all changes focus on addressing this. The focus right now seems to be: Keep the game unique but increase the range of players who might be interested on it.

If it will work I have no idea, but if it does they have done the best move possible.

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And immediately before that:

Which means that it wishes all of its other children would grow up to be just like Call of Duty, and that’s exactly what Activision is trying to make happen. During its same earnings call, Activision honed in on the “multiple entry points” for the Call of Duty franchise across premium, free-to-play, and mobile, citing this as a recipe for success it intends to implement into its other major properties.

“Call of Duty is the template we’re applying” means the business model will be the same. You can argue that OW2 will be more like CoD in gameplay, but that’s not what this quote is saying at all.


Nah Aaron Keller nor geof Goodman will never ever allow it to happen. it’s why every member and voice actor is leaving overwatch at the moment. especially people in team 4. the lead artist of overwatch for 12 years from team 4. he worked in blizzard entertainment but he recently quit. he will probably join riot or light forge gaming. Sweet annaj that does the voice of symetra said the other day that she probably will go acting full time and leave due to it being stressful and not rewarding enough to players. same with dva ,mercy, sombra apparently they felt like they got slapped in the face with utter most disrespect to character work. Just like everyone else they were shocked when 5 vs 5 was announced.

Do you have a source for this?

Do you have a source for this? Sounds unbelievable to me, frankly.

Think at this point they should have made it F2P. Most of their revenue from it will be from loot boxes anyway.

Two things, the first is that I never inferred the quote was talking about gameplay. The second is that to say that it’s definitively the business model and only the business model is making an assumption. I’m not making one one way or the other. I only present the quote because it does align with what LordVile said and no matter how you look at it the connotations are somewhat ominous. Between you and me, even I think the business model is the most likely inference but I imagine most of us wouldn’t welcome their business model either. And as the article says immediately afterwards:

It’s not quite clear yet what Kotick means about using Call of Duty as a “template,” even as the publisher likely ramps up development efforts on the franchises it wants to expand in that vein.

I’m simply presenting the quote as it is, without commentary, because Kotick himself didn’t elaborate on it and as the article admits anything beyond that is a guess.

For Supp & DPS right? Cos many tanks, me inc- have already checked out.

wait youd rather have 5v5?

Time will tell which I’d prefer, but I’m absolutely coming back to give it a proper go with an open mind.

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i like your thinking

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people complain constantly about tanking now and queues are long because of it. We need to change the role

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Mccree flashbang is getting changed… Doomfist is getting changed. Mei freeze has been confirmed to be removed from her main fire. I kinda feel like Sombra has to change too after what they have said about the other cc heroes.

I made a post about the tried Sombra rework ideas by blizzard. Let’s work together and voice our oppionions, friend.

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You were directly replying to someone talking about the gameplay and said that they “hit the nail right on the head”.

Also you probably mean “implied”, though “inferred” does leave the sentence with a reasonable meaning.

Yeah well this might not surprise you but I’m not perfect. Case in point I have remade this post a bunch of times trying to find a way to acknowledge that without sounding pathetic or egotystical. I ask that you be charitable to me bud, as admittedly I don’t always do everything so perfectly as I might like to. Just you know, I never saw it the way that you understood it. The failure is mine I suppose. A “may have” would have avoided any confusion. Of course, I was replying to somebody talking about gameplay because I honestly believe that is a possibility but you know, I don’t believe it’s the only possibility. I’m just not happy with my performance in this thread in general and would like to start over now if that’s okay.

Just stop, no one will ever believe your lies